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NEC - 2/3 and here is why...

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First of all it isn't that simple. Do you know the shit storm that would arise from DQ'ing someone like REO, Jr, 16bit, etc? Almost EVERYONE who travels for MK9 is a killer, so DQ'ing anyone will really shine a negative light on whoever makes that decision. Regardless of why they were DQ'd. People would be screaming "Illuminati" from the roof tops. And would you really DQ someone that has traveled all the way to Philly from the WC just because they aren't present on time? Legitimate problems arise, people aren't always late just because they're lazy.

Second of all, have you ever ran a tournament? Unless you have the money, time, and man power MLG has, it isn't so black and white easy to handle. It takes hard work and dedication to run a tournament, I'm sure most people have seen that first hand. And as far as I know, they're not getting paid to run the MK tournaments, they're doing it for the community.
if a top player knows he is suppose to play its on him if he is not on time for his match. remember its the players responsibility to be there for there match if they get dq then tuff shit next time they will know not to ever do that again for a tourney. no1 is gonna cry Illuminati it would be the players own fault. if i was to get dq it would be my own fault and no1 else's fault for it.


This community blows my mind sometimes. The selfishness, me, me ,me, I,I,I,want,want,want. WE ARE NOT MLG. WE CANNOT DO WHAT THEY DO. We do not have the resources,time,equipment, or manpower.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Let's be serious here. Even with the TOs on top of things and doing their best there's always chaos and delays. You can count on that. The fact that the veteran organizers here are hesitant about this should be a huge red flag. We should trust their judgment. As someone traveling I want the best tournament experience possible and it's about more than just the number of games. I also don't want pools that run forever and long ass wait time between matches. I fully support 2/3 in this case and even just 3/5 in top 16 or top 8 is a compromise beyond the call of duty.


Do not touch me again.
This community blows my mind sometimes. The selfishness, me, me ,me, I,I,I,want,want,want. WE ARE NOT MLG. WE CANNOT DO WHAT THEY DO. We do not have the resources,time,equipment, or manpower.
Isn't is crazy when people who give you money have expectations? THE NERVE!!!


Isn't is crazy when people who give you money have expectations? THE NERVE!!!
Giving me money? Nobody is giving me money. Im spending my own money to go down and help run this thing. I am not making a dime, nor is that even the reason I do it. None of us get any money for doing this. Community tournaments are for players by players. And we do the best we can with the resources we have. MLG has spoiled everyone and now they want something we are incapable of delivering.


I've seen the room that is provided to us at NEC i'm pretty sure we can fit enough monitors and ps3s there to run the tournament on the same time it was planned to be ran with 2/3 matches, we jsut need some volunteers to bring them. we just needto be more organized, not necessarily starting matches earlier, i know we can do it, this is better for the people paying their money to go and compete, no for the ones who stay home and will complaint that they didn't see pig of the hut, PL, CD, DJT or any important matches on stream, MLG doesnt only do this because they have the setups for, they do it this way because this is reasonable for the people paying their money and competing on this.


I've seen the room that is provided to us at NEC i'm pretty sure we can fit enough monitors and ps3s there to run the tournament on the same time it was planned to be ran with 2/3 matches, we jsut need some volunteers to bring them. we just needto be more organized, not necessarily starting matches earlier, i know we can do it, this is better for the people paying their money to go and compete, no for the ones who stay home and will complaint that they didn't see pig of the hut, PL, CD, DJT or any important matches on stream, MLG doesnt only do this because they have the setups for, they do it this way because this is reasonable for the people paying their money and competing on this.
Cool, so Max, I can count on you not competing, not drinking, and instead volunteering to make this happen?

CDJr, you too?




Ican volunteer with a monitor and a ps3 if neccesary, i can't tell about competing or running the event, i jsut find it a little unfair, Big E has 300+ people playing umvc being a 3/5 and we cant have maybe 70/90 people playing a 3/5? is a reasonable love our community gets a the grass Roots


Cool, so Max, I can count on you not competing, not drinking, and instead volunteering to make this happen?

CDJr, you too?


im not going there to help run a event im going there to play and when i see shit like we are waiting for people to come to the venue holding up the tourney or we not starting at the schedule start time im gonna make a very big scene about it infront of every. im a very punctual guy and when i see shit running late over bullshit it pisses me off.


i can volunteer with a monitor and a ps2 if neccesary, i can't tell about competing or running the event, i jsut find it a little unfair, bug d has 300+ people playing umvc being a 3/5 and we cant have maybe 70/90 people playing a 3/5? is a reasonable love our community gets a the grass Roots
i so agree with u on this. the only reason y marvel went 3/5 cause they fuckin saw mlg doing that shit and decided to do the same for that game.


Phil, D rob, i'm not trying to stress you up guys, i was just giving opinions on how this could be ran on the same time.I will still go to the tournament with any rules that come into place, it was just a suggestion, it is too late for this community to try to change things really


im not going there to help run a event im going there to play and when i see shit like we are waiting for people to come to the venue holding up the tourney or we not starting at the schedule start time im gonna make a very big scene about it infront of every. im a very punctual guy and when i see shit running late over bullshit it pisses me off.
Natas, when I run MK at a Major, I run it on time. I haven't been to a major since Winter Brawl back in February and that was one of the smoothest tournaments I've ever been a part of.

I'm talking about the sheer time requirement to do 3/5.

First, BigE has already said it's 2/3, so there's no need to pointlessly argue over it anymore.

Second, as I already said, we're talking 1hr 40 mins PER POOL if we do 3/5...and that's a MINIMUM time per pool. We run 2 pools at a time, so it'll be a MINIMUM of 8hrs 40 mins just to run pools down to TOP 16!!! Then we have to stream top 16. This is a HUGE time commitment, and that's if and only if the tournament runs without hitches, without problems, without anything... that's only if it's clear sailing from beginning to end.

All tournaments have problems.
-We could not have forseen the electrical problem at ECT3.
-We could not have forseen the monitor, system, locked DLC problems at Apex.

See where I'm going here? Things that are out of our control ALWAYS happen. You plan for the best but expect the worst, then you make adjustments on the fly.


missiles are coming
I should also mention, top 16 will ALL be 3/5.
Phil, that is fucked up. Tournament rules should... can not change mid tournament. Someone could have gotten to top 16 if it was 3/5...then the rules switch? I can't support this.

I'm fine with 2/3, we are always crunching for time as is. But changing it mid tournament is unfair to everyone involved.


Come On Die Young
First of all it isn't that simple. Do you know the shit storm that would arise from DQ'ing someone like REO, Jr, 16bit, etc? Almost EVERYONE who travels for MK9 is a killer, so DQ'ing anyone will really shine a negative light on whoever makes that decision. Regardless of why they were DQ'd. People would be screaming "Illuminati" from the roof tops. And would you really DQ someone that has traveled all the way to Philly from the WC just because they aren't present on time? Legitimate problems arise, people aren't always late just because they're lazy.

Second of all, have you ever ran a tournament? Unless you have the money, time, and man power MLG has, it isn't so black and white easy to handle. It takes hard work and dedication to run a tournament, I'm sure most people have seen that first hand. And as far as I know, they're not getting paid to run the MK tournaments, they're doing it for the community.
If the problem is the staff's lack of manpower to efficiently run a 3/5 tournament, I'm sure many people here (myself included) would be willing to help out on the staff.


Phil, D rob, i'm not trying to stress you up guys, i was just giving opinions on how this could be ran on the same time.I will still go to the tournament with any rules that come into place, it was just a suggestion, it is too late for this community to try to change things really
I understand that, and I appreciate you saying it.

It's not too late for future tournaments. It definitely is too late for NEC. Winter Brawl is a different story entirely though. No promises, but let's see how things go.


Phil, D rob, i'm not trying to stress you up guys, i was just giving opinions on how this could be ran on the same time.I will still go to the tournament with any rules that come into place, it was just a suggestion, it is too late for this community to try to change things really
all nec is gonna care about is getting there $30/$40 venue fee. they could give 2 shits about what the community wants


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
If the problem is the staff's lack of manpower to efficiently run a 3/5 tournament, I'm sure many people here (myself included) would be willing to help out on the staff.
It isn't just manpower though. I'm sure they would love the help regardless. But they don't have the set-ups as well. Also, Big E has already said that it's 2/3 for MK9, if you read Phil's earlier post. So nothing can really be done at this point. All of the top 16 is 3/5, so that should make most of you guys happy.


Phil, that is fucked up. Tournament rules should... can not change mid tournament. Someone could have gotten to top 16 if it was 3/5...then the rules switch? I can't support this.

I'm fine with 2/3, we are always crunching for time as is. But changing it mid tournament is unfair to everyone involved.
I'm trying to accommodate... if it's a bad idea, it's a bad idea. It's not like I play... it's not like it'll affect my tournament experience.

It's evident that my "experience" will be listening to people whine and complain about the work we're doing, the money we're spending, the time we're putting into everything and asking for nothing in return.


Phil, D rob, i'm not trying to stress you up guys, i was just giving opinions on how this could be ran on the same time.I will still go to the tournament with any rules that come into place, it was just a suggestion, it is too late for this community to try to change things really
Maxter Ive been trying to explain this the best I can. No one understands because very few people here have ever had to run a major tournament. I like 3/5 I really do. I wish we had the time, the resources,equipment and manpower to do it. But we dont, and unfortuantely nothing will change that. You cant compare it with Marval because Marvel will have 30+ setups and a huge team of people running it. We dont. We have a handful of dedicated people who will do our very best to give you guys the best tournament we can. But we can only do what we can do, and we simply cant do it.
Im sorry man. I dont know what else to say.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
thats their problem. if i do any of that please dq me i promise i wont hate you or like you less because it is MY responsibility as player to be there on time.
1. yes
2. dq them
3. call him on his damn phone he is a special case and we can run plenty of other matches or even start other pools till he comes back.
4. dq them

problem solved! if this was mlg they would be dqed in a heart beat.
wait, what? no. DQ his diva ass!
Last thing mk community needs to do is wait on chris G
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