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MLG commentary

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
As long as they hide the stream chat... I don't really care. I think anyone is really capable of doing great commentary as long as they don't have to read or see the unbelievably bad stream chat.


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
I really enjoyed Medina and Pig of the huts commentary for final round, I'd quite like them to do it. Tom Brady is entertaining, but tends to drift from the match a little too often.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I completely agree w 9.95, Medina and Beerguyed

I would love to as well and would promise to do well

I think me and Hito as a team is interesting (someone mentioned it)

Key Factors I NEVER WANT TO F ING hear from a commentator:

-Bitching about the game

-Bitching about "well this character is so S tier so we all know where this is going" WHEN IN FACT it doesnt

-Calling a fireball a Hadouken

-Not knowing his/her scene and being unfamliar w its players (i think this is disrespectful....as in the case of Sawnik Fox, a lot of us knew all about him yet the commentators didnt which shows disconnect)

-Not having familiarity w all MUs

- Do no talk about how your character was nerfed or others were nerfed, we honestly do not care.

-Not respecting all Coasts

i think these factors should be taken seriously - Osu 16 Bit is right this is a huge opportunity for us as a community to legitimize ourselves on a larger scale and we dont need anyone screwing up commentary.

Just #1 rule, DO NOT BITCH about input bugs, meter drains, etc etc etc....Just dont. It's obnoxious
In that case, + the "If you commentate, you don't compete" thing. 9.95 is the perfect commentator.

I can't believe you are all forgetting RAPID FIRE COMMENTARY that only Phil is capable of.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
This is actually a tough decision, I'm gonna just list some things I think about the possible commentators though.

9.95 Sorry, just doesn't understand the game enough or seem to have the energy for hype commentary for something like MLG.

Pig Of The Hut Seemed to biased to me, but presents himself in a professional manner and unquestionably can get hyped up over a match.

Medina4life Very solid, wouldn't mind seeing him commentate. Seems to know what he is talking about and energy doesn't seem to be a problem even at hour 12 of a 13 hour stream.

Tom Brady A roll of the dice basically, He knows so much about the game and is capable of unbiased commentary but he is a drama queen and sometimes you get shit like "Maaaaaan, Raiden is sooo good the input bug doesn't affect him, I could get a 1,000 and just shake it off." I say if Brady commentates he shouldn't be playing in the tournament.

Hitoshura Very good, just don't like the idea of hearing "Jello ball, onion rings, squirtlesquirtlesquirtle" over top 8. Sure he could work on that for MLG and he would be fine.

Just my 2 cents.


@995 does some serious rapid fire color commentary and cracks me the hell up as well... not sure he can make it.. but I hope so..

Also Hito , Brady, Pig and Dark Rob and Sabin are awesome.....


Biggest key to push MK further is No negative comments about the bugs, glitches or complaints for Jr's... Matter a fact if a bug happens one shouldn't even mention it... I know its hiding shit but making a perfect impression is key.


Dojo Trainee
This is actually a tough decision, I'm gonna just list some things I think about the possible commentators though.

9.95 Sorry, just doesn't understand the game enough or seem to have the energy for hype commentary for something like MLG.

Pig Of The Hut Seemed to biased to me, but presents himself in a professional manner and unquestionably can get hyped up over a match.

Medina4life Very solid, wouldn't mind seeing him commentate. Seems to know what he is talking about and energy doesn't seem to be a problem even at hour 12 of a 13 hour stream.

Tom Brady A roll of the dice basically, He knows so much about the game and is capable of unbiased commentary but he is a drama queen and sometimes you get shit like "Maaaaaan, Raiden is sooo good the input bug doesn't affect him, I could get a 1,000 and just shake it off." I say if Brady commentates he shouldn't be playing in the tournament.

Hitoshura Very good, just don't like the idea of hearing "Jello ball, onion rings, squirtlesquirtlesquirtle" over top 8. Sure he could work on that for MLG and he would be fine.

Just my 2 cents.
I agree with this, though nobody is the perfect commentator because it's impossible to be one. it's the same with sabin in that he doesn't have as much knowledge on the game as others since he plays multiple fighting games at high level but other than that he's great on commentary for me.

From what others have said though, the commentators have already been set in stone anyway.

Tom Brady

at a local stream, why would i NOT answer chat questions that are gameplay related? ppl ask a lot about sub when im on stream? should i say "the mk community wants me to tell you to fuck off unless you are talking about a different character"?

mlg is not a local weekly gathering, it is a pro event. im am easily able to present in more of a professional manner then most or all of the ppl in this community.


Media Master
I would absolutely LOVE to do commentary for MLG, however it seems like Sabin already picked his guy. Unfortunately, I can't make it to MLG because of the cost. I know I am not that good of a player. I don't know if I want to lose the little money I have and not even get a chance to record, or do any of the normal stuff I love doing. If I were given the opportunity to only commentate and not worry about running the stream, I feel that I can do a much better job. Keep in min at FR I was updating the bracket, handling the stream, changing the names and scores, and trying to commentate. In all honesty, I like talking about this game more than actually playing it. I have no problem not competing, in fact I get more enjoyment watching others do something I can never pull off. I appreciate all your guys comments. Even if I don't get a phone call that's okay, it may just not be my time because I am not ready to do something this important yet. It just mans I have to harness my skills a little bit more for the next opportunity whenever that may be. I still want to go to MLG , but that just seems improbable with this ticket I just paid haha.

Whoever the MK commentator may be, I wish that person the best. It is extremely important for our community that we leave a good impression at MLG for future events. I have full faith Sabin picked the right person and I can't wait to watch the epic stream.


at a local stream, why would i NOT answer chat questions that are gameplay related? ppl ask a lot about sub when im on stream? should i say "the mk community wants me to tell you to fuck off unless you are talking about a different character"?

mlg is not a local weekly gathering, it is a pro event. im am easily able to present in more of a professional manner then most or all of the ppl in this community.
9.95 are I will be hitting you up on some something soon.


Dojo Trainee
BeerGuyEd - THE most underrated commentator.

Medina - Knows ALOT about that game

9.95 - Phil is great but imo not as good as the two above, nevertheless, amzing commentator

any of these guys basically, If they can't make it, I guess Hito.


Emperor of the Moon
If it is set it is set but my picks would be Medina4life and 9.95. Unbiased is good, but it can also hype up a match when they cheer for the underdog to win a bit. The most important thing is to make sure they stay on topic. Nothing is more annoying than seeing almost an entire match go by while the commentators chat about something else. Chat during new setups/button checks, not the match.


Another EXTREMELY important thing Id like to point out about Medina and BeerGuyEd:

Their dynamic was GREAT!

They never spoke over eachother, if one would come in the other would step back. Constant back and forth conversation that flowed effortlessly. Interrupting your fellow commentator or both people talking simultaneously is just obnoxious and chaotic.

Not only both commentators have to be good separately, but they have to work well together.