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MK10 & This communities cry for early patches.

I just wanted to bring attention to a problem that has been plaguing this community and our last 2 NRS games, and that's the cry for early patches, I'm tired of these games getting like 10 patches before the game and its problems are thoroughly flushed out...before all DLC characters were even released we already had like what 6 patches? Lol. I think what we fail to realize is each patch that is released cost hella money and really needs to be taken into consideration how each one is really valuable to making a better game before time is up. ( Think of them as life lines) I think NRS already has in mind how much they wanted to put towards patching injustice before they even did so, which is why in just 6 months we had already used up all the funds for patches NRS was willing to dish out, which is ridiculously fast if u ask me.

Sure supes was a force to be wreckin with, still is in some aspect, but I don't think he is nearly a problem as the likes of some characters in the roster now, and this is because these characters were not fully explored and we as a community had already bitched and moaned for multiple patches ahead of time for other things. I think we should start waiting at least 1 year before we start asking for patches, or at least till all DLC for the game is released, that way no stone is left unturn, and we won't continue to end up with kabal like characters...and shit tier characters with no possible way in competing with the rest of the cast in tournament settings.


Man of Tomorrow
I think NRS are given a certain window to get their patches out as opposed to a budgetary issue. I'm sure that plays into it but I doubt they're able to just wait 8-10 months to patch it whenever they want as long as they don't spend their "patch" money. If this were the case they wouldn't have done early, small patches. They would've kinda combined the patches (1.03/1.04 combined to be 1.02 as an example) as that would make sure they didn't constantly use/request money but would also allow some time to see what to patch.
I hope when mk10 comes out, we will have tournament players that despite the flavor of the week character that's gets complained about, holds a strong front, to prevent this from happening.

The amount of witch hunting that goes on gets ridiculous. I don't mind patches, but hopefully when the game is released it will be more solid from the get-go, and balance patches spaced out a bit further.


Administrator and Community Engineer
We have been through this 500 times, but most of the early Injustice patches changed a couple of things apiece about the game -- and they were things that were needed.

Anyone who thinks that:
-Projectile block inifinites
-Pokes being so + on block that you can poke forever
-Interactibles doing 40% damage and tracking you like heat-seeking missiles
-Anti-airs that don't anti-air
-85% simple corner damage for a bar
-100+% simple rocket interactible combos
-Tool chests and motorcycles that break the view of entire stages
-Fighting games? Naw LolGunshots

are fine, should 100% stay away from ever accepting any job related to game development or testing. For the good of everyone involved.

Although people will continue to pretend as if the game was totally rebalanced with every single patch, when you look at the patch notes, that's not the case at all. And the things that were done probably saved the game's competitive community (and likely the online community as well).

Rather than take a kneejerk approach and changing the entire metagame all at once, they changed a couple of things at a time, and waited to see how each change worked out and how it affected the game.

So overall, we need to stop this mentality of "only a certain a amount of patches" or "only patches at a certain time" or "only completely new versions every couple years" and just adopt the common sense "do what needs to be done, for your particular game, based on the state it was in when it was released".

Some games will need less love, and others will need more, but there's never an excuse for letting your community die because you're slow to fix issues that are ruining enjoyment of the game for everyone. See: Street Fighter X Tekken if you want to know what that gets you.
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Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
You have to realize that NRS's 2 games they've released that they've patched have been released with MAJOR MAJOR problems off the bat. I'm not talking small balance-based things, like literally IGAU released with basically the wakeup attack option useless against a lot of characters, unavoidable interactables, block infinites, etc. Most of the patches up until the first actual major rebalance patch was literally fixing bugs or issues like the ones I listed. MK9 had some major balance issues...while that could've waited, the game probably would've died out before the patches came out. If you hadn't noticed with SFxT, the game had issues, and Capcom waited to get them fixed. Damage was done, no one really cared about the game once the patch actually did hit.

I come across characters I despise (DJT as well), but eventually we will put our foot down, shut up, and learn the matchup so we can be successful vs the character in tournament. I sincerely hope we let the game play out a bit before patching mk10 (unless there is an infinite/ messed up glitch). Please try and learn the matchups and overcome whatever character u dnt like.
Sure supes was a force to be wreckin with, still is in some aspect, but I don't think he is nearly a problem as the likes of some characters in the roster now,
Lol, do you even remember vanilla F23 breath? I sure do.

Look, yes, some things get nerfed preimptively due to overreaction, but I can't honestly say the game would even be alive at this point without the last few patches. Sometimes patching early is necessary, and often times (if you believe the Testers) the truth is that its done because the developer is so focused on getting a stable build for the release date that they have to put off balance adjustments that are already mostly planned out for a future date.

Now the fact that they stop supporting the game after a year when things have settled down is a serious issue....but not patching in the early days isn't a solution.

AK Stormthegates

Superman F23 nerf was absolutely necessary for this game. He was too dominant in every aspect to let him keep it compared to the cast. I don't think MMH should have gotten a buff on his tele but hey what the hell.

No one need nerfs or buffs unless absolutely necessary. If MMH becomes too much of a problem that he wins everything then everyone in this community should do themselves a favor and pick up the strongest character in the game like every other community. Sometimes characters are REALLY REALLY good. It happens. Adapt or die.

Off topic, wow I can never spell necessary correctly. Thank you auto correct.


I do agree with a wait and see approach, but i'm not sure how long after the game is released we can get dedicated patches.
Capcom has had their own yearly strategies because they'll release a new game and profit from that.

In WB's case, we get patches as long as they're profiting from DLC releases, once DLC had been done with in MK9 & INJ the patches were done.
I don't think the early patches is completely a result of the community's complaining but the time table that WB puts NRS on.


@CrimsonShadow I think he means character wise, not universal things, there is a difference.
Loads of those things he listed ARE character specific. Off the top of my head (it was so long ago)...

-Projectile block inifinites (Cyborg)
-Pokes being so + on block that you can poke forever (NW)
-Interactibles doing 40% damage and tracking you like heat-seeking missiles (power characters)
-Anti-airs that don't anti-air (pretty universal)
-85% simple corner damage for a bar (supes?)
-100+% simple rocket interactible combos (I cannot remember who this was...)
-Tool chests and motorcycles that break the view of entire stages (universal)
-Fighting games? Naw LolGunshots (DS)

There were a few universal changes like the AA buff, some broader fixes like the power character interactable abuse, but a large amount of the patches were fixing very broken things with specific characters. If NRS's games were released with far better testing (SF4 series has done this well, and no I know it still isn't perfect) then the rapid succession of patches wouldn't be as important, but going by MK9 and IGAU the mantra seems to be "make everything awesome" at launch and then tone down the stuff that was too awesome.

The rapid balance patches might hurt the competitive scene but that scene is a TINY fraction of the revenue that comes from the game. Casual online was horrific with day 1 Deathstroke and those kind of things will harm a sale. "Don't buy this game, you can win with one move online" is not something you want to see crop up. In terms of $$$ the tourney scene means nothing, and saying people should wait until loads of tech is figured out before NRS release a patch really have no clue as to the reality of game sales. Scrubs may be scrubs, but 2 million of them bought the game compared to the 500-1000 person (a guess) offline tourney scene in the US. That's 0.025%-0.05% of the total sales.

A year on and the tourney scene provides free marketing and helps keep the name of the game in people's minds so sales continue (albeit it at a much slower pace). But at the game's launch the scrubs are the ones who pay the bills. And hell, even tourney players were getting mopped up by Deathstroke offline, or have we all forgotten Aris's performances? No disrespect to Aris - great player with a great character, but that shit looked very free some weeks...


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
History will repeat itself again, it always does.
yep pretty much.
mk9- yo guys i think kano and jade need the nerf bat.
after mk9- yo guys maybe we shouldnt of done that and taken to bat to the likes of kenshi and kabal,lets not go crazy when injustice comes out
inj- scorpion is released, pitch fork mob consisting of "top" us players cry like little bitches only to be left to complain about zod,mmh and batgirl.

ggs community.
good job
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Play Monster Hunter!
Whatever happened to NRS introducing this "NEW" system injustice where they can hotfix anything they want without having to pay/release a major patch?

Did that ever happen? I know they've released some hotfixes.
They used it a few times to fix major problems, like broken DLC stuff with Batgirl's Bola infinite.

They used it not too long ago to fix more Batgirl bullshit, and Sinestros pushblock stuff.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Hotfixes to nerf obvious broken things like infinites or glitches should be applied regularly. Balancing patches need at least a 6 month grace period. It gives the game time to flush out and evolve, while also making the game stay fresh and keep people interested.