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should i teach people to fight against my own character so that they stop making post like this one?

but why should i help others to beat me?
Shout outs to holding back info! Seriously whatever you know isn't going to magically make Kung Lao be able to hit sonya with any of his normals.


Shout outs to holding back info! Seriously whatever you know isn't going to magically make Kung Lao be able to hit sonya with any of his normals.
will you be down to do a money match for $50 kung lao vs sonya i will be using kung lao and you will use sonya what do you say? after all she is a brainless character and kung lao takes a lot of skills to use this is easy money for you

first to 5 what is your answere?


will you be down to do a money match for $50 kung lao vs sonya i will be using kung lao and you will use sonya what do you say? after all she is a brainless character and kung lao takes a lot of skills to use this is easy money for you

first to 5 what is your answere?
Shit dun got real son.

tl;dr Daaayyyuuum...
will you be down to do a money match for $50 kung lao vs sonya i will be using kung lao and you will use sonya what do you say? after all she is a brainless character and kung lao takes a lot of skills to use this is easy money for you

first to 5 what is your answere?
OOOOOOOOOOH EXPOSED!!! No but seriously

I don't really care too much for money matches and this match wouldn't prove anything.

I don't even use Sonya to that degree. Also this is mortal kombat this entire game is braindead lol.

You as a Sonya player though you should have been winning tournaments cause that bitch beats or goes even with everyone. And she is paulo's champion

Oh yea REO feels the same way and you haven't challenged him lol

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
The best characters to pick vs. Cage are:

1) Kabal
2) Kenshi
3) Freddy/Sektor

As far as Kabal goes, he is fine aside from the +9 block advantage on 2 xx NDC and iaGBs doing 9% of damage. Many people try to use this character. Very few are successful in tournaments because of execution.
Sonya does waaaay better than Sektor against Cage.

Cage Sektor is one of the matches I know too well, 6f jab doesnt mean much unless Cage does too many predictable standing normals

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
will you be down to do a money match for $50 kung lao vs sonya i will be using kung lao and you will use sonya what do you say? after all she is a brainless character and kung lao takes a lot of skills to use this is easy money for you

first to 5 what is your answere?
Love this

OOOOOOOOOOH EXPOSED!!! No but seriously

I don't really care too much for money matches and this match wouldn't prove anything.

I don't even use Sonya to that degree. Also this is mortal kombat this entire game is braindead lol.

You as a Sonya player though you should have been winning tournaments cause that bitch beats or goes even with everyone. And she is paulo's champion

Oh yea REO feels the same way and you haven't challenged him lol
This would prove Riu48 knows what he's talking about and he's offering a chance for you to show him to his face he's wrong
I think we should all help each other get better. Cock wars don't prove anything other than which player is less knowledgeable at the end of the day.

Better informed community can play better no?

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I think we should all help each other get better. Cock wars don't prove anything other than which player is less knowledgeable at the end of the day.

Better informed community can play better no?
Very few players in this community:

1. Are good, like REALLY good
2. Share what they know

But when the few that are good and share what they know, you can see the players around them leveling up alot quicker.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I think we should all help each other get better. Cock wars don't prove anything other than which player is less knowledgeable at the end of the day.

Better informed community can play better no?
Well i agree with most in this thread that characters who take highest execution are:


To say playing Sonya is brain dead is ehhhh just wrong
I think we should all help each other get better. Cock wars don't prove anything other than which player is less knowledgeable at the end of the day.

Better informed community can play better no?
Nah MK community doesn't do that. The initial post of this thread was trying to get people to come together and do just that however they (for example: Pig and Riu) want to dick eat each other.
Well i agree with most in this thread that characters who take highest execution are:


To say playing Sonya is brain dead is ehhhh just wrong
Each character IMO, takes skill to play. Execution doesn't define skill 100%. Lots of people can pull of 2NDC but to apply it in actual gameplay to reap its benefits is skill which in turn is strategy of a player. Braindead, is a bit overboard.

As I've always been told, low entry level, high skill ceiling, how far you want to reach that skill ceiling is up to the player. Which MK does great for new players, but it's also designed to keep less seasoned players at bay if they do not want to learn and improve.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Oh didn't you rig your own bracket and you use Kenshi? Yea

.....Im out

No actually I didnt, Its some bullshit some salty ass losers started when they didnt do as well as they wished.

Do me a favor, when I knock your ass to losers or eliminate you from a tourney I want you to say that tourney bracket was rigged as well or mid match get up and leave the tourney as you've been known to do so lately.

Btw neither Dizzy nor any Cage player has ever beaten me so fucking bad that I feel i need to leave a tournament and use some shitty excuse not to compete the next day because you know as well I you would have gotten your ass handed to you again. Actually Ive never lost to a cage 5-0 either using mileena or kenshi or csz.

First CD jr, then CURBOLICOUS then Dizzy (5-0 was it?)

Come to think of it you've had a pretty shitty run lately, maybe if I were embarassed that bad Id go home too.

So keep coming at me Swag.....


Shout outs to @emp

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Nah MK community doesn't do that. The initial post of this thread was trying to get people to come together and do just that however they (for example: Pig and Riu) want to dick eat each other.
You cant possibly say Sonya is brain dead easy man

She is top 5, yes.....but brain dead? Come on
No actually I didnt, Its some bullshit some salty ass losers started when they didnt do as well as they wished.

Do me a favor, when I knock your ass to losers or eliminate you from a tourney I want you to say that tourney bracket was rigged as well or mid match get up and leave the tourney as you've been known to do so lately.

Btw neither Dizzy nor any Cage player has ever beaten me so fucking bad that I feel i need to leave a tournament and use some shitty excuse not to compete the next day because you know as well I you would have gotten your ass handed to you again. Actually Ive never lost to a cage 5-0 either using mileena or kenshi or csz.

First CD jr, then CURBOLICOUS then Dizzy (5-0 was it?)

Come to think of it you've had a pretty shitty run lately, maybe if I were embarassed that bad Id go home too.

So keep coming at me Swag.....


Shout outs to @emp
I lost 5-0 to dizzy? In what :confused: lol ok bro. And I have already addressed why I left which has nothing to do with the tournament, but not going to humor you.

Yea I lost to curbo's cage but who didn't lose to his cage that day? lol he would rape you too and who do you think you are going to beat me with CZ or Kenshi? Your only chance against me is Mileena. You better pray I don't even learn that matchup.

Have you forgotten I am who you think about when you lay in bed at night? As gay as that is I understand being so obsessed with me you have to try to find every possible counter strategy against my character. Its cool man I understand that you want to be just like me.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I lost 5-0 to dizzy? In what :confused: lol ok bro. And I have already addressed why I left which has nothing to do with the tournament, but not going to humor you.

Yea I lost to curbo's cage but who didn't lose to his cage that day? lol he would rape you too and who do you think you are going to beat me with CZ or Kenshi? Your only chance against me is Mileena. You better pray I don't even learn that matchup.

Have you forgotten I am who you think about when you lay in bed at night? As gay as that is I understand being so obsessed with me you have to try to find every possible counter strategy against my character. Its cool man I understand that you want to be just like me.
To be COMPLETELY honest

I never think of you because I dont live in the past

You're 2011

The only one who is living in the past is YOU because you think you're still a threat.

Also Ive heard I get under your skin - Interesting, who is thinking about who here

Ive never seen a lao do so many random xrays in my life (ie: against cd jr)

and curbo and i train on a regular basis and I do far better than you (from his mouth) - He usually comes on and tells me easy you were and how you just arent understanding the cage MU.

Theres a few people I can use on you........One being Cage, other Jax.
I don't think there is a set design/formula Fighting Game developers use when creating a FG.

It's all assumptions that every FG should follow the LMH rule.

MK has it's own design, it's not trying to be other Fighters, nor is any other Fighter out there.