I disagree about Goro, he actually had rather notable design change in X, he’s always been one of my favorites but before he only really had his thong and ying-yang belt.This is true, but it’s still a lot of effort to put in for a pre-order character, whereas Goro and Darkseid pretty much looked how you would expect them to look.
Speaking with @TheGabStandard earlier, he brought up an interesting theory. With all the implications of timeline meddling so far, perhaps this is Shao Kahn after winning Armageddon in the original timeline, and might actually be canon to some degree.
I want this skin for his hammer. How did you get it?Looks cool, but I do like how in that other picture we can make him the OG Klassic Shao Kahn. I like the classic skull mask more. I do like how he looks less human and more like the demonic race he is from Outworld. His hammer looks like a giant meat beater though, not going to lie lol.
But is it King Ghidorah worthy gold?Oh my god the gold looks soo nice
Big daddy ShaoI'm just gonna say it: he looks hot as fuck. That is a sexy design.
Is my English not good enough or...?I don’t understand.
It's not that serious. I am just trying to say that pre-order bonus doesn't make me hyped or want to pre-order at all. I would like to have him in game, since he is a DLC character but i am not like: "I have to pre-order MK11".Hating a character so much that you don't want to pre-order a game JUST so you won't get said character...
I mean, you do you, it's your money and your decision, and I would never tell you what to do.
Sounds a bit extreme to me though.
Ah okay, fair enough then. You just initially made it sound more extreme, imo.It's not that serious. I am just trying to say that pre-order bonus doesn't make me hyped or want to pre-order at all. I would like to have him in game, since he is a DLC character but i am not like: "I have to pre-order MK11".
I feel like they could have done better but whatever.