I can't take people seriously when they complain a character is "jerk-off fodder" with no depth when all we see in this site is people bitching because MK female characters aren't booby bots with no depth anymore.
Anyway, I'd like that KP, I really would. But I don't think it's real personally. The only reason why the first leak was spot on is because we had leaked dialogue lines, now everyone is just riding on the credibility of that one and filling everything else with wishful thinking. Just my two cents though.
Also I thought we were over crying about guest characters when they sell infinitely more than MK universe characters and generate a million times more hype. I'm not a big fan either, but they're not going anywhere. If we had no guests all that would happen is that we'd have fewer DLC characters. NRS's not about to fill 12 DLC slots with characters that when combined would probably sell less than Terminator+Joker+Spawn.