Ok guys, I think I found the fix to the "error fetching data" message when you first sign in.
So go to menu, then profile, then WBplay/change WBID.
Click on where it says "don't have a WBplay account?" and click "Sign up using email"
Now, input your existing email/password you have created for WBplay.
Now type in your birthday and leave the box that's checked already checked, and then click "I agree to the Private Policy and Terms And Conditions"
Then click on the blue box on the right "Sign up using your email" and a message should appear.
"The account "_____" has already been linked, would you like to link "_____" with it?
Click yes.
It may take a second or two to actually update.
If not, repeat those last 2 steps, and click yes.
It should bring you back to the menu I believe.
Quit the app, and relaunch it and it should work!!
It worked for me, so now I am online!
I can even use Ally assists now!!!
However I still don't have the "Login to WBplay box checked in the cross unlock menu," but its a start.
PM me for more info if this doesn't work for you.
Good luck!