Can you sticky my post? I keep my thread up to date and I don't post anything that isn't actually confirmed.Ehhh... can't carry out a title like that and have wrong info on it or it looks bad on us overall, especially the Mods and myself.
Can you sticky my post? I keep my thread up to date and I don't post anything that isn't actually confirmed.Ehhh... can't carry out a title like that and have wrong info on it or it looks bad on us overall, especially the Mods and myself.
link?Can you sticky my post? I keep my thread up to date and I don't post anything that isn't actually confirmed.
- Rain: Appears to be on the main menu's "Konquer" option, be we are not 100% him. Could be a new character or redesign past character that just ends up looking like him.
I think it's him and he's playable, also. It's just that I don't want to put him on any confirmation lists until it's 100%.
There is absolutely no way this character is someone else than Rain.
He's got the purple and gold clothes, the pony tail, the overall oriental design Rain tends to have nowdays.
Just take a look at him, it is really hard to deny that...
Besides they gave him a new outfit.
The real question is: is it a confirmation to be playable to be shown on a menu icon ?
I think yes, all characters on it are playable so far.
Maybe as a skin for Subby, otherwise no.Cyber Sub-Zero will never come back
Just as it should be.Cyber Sub-Zero will never come back
For anyone interested, the was the best shot of Kano being on the menus I could find:
Great sleuthing.So I haven't seen this talked about yet. There's character modifiers. Now this doesn't mean much on it's own as playable characters also have their own modifiers. What leads me to believe the following characters likely aren't playable is at 1:13. Where it says that the modifiers are based on "klassic" characters and it shows Rain, Reptile, Shinnok, and Cyrax. All seem to look like they did in their previous iterations. So IMO, it seems likely that they likely won't be playable. Or at least that's what I'm going to expect.
Same goes for Noob, since he still seems to have his MK9 appearance.
I also wouldn't mind if we got Chameleon in return for Reptile's absence. In the same kind of way Triborg was a DLC character.Great sleuthing.
I'd say it seems likely that they won't be playable at launch. However Cyrax and Smoke both had assist modifiers in MKX, and both became playable as DLC characters (well, the same DLC character). If Reptile isn't in the launch roster I 100% expect him to be DLC.
You forgot to list Baraka, that still adds up to 25 though with him included. I wouldn't mind if we got that roster, I guess 25 does leave room for both the kombat kids and my favorites.Let's think about the roster logically and who will probably be in it, since now we have some more information and Derek implied that the 25 slots might be final:
Reveal event - Scorpion, Sub Zero, Geras, Skarlet, Sonya, Raiden (7)
Side confirms via trailers and clues- Liu, Lao, Kitana, Cassie, Kabal, Kronika, Johnny (7)
Menu screen/Tower confirms- Kano, Rain, Smoke(maybe), Noob (4)
We have 18 most likely characters to be in MK11. But let's consider the rest.
Takeda, Jacqui, Kung Jin- Makes no sense not to have Cassie's gang back. (3)
Reptile, Erron Black, Kotal- The situation in outworld is still a big question, and one I'm sure we'll see in the story as it kicks off right after MKX, which means Kotal and his people must be involved somehow. (3).
Dvorah- I'm not sure about her, but even though she's not Kotal's second anymore, she was a big part in MKX and I don't think she'd just disappear.
Now if you're counting, that's 25. And Shao Kahn might be the 26th.
Remaining/Missing/Expected characters from MKX:
Ermac (Might be dead and replaced with Shang Tsung if his ending becomes canon)
Ferra Torr (I didn't put Ferra Torr in the outworld list because I think NRS might kill them off (which sucks because I really liked them).
Kenshi (No reason why he can't return unless Takeda replaces him).
Jax- (might be in a coma/dead if arcade ending is canon)
Extras and personal wishes
Tremor (loved his redesign and want to see his story).
Triborg (personally liked their story and a good way to being back the dead robots)
There are way too many characters to fit in 25 slots, so sadly a lot of fan favorite classics might not show up. What do you guys think?
The only thing is that at 1:13 it lists them as "klassic" characters and shows them in their previous game appearances. Plus Shinnok who's among them is in a vegetated state.I think Cyrax, Reptile and Rain are confirmed.
The video below shows someone playing the tower mode in MK11 and we see Cyrax's net, Rains bubble, and Repiles forceball in different matches
Fixed. Thanks!You forgot to list Baraka, that still adds up to 25 though with him included. I wouldn't mind if we got that roster, I guess 25 does leave room for both the kombat kids and my favorites.
Ed Boon retweeted an article that listed Kronika as a playable character, so she's pretty much confirmedWe don't know if Kronika is playable. She could be an unplayable boss like Shao Kahn was in MK9