- Sonya is a Bitch!

- The Shokans declare war on Kotal!
- Kano explodes a Nuclear Bomb on the Shokans on behalf of Kotal!
- Kotal wins the war with the shokans and betrays kano!

- The Shokans swear allegiance to Kotal.
- They show the reason why Sonya is a Bitch, making her more of a bitch!

- Scorpion and Takeeeda meet Shujinko and Havik on the Shaolin temple!

- Apparently Shujinko and Raiden know each other making Raiden looking even more like a douche in his MKX Arcade ending.

- Shujinko is being controlled by Havik and Havik apparently kills scoprion.

- Takeeeda runs away like the lil bitch he is.

- Cage family trip to the rescue of Cassie & Jaqui finds Reiko & Scarlet roided out with blood power!

- Blood Revenant Jaqui and Cassie fighting against Johnny & Sonya.

- Reiko Splits D'Whora in Half and Kotal is at his mercy.

- Mileena arrives at the island and brutalities Scarlet legs.

- Mileena smashes Reiko head with Shao Khan Hammer.

- Reiko doesn't die with the hammer blow and he is regenerating himself.

- Sheeva is the new Shokan Queen and his watching the fight on Shang Tsung island from afar.

- Shokans make joke about mileena wanting Kotal Blood Dagger.

- After his running, Takeeeeda finds Fujin stuck on a wall like a voodoo doll with his own spear.

- Havik is controlling raiden with the blood code and he was the one that fucked Fujin Up.

- Takeeda vows he will avenge his master Scorpion and end the threat that is Havik.