so i have been messing with this, and i don't think Rain is going to turn into a Cyrax like, he needs it, character.
the biggest thing about this Reset is that are opponents well have to respect the fact the we can now do 70+%, and once they respect that we will more or less get free block strings, and grabs.
say you get your opponent in a bubble, drop him and grab him twice in a row, the next time you get him in a bubble he might be thinking..."fuck this I'm going to blow him up with a poke, or pressure and not get grabbed." and that is when you blow him up with the reset.
I fell like once they know you can reset them they are not going to let go of block so ideally you could just drop them, use your RH pressure and keep them in your face were no one wants Rain to be.
i also think everyone should also try using the EX lighting are the high of the bubble, right when the burst out, use your EX lighting is has the same effect. I'm not saying resetting of 4,3 is a bad idea, i just find the timing very hard