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NEC - 2/3 and here is why...

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First of all it isn't that simple. Do you know the shit storm that would arise from DQ'ing someone like REO, Jr, 16bit, etc? Almost EVERYONE who travels for MK9 is a killer, so DQ'ing anyone will really shine a negative light on whoever makes that decision. Regardless of why they were DQ'd. People would be screaming "Illuminati" from the roof tops. And would you really DQ someone that has traveled all the way to Philly from the WC just because they aren't present on time? Legitimate problems arise, people aren't always late just because they're lazy.

Second of all, have you ever ran a tournament? Unless you have the money, time, and man power MLG has, it isn't so black and white easy to handle. It takes hard work and dedication to run a tournament, I'm sure most people have seen that first hand. And as far as I know, they're not getting paid to run the MK tournaments, they're doing it for the community.
Maybe if you dqed people theyd be better about being there on time. Do you think mlg wouldnt dq reo? I tjinkbthdy would. Its the playets fault for not being on time.


Lose without excuses
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Everyone needs to chill for a second. Stop making this into a bigger deal than it really is. At this point, the tournament will be 2/3. This isn't a negotiable decision, as it isn't our decision. It isn't Phil's decision, Rob's, or any of ours. Phil is just trying to help you guys understand why it is, in fact, going to be 2/3 instead of 3/5.


My blades will find your heart
I'm trying to accommodate... if it's a bad idea, it's a bad idea. It's not like I play... it's not like it'll affect my tournament experience.

It's evident that my "experience" will be listening to people whine and complain about the work we're doing, the money we're spending, the time we're putting into everything and asking for nothing in return.
Im not going to NEC but i always appreciate anyone who runs these things, it is a huge commitment. Best of luck.


well judging from what i seen i think i do other wise he would be in this thread giving his reason for not having 3/5 and listen to the community complaints about this.
Dude seriously, what is your problem? Big E was having Mortal Kombat at his tournaments 10 years before MK9 came out. He is one of the longest running and biggest supporters of Mortal Kombat at tournaments. He had MK at tournaments when there was no money in it for him. He cared when no one else did. And your gonna question that dudes integrity and say all he cares about is getting venue fee's? WOW!


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Since I'm responsible for this mess... I'm ending it. Just read the first post.

Phil, Shock, Swift, Rob, myself and others who will be helping run the tournament and in the meantime, we will work to discuss any possible way to incorporate 3/5 instead of 2/3 but for now it will be 2/3.

Thank you.
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