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NEC - 2/3 and here is why...

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I posted this in the other thread, but I want there to be a clear cut answer on this so everyone can see it without digging my answer out.

Shock and I just discussed all this earlier...

MK9 cannot be 3/5 for a multitude of reasons.

I know there's been a small fuss over it recently, especially from those who regularly attend and watch MLG. While I have been part of and do love the MLG production, as a TO of a community tournament, I have to think like one, which is logically and practically.

First, 3/5 adds at least an additional 1/3 of a tournament.
- We run pools in about an hour. 8 pools generally takes us from 3 or 4pm to about 10pm when we begin streaming top 16 down to top 8. 6-7 hours in order to run pools and that is with 8 total pools of 8-10 players(64 to 80 players). We are expecting 90+ for NEC, potentially over 100, where we will use 8 total pools of 12-16 players(96-128 players) This is an additional 1/4 extra time needed just to run 2/3. That makes each 1 hour pool take 1hr 15 mins. Take that, and add the additional 1/3 extra time to run a 3 out of 5 and you have to add to it another 25 mins per pool(1/3 of 1hr is 20 mins, and 1/3 or 15 mins is 5 mins). So our nice 1hr 15 min pools become 1hr 40 mins!!!

Equipment and Space
-We provide the equipment ourselves...meaning the TO's and a few others. We run 2 pools at a time on 3 setups per pool, plus one setup for the stream station. Many of us have purchased monitors, systems, and copies of MK9 for the sole purpose of running MK9 tournaments. Some of us have purchased ADDITIONAL copies of MK9, extra systems and extra monitors for the same purpose.

MLG runs 90+ man brackets quickly, they also have 30+ setups. Community tournaments have the room for 8-10 setup MAXIMUM! The space is not feasible to run an efficient tournament with 90+ players on only 7 setups at a time.

So who wants to step up and provide the additional space the venue needs(at likely a minimum cost of $1000 per day per event room) for a 3/5 tournament, as well as helping to foot the bill for the additional monitors, systems, and games? Lets also hope that, 3 weeks prior to the event you can even book an event room.

-2/3 doesn't even come close to being able to stream all the stream worthy matches. 3/5 will make that even less meaning you viewers will get to see a far smaller sampling of the players.

EVO Standard
-While we are not sure if MK9 will be at EVO 2013, AND NEC is not an EVO qualifying tournament, I think it's a safe gesture, especially when BigE, SweetJohnnyCage, LI Joe, and ShinBlanka(all of whom run EVO qualifying tournaments) will be there, to show them that we still adhere to the EVO standard. It's a small gesture, yes, but we need to show as much support as possible if we want MK9 at EVO again.

The Harsh Reality
You simply don't start a petition to change the format of a game 3 weeks before a tournament of this magnitude happens. When BigE first announced NEC is when this should have been brought up so that we could have planned for it, gathered more systems, asked for more space, gotten more monitors, etc. You don't do this when there's only one paycheck left before the tournament and everyone is using it to get there and pay for their rooms, venue fees, gas, etc.

Sorry, 2/3 it is.


Come On Die Young
I can't disagree with everything you posted here, but as a little counterpoint, I'd like to point out that we could probably run more pools at one time. I distinctly remember the last WB and NEC having loads of setups that people were just playing casuals at during the tournament. Yeah, we probably won't have the 20 setups MLG has for us, but if this is properly planned out I don't see why it couldn't be run within a reasonable time, provided that the start time isn't delayed.

CD jr

i dont agree with none of this but w.e. seasons beatings was 3/5 and it was decided super close to the tourney too. marvel is 3/5 because of the random factor the game has which mk also has with all the bugs. keeping it 2/3 to support evo? fuck that man lets make it 3/5 now and if it continues and they really want mk next year at evo the evo staff wouldnt have a problem with mk being 3/5


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
This makes sense. As a player you obviously want more matches for many reasons. But you have to realize that this isn't MLG, we don't have tons of set-ups or the man power to have a longer MK9 tournament. As a compromise, perhaps all of top 8 be 3/5? That still may be a problem though with stream time and everything.

At the end of the day, it's not about not giving the players what they want... it's about not being able to due to the circumstances. Nice post Phil.


You guys have no idea man. The logistics involved in running a tournament like this. The chaos of the environment. The inevetiable delays that will always happen despite your best efforts at avoiding them. It will be everything we can do to make this tourney stay on time as it is, and now you want to make our job damn near impossible??


i dont agree with none of this but w.e
Then you're not paying attention to how busy we are when we run tournaments. You've been there every step of the way watching what we do, what we provide, and how we try, DESPERATELY, to coordinate the entire thing.

You're thinking about what you want, not what is reasonable. Do you think I have the money to spend on another PS3, Asus, and MK9? Do you?

Who is going to provide this magical space we need to put those extra setups on?


people need to learn to run the tourney's on time and learn to dq people who do now show up. if we suppose to start at 1pm then start at 1pm dont start the tourney 2 hours late cause some player is on there way and shit like that. i seen all this happen at ect and it disgusted me and really made me not want to come to another event again. if i goto nec and the same shit happens again then i will never goto an event again.

CD jr

people need to learn to run the tourney's on time and learn to dq people who do now show up. if we suppose to start at 1pm then start at 1pm dont start the tourney 2 hours late cause some player is on there way and shit like that. i seen all this happen at ect and it disgusted me and really made me not want to come to another event again. if i goto nec and the same shit happens again then i will never goto an event again.
preach brother fucking preach!


Moreover, do any of you who want 3/5 pledge to be on time even if we start pools at 11am?

What about if you decide you want a burger and your match comes up?

How about when Chris G disappears for 3 hours at a time?

What about when someone decides to take a dump and then inadvertently takes a 2 hour nap?


Do not touch me again.
Moreover, do any of you who want 3/5 pledge to be on time even if we start pools at 11am?

What about if you decide you want a burger and your match comes up?

How about when Chris G disappears for 3 hours at a time?

What about when someone decides to take a dump and then inadvertently takes a 2 hour nap?
The fact that you even make exceptions for any of these situations really makes me hesitant about travelling to a local ever.

CD jr

I think it's cool as Top 16 is Ft3... maybe also winners/losers finals of pools?
Moreover, do any of you who want 3/5 pledge to be on time even if we start pools at 11am?

What about if you decide you want a burger and your match comes up?

How about when Chris G disappears for 3 hours at a time?

What about when someone decides to take a dump and then inadvertently takes a 2 hour nap?
thats their problem. if i do any of that please dq me i promise i wont hate you or like you less because it is MY responsibility as player to be there on time.


Moreover, do any of you who want 3/5 pledge to be on time even if we start pools at 11am?

What about if you decide you want a burger and your match comes up?

How about when Chris G disappears for 3 hours at a time?

What about when someone decides to take a dump and then inadvertently takes a 2 hour nap?
1. yes
2. dq them
3. call him on his damn phone he is a special case and we can run plenty of other matches or even start other pools till he comes back.
4. dq them

problem solved! if this was mlg they would be dqed in a heart beat.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
people need to learn to run the tourney's on time and learn to dq people who do now show up. if we suppose to start at 1pm then start at 1pm dont start the tourney 2 hours late cause some player is on there way and shit like that. i seen all this happen at ect and it disgusted me and really made me not want to come to another event again. if i goto nec and the same shit happens again then i will never goto an event again.
First of all it isn't that simple. Do you know the shit storm that would arise from DQ'ing someone like REO, Jr, 16bit, etc? Almost EVERYONE who travels for MK9 is a killer, so DQ'ing anyone will really shine a negative light on whoever makes that decision. Regardless of why they were DQ'd. People would be screaming "Illuminati" from the roof tops. And would you really DQ someone that has traveled all the way to Philly from the WC just because they aren't present on time? Legitimate problems arise, people aren't always late just because they're lazy.

Second of all, have you ever ran a tournament? Unless you have the money, time, and man power MLG has, it isn't so black and white easy to handle. It takes hard work and dedication to run a tournament, I'm sure most people have seen that first hand. And as far as I know, they're not getting paid to run the MK tournaments, they're doing it for the community.


wait, what? no. DQ his diva ass!
u gotta remember its not like chris g is away bullshitting or taking a shit or taking a nap he players about 8 other games so i can understand his case since he is playing another match but all other questions deserve a dq


lol phil we can do it with the set ups with have man its just one more match everyone is used to 3/5 already man you not thinking about the players.
Here's why it can't be done:

Another thing, Riu48 wants to come to the tournament, but he will arrive there on saturday night, possibly by 10 pm or maybe earlier, Do you think that pool D or whatever starts later will start by this time so riu48 can compete? he really wants to attend this tournament but he has to work that day and he cant arrive earlier.

And this is for my own VSM brethren...


DQ'ing anyone will really shine a negative light on whoever makes that decision. Regardless of why they were DQ'd. People would be screaming "Illuminati" from the roof tops.
You guys think it's so easy to DQ someone when you're not the one making the decision.

Doing this LITERALLY means taking someone's money. That's what it boils down to and people get SUPER HEATED when this happens.

I've dealt with it before, and my general rule is I don't DQ someone until they're holding up the pool and I can't proceed any further without them.

You guys just don't know what it's like...
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