Possible Kombat Pack 1:
Shang Tsung
*MK Character
(maybe Cyrax)
Guest #1
Guest #2
Sheeva is one of the characters I was hoping to see. So I'm really glad she has a chance as DLC. Idk if I can see them adding Sektor and
not Cyrax. I know that'd probably upset some people. (looks at K&M) But it makes more sense to have Sektor considering he's basically the main Lin Kuei baddie. I wouldn't be against them giving Cyrax the Mournful treatment lmao.
But honestly, if they
did have Cyrax, with Sheeva, Shang Tsung, and the possibility of a guest I really like, I'd be more than happy with that Kombat Pack. That's unless Cyrax and Sektor are unlockables which I
guess I could see happening.
What kind of perfect world would we live in to have story cameos
actually be in the game?