Hell yeah!can you point me to a thread or sub-forum?
Subject: Zeus/MK4 drivers improvements in MAME
Dear devs,
Since the great work of revers-engineering the undocumented Zeus hardware and implementing it in Mame, [URL='https://testyourmight.com']the MK community[/url] has enjoyed the nostalgia of seeing the arcade version of MK4 running in MAME (special thanks to Aaron Giles and everyone else involved)!
The arcade version really stands out over the home ports as its graphics are much better (higher polygon counts , rendering effects etc) and it's simply THE version that the MK4 arcade players have grown up with and recognize.
Unfortunately the current Zeus drivers don't represent the game in its full glory yet.
For example there are many lighting/particle effects unemulated that really improve the game and can make the game feel from an old crude quick project to a polished modern high-profile game.
The following screenshots will give an impression of the missing effects.
The whole MK community would love to see a more complete MK4 driver someday that could render the game in its full glory.
We hope this information can help and spark some interest.
Best regards,
Ded on behalf of the MK community
Me too, I dont know why people hate that and even worse put mk1 (that is boring as hell comparing to mk4, at least on vs mode) above mk4. If you told them mk4 is better than mk1 they would think you re crazy.to be honest, MK4 arcade is my second favorite MK game (right after UMK3),
I see. We can rephrase certain sentences so it will still remain within the rules.@randyth i've checked the first link, since the second is blocked at work and noticed the following in the forum rules:
Subject: MK4 community feedback
Since the great work of reverse-engineering parts of the undocumented Zeus hardware and implementing it in Mame, the MK community (testyourmight.com) has enjoyed the nostalgia of seeing the arcade version of MK4 running in MAME. With this post we would like to thank Aaron Giles and everyone else involved! We all owe you guys a beer!
While it isn't a complete emulation yet (many lighting/particle/texture effects are yet unemulated), it is enough for us fans to get excited about (and get that nostalgia we crave for). This is because the arcade version really is a superior version over the home ports (eg its graphics are superior with the higher polygon counts , rendering effects etc) and it's simply THE version that the MK4 arcade players have grown up with and recognize.
Unfortunately we see many people talking about the bad graphics of MK4 in MAME (and writing MK4 off as an old crude quick project).
In this informative post I would like to display the differences between MK4 in full rendering glory and the incomplete MAME rendering so everyone can get an impression of how the original arcade version really looks like (namely a more polished modern high-profile game). We also hope this information might help certain devs in getting insight in the yet unemulated parts of the ZEUS hardware.
The following screenshots give an impression of differences in the rendering:
We hope this information can help and spark some interest in the game.
Best regards,
Ded on behalf of the MK community
Awesome ded!! Thank you!
Nice video. I think Lui Kangs ending and Scorpions ending show the biggest difference (with the shadowing effects etc).@randyth here is a short video i made. hopefully it will also bring interest:
I will check with Gambid and @STORMS if we can front page it on both MKSecrets and TestYourMight. @YourMKArcadeSource also said he will help if anything is required.
Both mame forum links are also in the description.
After a bumpy start, it looks like the posting did have some success.
Your post is legit!We like being pestered based on high-quality PCB captures with comparison MAME shots, like this.
The discussed shading in that area has not been imlemented (yet) in the ZEUS driver. It's not an overall MAME issue, but a specific game issue. So you pointed to a very valid and legit issue.I've post another screenshot to show few obviously differences. However, I was not familiar with gouraud effect. Dunno if MAME has issues with that overall or it is just not emulated because of ZEUS yet.
The glitchy pants and missing sky are definately new issues that the devs should know.Well, despite almost all the light, shadow and gouraud effects, there are few more things i noticed:Notice Fujin's pants how they are black/green.
sky on Sonya, Jarek, Jax, Kai and Raiden endings (and The Tomb stage obliviously).
I think the devs don't play MK4 and know nothing about the original game. Also I think there haven't been many other MAME MK4 players (capable of playing the game at playable speed). Hence little to no bug reports. We might be the first one to actually go this deep in details (and posting it).I posted the screenshots, but honestly, it is very surprising that they still need to be convinced the emulation of the game is far from complete. Was worth the shot at least![]()
Very exciting progress! Ded, your work has started a movement of improvement for real!