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Discussion MKXL Post 3/29/16 Tier List Thread


RIP Ex Smash
Possibly best tier list I've seen to date. Your S+ is completely accurate except for its lack of Reptile, who is absurdly low on this list. I think Sub is a bit high, but everything else is great.
I explained my rationale for Reptile's placement in the post above yours. To me he's on the cusp of being A+ and there's a good chance he could be there, but I would just wait a bit before saying he is. Also Sub Zero definitely deserves his spot, character is fucked.

I know this is a character tier list but I think you should make a special exception for Ruthless. If 75% for one bar and almost never being punishable isn't S+ then I don't know what is, also Ruthless is so far ahead of the other two variations its hardly fair to lump them all together when talking about the character in relation to tiers. Sure Lackey and Vicious are great, solid A tiers, but Ruthless is just head and shoulders above the others.
As much as I would like to have this happen, for S tier not S+, Ferra/Torr just has too much of a hard time with Shinnok and to a lesser extent Takeda(mainly Lasher), Mileena, and from Jason too apparently. I like the spot he's at now and it leaves room for him to make his way to S tier. Plus I don't know if I would call Ruthless head and shoulders above the other variations, Lackey is pretty dumb and Vicious is solid.
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Mileena the very best? Jason is way better than half the cast? Kano's placement? What Whitney Houston crack you smoked today?


Have you played the game since it became XL?
Again this question is obviously irrelevant to what I stated. For Christ's sakes I've been commentating on this game since the XL patch and been active since then. This STILL doesn't answer my question on why the OP would place Kano and Mileena as 1 and 2 and Jason as A tier. Like what do they have that Alien, Quan Chi, Sonya, Johnny Cage, Predator, Cassie don't have to be in those spots?


RIP Ex Smash
Again this question is obviously irrelevant to what I stated. For Christ's sakes I've been commentating on this game since the XL patch and been active since then. This STILL doesn't answer my question on why the OP would place Kano and Mileena as 1 and 2 and Jason as A tier. Like what do they have that Alien, Quan Chi, Sonya, Johnny Cage, Predator, Cassie don't have to be in those spots?
I don't feel like I have to explain the past 2 months of forum, Twitch, and IRL discussion to a guy who can't even read where it said "Not in any particular order" in the OP.


I don't feel like I have to explain the past 2 months of forum, Twitch, and IRL discussion to a guy who can't even read where it said "Not in any particular order" in the OP.
I clearly read that but it still doesn't answer my questions. I could care less what's happened in 2 months of forum. Within those 2 months we've had Mileena jump from the realm of Mid tier to top tier out of no where and no one has specifically expressed why Piercing is the be all to end all. Until then, I'll continue questioning that.

And regardless if it's not in order or not, you still placed Mileena number one. You could've used any character for that...


All too easy...
I know this is a character tier list but I think you should make a special exception for Ruthless. If 75% for one bar and almost never being punishable isn't S+ then I don't know what is, also Ruthless is so far ahead of the other two variations its hardly fair to lump them all together when talking about the character in relation to tiers. Sure Lackey and Vicious are great, solid A tiers, but Ruthless is just head and shoulders above the others
If ruthless got 70% one bar bnbs then that would be S+ but that shit is a special case scenario so its the equivalent of saying blood god is S+ because he has over 100% combos lol. Ruthless is no more dumb than any other top tier in this game they just are one of the few characters with an actual unique design is all, they arent standard down the middle top tier.


Kuff Bano
I clearly read that but it still doesn't answer my questions. I could care less what's happened in 2 months of forum. Within those 2 months we've had Mileena jump from the realm of Mid tier to top tier out of no where and no one has specifically expressed why Piercing is the be all to end all. Until then, I'll continue questioning that.

And regardless if it's not in order or not, you still placed Mileena number one. You could've used any character for that...
her b12 string outranges most other mid strings in the game = she can abuse it. She can stagger into throws, counter armor, pokes, more b12 etc. This, along with sai buffs, makes her build hella bar so she always has breaker once you land a hit. Furthermore most of her combos DON'T require meter and still do respectable damage (around 30-35%). She is impossible to jump in on because her d1, roll and b1 anti air everything. She can side switch easily so even if you corner her you might be cornered next and die. Her d3 low profiles everything and roll is great meterless punisher. She can armor break easily (from another string she can stagger). Her d1 is now 6f so you can't pressure her for free. She can chip you out easily so it's hard to make a comeback.

Also she has 50/50's that she doesn't even have to use to win lul.


Aspiring scrub
I clearly read that but it still doesn't answer my questions. I could care less what's happened in 2 months of forum. Within those 2 months we've had Mileena jump from the realm of Mid tier to top tier out of no where and no one has specifically expressed why Piercing is the be all to end all. Until then, I'll continue questioning that.

And regardless if it's not in order or not, you still placed Mileena number one. You could've used any character for that...
Seriously, have you played this game since the XL patch? Did you look at the patch notes then?

Those characters you mentioned have gotten buffed up to their current placement.


My blades will find your heart
Again this question is obviously irrelevant to what I stated. For Christ's sakes I've been commentating on this game since the XL patch and been active since then. This STILL doesn't answer my question on why the OP would place Kano and Mileena as 1 and 2 and Jason as A tier. Like what do they have that Alien, Quan Chi, Sonya, Johnny Cage, Predator, Cassie don't have to be in those spots?
Kano has the safe 50/50s plus the damage plus an almost always safe reversal/wakeup plus the best movement in the game plus great footsie tools. Easily #2 in the game.

Mileena has 50/50s, zoning, can low profile the most out of anyone in the cast, has some of the best damage in the cast, has a great footsie tool and the best oki in the game.

Also Cassie and Predator are nowhere near the top 5. Neither is Quan anymore. Top 5 now is pretty much agreed to be Alien, Mileena, Kano, Johnny, Sonya(in no order). Cassie's nerfs hurt her really bad as did Predators. Quan is still good but hes not as good as those 5 listed.


Publicly Educated
I clearly read that but it still doesn't answer my questions. I could care less what's happened in 2 months of forum. Within those 2 months we've had Mileena jump from the realm of Mid tier to top tier out of no where and no one has specifically expressed why Piercing is the be all to end all. Until then, I'll continue questioning that.
3 most important buffs in XL patch for Piercing:
She got 6f d1 and 8f d3. Before XL her fastest poke was 9f d1 with the range of Jacqui's arms, and her decent range d3 was 10f. So her only viable poke was pretty much roll, but now she can deal with pressure easier without taking risk. 6f d1 also helps her do easier and more damaging combos
Ground sai is safe on block (almost), instant air sai is viable, and finally she can combo from instant air sai on hit. Before XL she can eat a full combo punish from 2x jump range because the recovery was horrible, and ground sai was dead on block. This means now her air control and zoning is much better and more rewarding
Her F4 is fixed. She has a almost safe low string now. Before XL it was absolute trash


RIP Ex Smash
For some I didn't receive a notification.

What do you think people aren't exploiting against her?
Ehh, I just feel like people give her too much respect at times and let her get away with things she shouldn't. Maybe it's just me since everyone else unanimously agrees she's S tier. Oh well, I guess I'm prepared to say I'm wrong about that since my Sonya experience isn't as high as I'd like it to be.


Kuff Bano
Ehh, I just feel like people give her too much respect at times and let her get away with things she shouldn't. Maybe it's just me since everyone else unanimously agrees she's S tier. Oh well, I guess I'm prepared to say I'm wrong about that since my Sonya experience isn't as high as I'd like it to be.
I don't have that much experience against Demo but used to play her (back when b14 was a HKD and she was possibly broken). I feel people need to lab her reloads and rethink how they play against her. People are getting away with unsafe or unsafe-ish reloads without even getting pressured. Also, something people tend to do is break at the beginning of her combos. If you can take it, breaking at the end (when all nades are used) is more advantageous. Sonya without grenades is weak af.


I like that you have a - by Alien. Probably sounds bad coming from someone with an Alien profile pic.

Alien is good, but the safe 50/50s, easily #1 in the game, etc, propaganda, needs to stop. It's understandable. He's incredibly new and is probably one of the better characters in the game, so unfamiliarity is going to make playing vs him pretty rough, especially if you haven't even loaded up practice mode with the perfect organism.

My remaining gripe is Gunslinger Erron Black not being in S+ kappa.

For real though, I think Cassie and Reptile could easily move up. Besides that good stuff.


Founder of Team Renegade
No way sub zero is A+, he struggles against too many characters. Move him down one slot, also Goro doesn't really belong on B+ tier. That is a stretch to say the least, he belongs in B tier.

Kung Lao belongs in A no way he is worse than Jaqui or Jason.
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All too easy...
Very reasonable, while everything isnt set in stone this is pretty damn close to accurate and the + and - things make a lot of sense. Im glad Ermac is being recognized as rediculous after this patch finally, the "unsafe god" with safe 50-50s and plus frames lol. Anyway I think if I were to make any change it would be to just go ahead and move Raiden up one even though and seriously keep the (+) there still, I dont know what is with people but Displacer is insanely good; jailing 50-50s, great neutral, damage ect. People are living in the past with this character and I think they still are lost on how to play him without F1 being mid lol. F1 is the best meterless punish string in the game, if you arent punishing everything thats -7 or more with that you are not playing him to his potential


Official Sonya simp
Ehh, I just feel like people give her too much respect at times and let her get away with things she shouldn't. Maybe it's just me since everyone else unanimously agrees she's S tier. Oh well, I guess I'm prepared to say I'm wrong about that since my Sonya experience isn't as high as I'd like it to be.
Well, her major weakness was that she wasn't able to reload safely in the corner after they nerfed B14, but now with NE that's pretty much gone. She can reload safely and she has one of the strongest okis on this game.
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The Longbow Hunter.
Can anyone share the info over Takeda? Why is he S and which variations? I haven't played since KP2 so don't rough me up for asking. Planning on playing again and I want to pick him back up.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
No way sub zero is A+, he struggles against too many characters. Move him down one slot, also Goro doesn't really belong on B+ tier. That is a stretch to say the least, he belongs in B tier.

Kung Lao belongs in A no way he is worse than Jaqui or Jason.
Goro, Jacqui, and Jason are pretty good now man. None of them have a single shit variation, but none of them are too powerful. Pretty good place balance wise imo. I'm on the fence about Sub-Zero being A or A+ tbh I can see both sides. Kung Lao is where he should be right now on this list. Tempest being his best variation now has no pressure, and foxy explained Tempest's problems better than I ever could. Just rather mediocre. Hat trick simply doesn't function properly. Buzz Saw is not a terrible character but his damage is so pitiful and he can't open people up very easily just like the other Laos. His damage being so bad means that Lao is gonna have to make several more good reads than the rest of the cast will to even take a round.