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Mortal Kombat 11: Kronika will not be a playable character


I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
Doubt he is even allowed to spill such beans.
Devs all over Twitter have been talking about how they'd get in so much trouble for revealing stuff that's not supposed to get revealed.

I don't believe this for a sec.

We'll see, but I still think she's going to be playable. I really can't see them hyping up the first female boss just to not have her get the Brainiac/Shinnok treatment.

Also, Ed Boon said there would be no NPC's that you fight. So......we not even fighting Kronika?

It's just not adding up to me.

ALSO, ALSO, Why is that news only on the Brasil page? I'd figure news that big would be promoted on the main IGN page.
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Deleted member 59910

Eh im not 100% believing it yet. There is gotta be a catch.

Doubt he is even allowed to spill such beans.

But if true there is at least one more slot open for someone like Jaqui i guess.
Doubt he is allowed to lie about that, for IGN...


Dojo Trainee
I mean we already have Geras...
>Brutha Tremor + time clock gimmick (which is simply a glorified 'stasis' ability)

Honestly, I couldn't give a whit about Tilda Swinton -- without a burqa, I wouldn't be seen near any mosque with her gorgon-looking self. However, I do sympathise with those who do like her (i.e., "boss" characters)... given my own P.T.S.D. regarding Kahn.


Go over there!
While NRS made the last two villains playable in MKX and I2, they also have plenty of precedent for villain NPCs. That said, considering how much detail went into Kronika's design, I’d be shocked if NRS doesn’t capitalize on all that effort and at least make her playable via DLC later.


I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
Y'all forgetting the fact that Shinnok and Brainiac were both insane bosses in Story Mode, but still had playable versions that were clearly more level.

But, all of a sudden for some reason y'all wanna act like having a playable boss will break the whole damn game. :rolleyes: She can be OP in story mode but be normal elsewhere.


Dojo Trainee
I hope this is true, because there was an interview mentioning secret characters. That means we may get several who aren't boss characters if the main boss isn't unlockable like in MKX!