Agent of Chaosrealm
Nah, it' legit. Dragon proved it on reddit when he said that he knows a friend who is an insider. Because that's how you prove your claims.Doesn't mean anything. These "leaks" came out after the audio files were found. That's usually what happens. Actual, legitimate information gets out and then everyone uses it to their fake leak lists look legit. I'm not saying the current leak is fake, but old audio files proves nothing when piggyback leakers are so common in this community.
Like I said, this leak is basically someone using everything datamined to make himself sound 100% credible. Mysteriously, he doesn't mention a single non-datamined character.
Also, here's dragon claiming that his source knew the kp1 roster BEFORE it was datamined. Before anyone else. So, in case his leak about Shang Tsung being the main focus of the aftermath edition's extra story ends up being true, I'm willing to eat crow and consider dragon's future confirmations as gospel.

However, this is where Dragon loses credibility in my eyes:

So, you're ok with your friend spoiling stages, friendships, STORY DETAILS, but you don't want to know which are going to be the remaining three fighters? Riiight ….
Personally, I think it's horseshit, but I'm willing to admit I'm wrong, especially when I called last year's March leak fake as fuck, and it ended up being 80% true. (Interesting note: the old leak said that Raiden and Shang Tsung would work together to trap Scorpion, which may be the part that got cut from the main game, or where the leaker got his idea of Shang being the focus on this story dlc).

My biggest red flag is that the recent rumor says that robocop will be in the story mode of the dlc.
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