Coming from a Software development background and working in the industry. Personally I think the claim that "we can't change it cause it's built into the engine." has always been a bit of an excuse. I have no doubt it's a lot of work, but impossible has always seemed to be a bit of a stretch. No budget to justify the work, man hours GGPO license more like it.
If it's true and it's going to be changed, then I will start playing this game again seriously and give NRS more money for the KP2.
If not. I'll be pretty pissed off Boon would troll/tease/Joke about this thing, and they wont be getting any more of my money until they get on top of this. After all the lies, over the years and how important online play is too a fighting game at this point, I'll likely not support NRS at all in future until I have had confirmation they have finally got their shit together in this regard.
I really liked this game, but with a limited scene down in this part of the world I couldn't justify spending any significant amount of time on it due to the online just being a totally different game.
If he's trolling he might want to start fearing for his life if it's bad news tomorrow. Haha.