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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Skarlet Noob
Hello. Is f21d2, f3 teleport, f4 SoulBall starter still possible for MOS? No matter how hard I try f4 never connects. If I replace f4 with d1 or d4 I can end the combo, but lose 3% dmg. Any advice?

Boss Savage

Any optimized Mystic combos off of EX IAB? I'm connecting lift after an EX IAB, and I'm only getting around 22%. Which isn't really great considering I'm spending a bar. I'd at least like to get somewhere around 28-30% if I'm spending a bar.
Mid screen not particularly. Using Lift that early in the combo causes the rest to scale. Otherwise if you use cross up IASB off of the B1D2 knockdown you get a full combo before the lift and get about 28% or so.

In the corner you get 34% off of it into another hard knockdown


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Questions about some Mystic conversions

What's the current known optimal damage from:

- Raw Lift?

- F3, D1xxLift?

I know Ermac can do F3, B12 but you have to be very close to do it, may get ruined by the hit reaction if F3 say, crushed a low poke, and doesn't work on females either way. Following up with D1 seems way more fail safe across the board.

Boss Savage

Questions about some Mystic conversions

What's the current known optimal damage from:

- Raw Lift?

- F3, D1xxLift?

I know Ermac can do F3, B12 but you have to be very close to do it, may get ruined by the hit reaction if F3 say, crushed a low poke, and doesn't work on females either way. Following up with D1 seems way more fail safe across the board.
For raw Lift: Lift, NJP, S4~Teleport, F21D2~RUN, S4/F4~Push. It does 27/26% IIRC. You can also substitute the S4 at the end for a F4 for 26%. Just do whichever is easiest for you.

The beginning of the string can be tricky to time correctly. I've noticed that hitting your NJP at the very highest hight of your jump helps you connect the F21D2 after the S4. Also keep in mind that doing S4 ASAP helps a lot as well.

As for F3, I'm at loss as much as you are. I'll usually do D1, Lift, NJP, F21D2, Push. The damage isn't great. But F3 is hardly ever used as a combo starter so I never bothered figuring out optimal combos for it


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
For raw Lift: Lift, NJP, S4~Teleport, F21D2~RUN, S4/F4~Push. It does 27/26% IIRC. You can also substitute the S4 at the end for a F4 for 26%. Just do whichever is easiest for you.

The beginning of the string can be tricky to time correctly. I've noticed that hitting your NJP at the very highest hight of your jump helps you connect the F21D2 after the S4. Also keep in mind that doing S4 ASAP helps a lot as well.

As for F3, I'm at loss as much as you are. I'll usually do D1, Lift, NJP, F21D2, Push. The damage isn't great. But F3 is hardly ever used as a combo starter so I never bothered figuring out optimal combos for it
Yeah 27%/26% sounds about as good as good it gets from either of those, was just curious if anyone found a way to break at least 30% in those situations but it's not the end of the world.

F3 is arguably his best mid in MOS/Mystic (not so much Spectral since he can't really get anything off it without meter) so I think it's by all means worth looking into what kind of conversions can come with it if they get clipped by it in the neutral.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Anyway, here's a nice treat for all the MOS players out there. Some may already know of it's unbreakable damage potential but I'm not sure how many know the extent of how much you can get meterless:


Kooron Nation

More Ass and Tits for MK11
Anyway, here's a nice treat for all the MOS players out there. Some may already know of it's unbreakable damage potential but I'm not sure how many know the extent of how much you can get meterless:

Would you use this as a punish? Cause just throwing it out there in the neutral seems like you'd have to commit to the soul ball or is it hit confirmable?
If not that's full combo punish for them?
Regardless tho that's stupid damage for 5 hits lollllll, some characters need 10+ hit combos which can be dropped easily with one wrongly timed move


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Would you use this as a punish? Cause just throwing it out there in the neutral seems like you'd have to commit to the soul ball or is it hit confirmable?
If not that's full combo punish for them?
Regardless tho that's stupid damage for 5 hits lollllll, some characters need 10+ hit combos which can be dropped easily with one wrongly timed move
The idea is to use it as an unbreakable punish yeah. No chance you would be able to hit confirm this lol. I just started with S4 since it's his highest damaging special cancellable normal.

Kooron Nation

More Ass and Tits for MK11
The idea is to use it as an unbreakable punish yeah. No chance you would be able to hit confirm this lol. I just started with S4 since it's his highest damaging special cancellable normal.
I can even taste the amount of salt people will have when you close out a round with this and they're spamming their breaker; controllers will be broken


Prince of Edenia
Quick queation: does F4/B3 1234 whiff on females or its just my execution?

Edit: it works, just need to fly more down :)
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Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Can anyone direct me to up to date mystic bnbs?

F21D2 >step forward > F3xxtele > B12 > 222xxlift > NJP > S4xxpush 37%

Off B12/B3/F4xx Tele > B12 > F21d2 > run in > S4 lift > NJP > S4xx Push 35-37%

A more online friendly version
B12/B3/F4xx Tele > D1xx lift > NJP > F21d2 > run in > S4xx Push

F3 > D1xx Lift > NJP > F21d2 > run in > F3xx Push 25%

You can get run in S4 push to make it 26% but hard to do

If you struggle with any run in S4s just do run F3 push then



F21D2 >step forward > F3xxtele > B12 > 222xxlift > NJP > S4xxpush 37%

Off B12/B3/F4xx Tele > B12 > F21d2 > run in > S4 lift > NJP > S4xx Push 35-37%

A more online friendly version
B12/B3/F4xx Tele > D1xx lift > NJP > F21d2 > run in > S4xx Push

F3 > D1xx Lift > NJP > F21d2 > run in > F3xx Push 25%

You can get run in S4 push to make it 26% but hard to do

If you struggle with any run in S4s just do run F3 push then
Ah thanks a bunch, we fellow 'Cage mains' have to stick together :DOGE


F21D2, s4 DB2 up, B12, 4 lift, d2, d2 = 42% meterless. Or you can replace the last d2 with B1 push for 1% less damage
easier to do than the above, even if you drop you don't lose much damage


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
corner max damage combo:
F21D2, F3 DB2 up, F3 DB2 up, B12 lift, njp, 4 push = 42% meterless
this is very hard to do though
Corner max is

F21D2 > S4xx up blast > B12 > S4xx lift > Dash > D2 > F3xx push 43%

Compared to some of the stuff I do with Alist this is a piece of piss