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MKX Gameplay trailer coming "Soon, soon, soon!", says Boon

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
It's pretty serious lol, the tone of it? I just loved how Wiz was trying to rap so fast just to keep up with the pace of the fight. The rap just made it look silly...but still regardless of musical preference the trialer was great. Those who liked the rap are like 1% vs. the 99% who didn't like it lol.

I'm sure the first gameplay trailer won't have rap in it.
The rap was fine. Better then some shitty Hard metal or Rock beat, the change of style was cool but it was just a 2min reveal trailer get over it. Ppl whine over the dumbest shit.
Yeah I mean I admit(like most here, wasn't my cup of tea the musical choice) but that's not even what has me excited you know? The fight was just awesome! (unless you're a subby fan of course lol)
Yeah I can respect your opinion because I'm the same way just on the other side of the court. I'm a Wiz Khalifa fan and I'm a MK fan so seeing this got me Bane-pumped but if they used someone like Mumford & Sons I would also not like it lol.


Plus on block.
Wow, dude lol didn't think anyone would actually take what I said as "literal" lol what world do you live in dude? haha. Of course man, no video game is "realistic" it's fiction. Obviously.

I'm talking about the TONE of the game..... When did I ever say "MK is like real life"? lol wtf? And I was referring to more so in game soundtrack and trailers music. Not sure how that got into this.

I think some of you guys are getting the wrong idea, not hating on rap or saying "MK is real" lol.

But I'm sure there will be some kind of option for turning that stuff off.

Yeah I mean I admit(like most here, wasn't my cup of tea the musical choice) but that's not even what has me excited you know? The fight was just awesome! (unless you're a subby fan of course lol)

No, you can't have a serious game or tone with that list.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
No, you can't have a serious game or tone with that list.
Yes you can, you seem to be confusion reality with fiction BASED on a reality that is really fantasy.

Video games are all fiction, comics all fiction but you can have realistic elements that make sense within that source of fiction :) Besides, a lot of things on your list are very subjective. There's good reason for a lot of that MK explains via the story.

I really don't think anyone here believes MK, SF, Injustice etc=can really happen. lol

The rap was fine. Better then some shitty Hard metal or Rock beat, the change of style was cool but it was just a 2min reveal trailer get over it. Ppl whine over the dumbest shit.
I disagree respectfully, sure there's crappy music of every genre. No argument there, but it's obvious the Disturbed video from MK 9 trailer worked a lot better(talking from overall reception) Pretty much everywhere I go with this trailer someone says somethiing about the music, and I have a ton of friends who love rap that even told me "this song doesn't go with this trailer well". So go figure. I personally don't care THAT much, my opinion it doesn't flow well but I won't judge the game cause of it like some people have said or made assumptions "omg they used rap so that means shitty music in game?!" no lol that definitely isn't me. I do agree though that some people make a really huge deal out of and same with the "omg female man chins, nooo!" thread. Like who cares? These guys aren't going to jerk off to these video game chicks right? lol Why do they care THAT much?

Yeah I can respect your opinion because I'm the same way just on the other side of the court. I'm a Wiz Khalifa fan and I'm a MK fan so seeing this got me Bane-pumped but if they used someone like Mumford & Sons I would also not like it lol.
That's cool, my best friend is a huge rap fan didn't like it is more of an Eminem guy but he did say this video probably boosted Wiz's career having 3 million views always helps no doubt. But yeah I mean the overall important thing is that the trailer, game looks sweet so I look forward to it.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah same here, I also want gameplay. But man how cool would it be if they made a movie like that CGI trailer? lol I wish!


Plus on block.
Yes you can, you seem to be confusion reality with fiction BASED on a reality that is really fantasy.

Video games are all fiction, comics all fiction but you can have realistic elements that make sense within that source of fiction :) Besides, a lot of things on your list are very subjective. There's good reason for a lot of that MK explains via the story.

I really don't think anyone here believes MK, SF, Injustice etc=can really happen. lol

I disagree respectfully, sure there's crappy music of every genre. No argument there, but it's obvious the Disturbed video from MK 9 trailer worked a lot better(talking from overall reception) Pretty much everywhere I go with this trailer someone says somethiing about the music, and I have a ton of friends who love rap that even told me "this song doesn't go with this trailer well". So go figure. I personally don't care THAT much, my opinion it doesn't flow well but I won't judge the game cause of it like some people have said or made assumptions "omg they used rap so that means shitty music in game?!" no lol that definitely isn't me. I do agree though that some people make a really huge deal out of and same with the "omg female man chins, nooo!" thread. Like who cares? These guys aren't going to jerk off to these video game chicks right? lol Why do they care THAT much?

That's cool, my best friend is a huge rap fan didn't like it is more of an Eminem guy but he did say this video probably boosted Wiz's career having 3 million views always helps no doubt. But yeah I mean the overall important thing is that the trailer, game looks sweet so I look forward to it.
You seem to be putting words in my mouth, dude, because my claim wasn't that the games/series couldn't have a serious tone because it was unrealistic or fictional.

If you got that bullshit out of one sentence and a list you're either over thinking or you're making things up.

My point was that a game's tone could never be truly serious with a list of ridiculous and goofy things like that.

Learn to read and/or comprehend.
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A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Nice, yeah man you know remember Deception's music? Was awesome, so dark lol. I actually did a demo test last night messing around with various songs. THIS song by Hednoize is awesome called "Drain" I did it same time and the music starts kicking RIGHT when Sub and Scorp clash it's perfect lol.

I don't know what kind of music you like, since you agree I take it you don't prefer rap with MK either? lol

But this song, it just has an eerie beginning especially and weird sound effect. IMO it fits MK for a trailer at least.

Everyones perception of what fits is different though



Waiting for Havik
I hope to god NRS fired the guy who did the music on Injustice. It was the most laughably awful soundtrack in fighting game history.
But Gotham City and Atlantis have some of the best fighting game music I ever heard, except for them the rest are whatever. And if you think the soundtrack is laughable I present evidence one: SFxT ost. :coffee:.
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it's fine, off they will show demo at least with 4 characters at E3. But someone can ask Boon to lets us play at least DEMO from this summer ? i am so hype, that i can play the demo like the real game until the realize