Wow, thats looks great. Only the arcade version could look that nice.McCarron said:
Yup, Mr LexellentMcCarron said:LEX aka Alex Gillam (sp?) one of the game testers.
but later it would be playable at full speed with those same dual core configuration, after the emu wip is optimized and finished, no?McCarron said:It should be playable this week, maybe even tonight he told me. 50% speed with dual core setup in MAME. He has a few good ideas for optimizing too.
Yeah Aaron is a genius. I just today got him in touch with someone who can help him out much more, this has been on his own so far.dreemernj said:Un-freaking-believeable. Amazing work happening right there.
Your the man, Pat. Maybe it should just say "The Man", lol.McCarron said:I am not deserving of that tag yet, I prefer Nomad isn't going anywhere, we just need more time to make things better there and more stream-lined. The problem is I have too many things to do these days, and so does Jeff. Our forums stink, and I'm pretty close to wanting to shut them down.
I actually have every MK move in a database and a front-end that I never polished up for an improved move guide system. No combos though databased, other than the default typical ones.
I know where you're coming from. There's always a million things that need improvement or repair around here and there just isn't enough time. My largest side project is the custom fighting game engine, which is still heavily tied to MK so it keeps me focused :-DMcCarron said:I am not deserving of that tag yet, I prefer Nomad isn't going anywhere, we just need more time to make things better there and more stream-lined. The problem is I have too many things to do these days, and so does Jeff. Our forums stink, and I'm pretty close to wanting to shut them down. Most my free-time is spent on iPhone development now because you can't argue it's not a bad thing to be doing. I've had 150k+ download my game so far.
I actually have every MK move in a database and a front-end that I never polished up for an improved move guide system for TRMK. No combos though databased, other than the default typical ones.
I have a feeling you 2 will have a lot to talk about. Pat was talking about your project over at and I told him to come here and find out from the source!dreemernj said:I know where you're coming from. There's always a million things that need improvement or repair around here and there just isn't enough time. My largest side project is the custom fighting game engine, which is still heavily tied to MK so it keeps me focused :-DMcCarron said:I am not deserving of that tag yet, I prefer Nomad isn't going anywhere, we just need more time to make things better there and more stream-lined. The problem is I have too many things to do these days, and so does Jeff. Our forums stink, and I'm pretty close to wanting to shut them down. Most my free-time is spent on iPhone development now because you can't argue it's not a bad thing to be doing. I've had 150k+ download my game so far.
I actually have every MK move in a database and a front-end that I never polished up for an improved move guide system for TRMK. No combos though databased, other than the default typical ones.
Yeah Jeff founded it, but I joined up after MK4. I had written FAQs for MK3 and knew Jeff via #mk3 on EFNET. I was playing MK4 extensively in beta and reporting on another website I ran that also hosted my War Gods and KI2 web-guides that I also made after my MK3 FAQ days. Jeff offered me to help him with his site, which soon after became TRMK.ded_ said:didnt know trmk was yours, i talked with jeff probably 5-6 years ago about your mkgold section lol the flash design was neat idea, but the info was poor... and those rm endings...![]()
HAHA I think I was at Diversions once back then, and a few times since the Wavenet days. Now from Gala North, that was my hangout, so yeap that'd be me!lex said:haha hi pat <3
edit: guys, pat used to write vulgar msgs to me from diversions wavenet. good times indeed
The wiki is the #1 thing I've been working on here. And it sounds like you have the same vision we do as far as a real catalog of details about the entire series. I started a database system as well, it's currently running the Strategy Guides section. It has a functional all be it spartan back end but will eventually be completely replaced by the wiki. Any information you have and would be interested in sharing, feel free to check out the wiki section. We haven't worked out the details yet on how to give more people access to the wiki. The idea was for lots of members to be updating in the areas they know, I just haven't gotten a chance to really explore the best way to do it. So for now it's mostly stuff I've copied and pasted in from various sources already on the site as well as just pulling out things I remember from playing the games in the past.McCarron said:Yeah Jeff founded it, but I joined up after MK4. I had written FAQs for MK3 and knew Jeff via #mk3 on EFNET. I was playing MK4 extensively in beta and reporting on another website I ran that also hosted my War Gods and KI2 web-guides that I also made after my MK3 FAQ days. Jeff offered me to help him with his site, which soon after became TRMK.ded_ said:didnt know trmk was yours, i talked with jeff probably 5-6 years ago about your mkgold section lol the flash design was neat idea, but the info was poor... and those rm endings...![]()
Little known fact, I was also recruited by the infamous Xben to help with their print MK4 Strategy Guide they were making. But since I was in HS I really couldn't help because they wanted me to fly out to CA to help write it. The guide eventually got scrapped, but I just helped them get updated info from the newer daily/weekly Beta releases while they were working on older versions of the game.
Yeah there is a LOT on the site I want to redo. I want to add more video to everything as well, since Flash is easier. I'd rather start over and pull what we need from it to make it better. I just need time.
Before Wikis were around I even started on a massive MK-Database of each game and how the characters would link together between games. You'd be able to see each character through iterations on each game. Photos and descriptions of differences of EVERY port of the game. I had photos of about every game port in the same stage. I lost focus, and then had a hard drive crash and lost most of the code. Now a Wiki is the right way to do this, I was going to do a MK-Wiki until I saw you guys have one. The key to a gaming wiki is a good community, and you guys have that here.
I'll test whatever is avaible in a hearbeat :shock:McCarron said:HAHA I think I was at Diversions once back then, and a few times since the Wavenet days. Now from Gala North, that was my hangout, so yeap that'd be me!lex said:haha hi pat <3
edit: guys, pat used to write vulgar msgs to me from diversions wavenet. good times indeed
Back on topic though, I compiled MAME 0.121u3 and couldn't get it to work with my keyboard under Windows? Anyone want to try out my build and have the mk4 roms? I'll shoot you my build of MAME that should work partially.
I tried MAME 0.121u3 under Mac OS X using SDL port, and it ran the game, I HEARD SOUND!, but the graphics were only partially there. I wonder if MAME 0.121u3 is not the version that is supposed to have proper support. I think Aaron meant to say 0.121u4 to me.
mame mk4
While attempting to write memory at 0B6EF020
EAX=AAAAAAAA EBX=0A670060 ECX=00000000 EDX=0B6EF020
ESI=00100000 EDI=AAAAAAAA EBP=0022FC38 ESP=0022FB50
Yeah I've had my sights set on a C2D for a little while. Maybe soon. Thanks for keeping us up to date on this.McCarron said:Yeah it appears that all his latest fixes are not in there. Looks like his earlier status images. I'll easily recompile once he posts the diff file and post it back up here.
Now if I can figure out why my keyboard doesn't work in MAME in Windows.
Too bad that Pentium M isn't Dual Core, the game will run much better and probably closer to 75-80% with Dual Core processing once he's done with the first optimization pass.