Gesture Required Ahead
Get on that hook
Well you were completely missing my point.But if you want to know why Skarlet would do Dagger after a reset is because if the opponent respects the everhead too much it's not worth to do Red Slide all the time which will do a mere 3% after a reset no one knows why but that's how it is. If you do a dagger cancel you get a shit load of chip untill they crouch block then you could overhead into a full combo again.First of all i play skartlet and after a reset i dont get free chip damage like sonya does that is safe if blocked. Ex dagger cancels can be stopped easily by crouch blocking the dagger cancel then do d3 cause the f2 will whiff everyone. Plus is have to burn meter in order to keep up pressure. Her armor is great tho. I can d4 to red slide mix up u (u can poke my slide) but i love d4 to ms way better. Almost everything skarlet does is full combo punishable if blocked and all of her good strings are slow as hell and way negative on block if you dont cancel with a slide or daggers. Who else is the game has a -10 to -27 on block normals? Lastly why dont you see not one skarlet play at any tournament except for emp_scar who used her a few weeks ago but you see sonyas with your 4?
All of this is stated in @Used4Glue 's Skarlet guide.I suggest you check it out.