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MKXL Patch Notes 3-29-16


his damage was nothing compared to what other characters like F/T and Kotal can do, scaling on ground fire and drinking means you get punished for playing the character correctly, this didn't fix his damage it just encourages bad play since now he has little reward for doing things right like drinking mid-combo and trapping the opponent in the corner.

and nerfing top tier doesn't make bottom tier better, Raiden getting murdered didn't make Jacqui's neutral game any better it just meant you now have two worthless roster slots instead of one

Nope, mainly because I have no reason to do so. I tried learning Ermac and Goro then realized I was working twice as hard for half the result. Give me one thing any of those characters/variations can do that someone else in the cast can't do better.

I honestly forgot that Necromancer even got nerfed since nobody plays it. I had to check the patch notes. You're absolutely right, add that to the list of completely backwards nerfs that nobody asked for. Holy shit that's terrible.

Johnny and Jason are broken as in they're terrible and don't work. Fisticuffs is a completely useless variation that NOBODY plays. Jason is just garbage all around.
You are definitely wrong with Jason. Jason has become really really good after the buffs.
I get people being upset. NRS needs to do a better job balancing from the go. The game is fun but IMO it has lacked balance from release date, and continues to lack balance at this point. I'm sure it's difficult AF making a well-balanced fighter, but I feel like SF is more balanced, as well as KI (I still play MKX way more than both).


"You think you bad? Pffft, You ain't bad.."
So now I have to take a risky drink in the neutral, run my fat ass after you with the worst run speed in the game, try to open you up with my 25+ frames, massive gap having mixups that are full combo punishable, and then pray that I don't puke mid combo because my combos take forever to finish, all while my supposed "buff" of drinking is increasing the damage scaling lol.

I guess I'll just use my 15 fucking high moves to do some fraudulent fart pressure that can just be jumped out of, poked out of, or armored on reaction just so I can get my measly plus 1. Which now, having a 7 frame d1 as apposed to the 6 frame d1 i had, basically means fucking nothing. Thanks Paulo.


PSN: Windude008
I'm i the only one having a popcorn while reading this thread? I mean, my character is already shitter, it can't get worse right?

I'm just amazed how Bo got universal nerfs, DM probably got worse since getting drinks will be way harder now lol.
Hardly, he can still cancel a shit ton of things into drinks. now he just has to decide whether he wants to buff up after a fart or keep the combo going.


The saw is family
So now I have to take a risky drink in the neutral, run my fat ass after you with the worst run speed in the game, try to open you up with my 25+ frames, massive gap having mixups that are full combo punishable, and then pray that I don't puke mid combo because my combos take forever to finish, all while my supposed "buff" of drinking is increasing the damage scaling lol.

I guess I'll just use my 15 fucking high moves to do some fraudulent fart pressure that can just be jumped out of, poked out of, or armored on reaction just so I can get my measly plus 1. Which now, having a 7 frame d1 as apposed to the 6 frame d1 i had, basically means fucking nothing. Thanks Paulo.
Pretty much sums it up. Now with the nerfs to an already garbage character, he's legit pre-patch Jason tier. ahhh nrs, you never cease to disappoint.


PSN: Windude008
But those characters don't have specials that give them major buffs. and if they did I don't think you can use them in a combo without a bar (EX sharpen, and EX aura respectively) otherwise they are too slow. I don't play those characters I'd ask someone else how those worked in respect to capture moves.

I think this was the point all along for Bo. You can do a lot of damage farting and continuing your combo. Or (for DM) you can use the advantage to take a drink and force a 50/50, not take free drinks and keep going.


Retired forever; don’t ask for games.
"balance" patch: a euphemism for money-making/ tier-shifting patches that should never be mistaken for an actual balance patch.


PSN: Windude008
his damage was nothing compared to what other characters like F/T and Kotal can do, scaling on ground fire and drinking means you get punished for playing the character correctly, this didn't fix his damage it just encourages bad play since now he has little reward for doing things right like drinking mid-combo and trapping the opponent in the corner.

and nerfing top tier doesn't make bottom tier better, Raiden getting murdered didn't make Jacqui's neutral game any better it just meant you now have two worthless roster slots instead of one

Nope, mainly because I have no reason to do so. I tried learning Ermac and Goro then realized I was working twice as hard for half the result. Give me one thing any of those characters/variations can do that someone else in the cast can't do better.

I honestly forgot that Necromancer even got nerfed since nobody plays it. I had to check the patch notes. You're absolutely right, add that to the list of completely backwards nerfs that nobody asked for. Holy shit that's terrible.

Johnny and Jason are broken as in they're terrible and don't work. Fisticuffs is a completely useless variation that NOBODY plays. Jason is just garbage all around.
Bo didn't have to sacrifice anywhere between 15-30% health to get that kinda damage tho (30% max is if you're getting hit during PnG recovery)
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But those characters don't have specials that give them major buffs. and if they did I don't think you can use them in a combo without a bar (EX sharpen, and EX aura respectively) otherwise they are too slow. I don't play those characters I'd ask someone else how those worked in respect to capture moves.

I think this was the point all along for Bo. You can do a lot of damage farting and continuing your combo. Or (for DM) you can use the advantage to take a drink and force a 50/50, not take free drinks and keep going.
so you speak strictly for drunken master?
however, shorter duration for fart hit stun is seriously the least of this character's problems... its really astonishing he was nerfed.... im at a loss on this one, the character really stinks, no pun intended


PSN: Windude008
Yea mostly, in regards , the other two variations didn't have any specials that abused how much advantage he had. From what I can tell he got some hitboxes fixed, a few recovery frames added, and more scaling in combos. Sounds fair to me.
so you speak strictly for drunken master?
however, shorter duration for fart hit stun is seriously the least of this character's problems... its really astonishing he was nerfed.... im at a loss on this one, the character really stinks, no pun intended


Yea mostly, in regards , the other two variations didn't have any specials that abused how much advantage he had. From what I can tell he got some hitboxes fixed, a few recovery frames added, and more scaling in combos. Sounds fair to me.
he needed buffs, im telling you, this character is trash lol ... this is like nerfing day one kenshi or jason


I'm a lover, not a fighter
This is by far the worst fucking update i have ever seen, i never ever make posts like this, but they just butchered triborg.

I don't know what to do with this game anymore, i waited a year to play a robot and now that its out, no one knows how to nerf it.

There were other ways to handle this, this was definitely not one of them.
Try being a Tanya player...


I was hoping for some slight buffs for tempest (ex hat +10 on block or something) something good for buzzsaw and hattrick rocket buffs but after that i hope they stay away from kung lao at all, they obviously dont know what they are doing...

IMO they created Mileena tier with this patch, i cant see anyone on her level right now.


I'm just going to keep saying this hourly. Why the fuck would you ruin CSZ's mid screen options with ice ball nerf? The complain was never mid screen whiff punishing or damage. It's the htb shit. Making his neutral shit without using meter doesn't change the fact you are in a fucking blender in the corner.


Adding extra penalty on use (not on hit, on use, just tested, any bomb you throw while in a combo inmediately adds a 0.9 penalty) to Cyrax bombs was a bit overkill if they already were limiting them to 3 per combo. I don't even main Cyrax but it looks like too much, like they had multiple ideas to deal with it and applied all at the same time when just one of them would've been enough for damage.

It's not like the damage was too crazy anyway, the problem for most people was about the hard-to-blockable.

Also adding on use penalties to Bo'Rai Cho drinks that can't extend a combo by themselves was a bit overkill too (note: The ex version doesn't apply a penalty). Specially since some non hitting moves allow you to extend a combo by themselves without applying any penalty at all.


@DownfouralitY No, but I've seen people who do play him do really well, an been bodied by more than a few Bo's online, so it sounds like you're all scrubs who just suck if you think he's that bad. git gud bruh.
lol who the hell have you seen doing "really well"? probably nobody worth mentioning ... you should probably git gud if youre getting bodied lol


PSN: Windude008
@kevkopdx Just cuz he's not some guy who made top 8 at FR doesn't mean he isn't good, nor does not seeing many Bo's being played make the character bad. There's only one major representative for F/T but its not like the character is trash, just underplayed. Never said I was pro, I'm not calling for buffs/nerfs for my character (not even hitbox fixes which lots of other characters prolly didn't need yet we do.)

Never said or acted like I was some pro, I'm shit at this game so yea, I do need to git gud.
People just need to get their heads out of their asses and either accept the changes and adapt or fuck off to another game.