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sonya is not that hard to pick up. her d4 game is scary and d4 to ms is mostly all i saw morty doing when he uses her. d4 to ms is her get in and ex cartwheel is her stay in your face and dont forget that you cant really try to AA her cause of her safe ass divekick that combos to a reset. Sonya is not that hard on execution at all. Try skarlet resets and combos then get back to me.
Lets be real. Were playing Mortal Kombat. It takes very little execution in this game. With that said Kabal, Skarlet and Sonya are the ones where you actually have to have some sort of execution with.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
sonya is not that hard to pick up. her d4 game is scary and d4 to ms is mostly all i saw morty doing when he uses her. d4 to ms is her get in and ex cartwheel is her stay in your face and dont forget that you cant really try to AA her cause of her safe ass divekick that combos to a reset. Sonya is not that hard on execution at all. Try skarlet resets and combos then get back to me.
Dude...it's the same with Skarlet. If you can't press F212 1+2 then you have to stop playing fighting games lol.

The only tricky thing about Skarlet is the timing on 112 x Dagger / EN dagger after a reset. For some reason it's not the same timing as if you were to do 112 x Dagger / EN Dagger by itself.


Fear the Skulls
Dude...it's the same with Skarlet. If you can't press F212 1+2 then you have to stop playing fighting games lol.

The only tricky thing about Skarlet is the timing on 112 x Dagger / EN dagger after a reset. For some reason it's not the same timing as if you were to do 112 x Dagger / EN Dagger by itself.
First of all i play skartlet and after a reset i dont get free chip damage like sonya does that is safe if blocked. Ex dagger cancels can be stopped easily by crouch blocking the dagger cancel then do d3 cause the f2 will whiff everyone. Plus is have to burn meter in order to keep up pressure. Her armor is great tho. I can d4 to red slide mix up u (u can poke my slide) but i love d4 to ms way better. Almost everything skarlet does is full combo punishable if blocked and all of her good strings are slow as hell and way negative on block if you dont cancel with a slide or daggers. Who else is the game has a -10 to -27 on block normals? Lastly why dont you see not one skarlet play at any tournament except for emp_scar who used her a few weeks ago but you see sonyas with your 4?
D4 ms is not enough to win. You have to understand her to be able to take a round. All d4 ms will do for you is get you in. When ur in then what?:rolleyes:
EDIT: If she was so scrubby and everyone agrees she is better than Cage how come there are only 4 Sonya players, 1000 Cages, and 100 Kabals in the U.S scene?
A character has to be fun to use. Sonya is really boring because of how braindead she is. Cartwheel shouldn't be Safe on block and have armor =\


Online Scrub Lord
D4 ms is not enough to win. You have to understand her to be able to take a round. All d4 ms will do for you is get you in. When ur in then what?:rolleyes:
EDIT: If she was so scrubby and everyone agrees she is better than Cage how come there are only 4 Sonya players, 1000 Cages, and 100 Kabals in the U.S scene?
For me, she's just not an interesting character to me. It's like one day Sonya dropped her kids off at soccer practice, and then all of a sudden decided to enter a Mortal Kombat tournament. Her and Stryker are so boring to look at. NRS needs to take those two characters back to the lab and give them some tats or something.
To be fair, KL was very braindead. I mean nothing beats 2,4 xx Low Hat.
Yea you know what beats it? Blocking low. You know that only worked on Reo because he was tryign to Xray through it and not block it because he thought there was a frame hole inbetween it like f3 low hat?

I didn't even think to use that on anyone until that specific match.


What's a Smarrgasm?
A character has to be fun to use. Sonya is really boring because of how braindead she is. Cartwheel shouldn't be Safe on block and have armor =\
I dont think sonya is braindead mainly cause she is based heavily on the mixups and games in her rushdown. I know d4-msf1 and cartwheel are seen as cheap or whatever but there are multiple characters with safe armor and there are ways around them. Kenshis shoulder charge has armor and is +7 on block. Rain has super armor and safe armor on many other specials but people dont complain about him. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that sonya hasnt had as much exposure as a lot of characters. I have a feeling that is about to change though.
And for the most part armor is given to make sure that other people do not use their own braindead pressure. The bad thing about that is that people will abuse it instead of finding the correct ways to escape pressure without meter. It causes a lot of players to just mash out an armor special instead of taking another route that can relieve the pressure.


Goro Lives 
Those 4 "scrubby" characters are what they are for two reasons:

a) PL already stated it: they punish you for *gasp* blocking. Yes, chip damage is part of MK, but to be in a situation where if you block you lose or if you get hit you lose is moronic. Kenshi is the lesser evil of the 4 because his chip can't kill you as bad as the others. The order they rank up in this aspect is: 1. Cage, 2. Kabal, 3. Sonya, 4. Kenshi

b) Unlike the rest of the cast where you only have to guess or make a read from 2-3 options, this top 4 characters have an array of options beyond 4-5. At the heat of the match, where every move counts, making a read from so many options is a gargantual task. Let's take a rough look:
*Cage: F3, F33, F33B3, D3, 11, 11F1, 2, 21 (with :ex Force Ball to mix things up).​
*Kabal: F3 2 NDC, F3 2 Hooks, F3 2 Saw, F3 NDC, B1 NDC, B1 2 NDC, 111 NDC, 114 Hooks, 114 Saw (I might be missing some).​
*Sonya: 114 MS dash, 114 MS dash grab, 114 MS dash 114, 114 MS grab, 114 MS sweep, 114 MS F1, 114 MS F1 Cartwheel, 114 Cartwheel, D4 Cartwheel, D4 MS dash, D4 MS dash F4, D4 MS F1, D4 MS F1 Cartwheel.​
*Kenshi: TF, SC, RK, TK Slash close, TK Slash mid, TK Slash far, :ex SC, F3 2 RK, F3 2 SC, F3 2 :ex SC; Kenshi still is the lesser of the 4, but those options practically build a wall infront of him.​
In sum, sick shit.​


Those 4 "scrubby" characters are what they are for two reasons:

a) PL already stated it: they punish you for *gasp* blocking. Yes, chip damage is part of MK, but to be in a situation where if you block you lose or if you get hit you lose is moronic. Kenshi is the lesser evil of the 4 because his chip can't kill you as bad as the others. The order they rank up in this aspect is: 1. Cage, 2. Kabal, 3. Sonya, 4. Kenshi

b) Unlike the rest of the cast where you only have to guess or make a read from 2-3 options, this top 4 characters have an array of options beyond 4-5. At the heat of the match, where every move counts, making a read from so many options is a gargantual task. Let's take a rough look:
*Cage: F3, F33, F33B3, D3, 11, 11F1, 2, 21 (with :ex Force Ball to mix things up).​

*Kabal: F3 2 NDC, F3 2 Hooks, F3 2 Saw, F3 NDC, B1 NDC, B1 2 NDC, 111 NDC, 114 Hooks, 114 Saw (I might be missing some).​

*Sonya: 114 MS dash, 114 MS dash grab, 114 MS dash 114, 114 MS grab, 114 MS sweep, 114 MS F1, 114 MS F1 Cartwheel, 114 Cartwheel, D4 Cartwheel, D4 MS dash, D4 MS dash F4, D4 MS F1, D4 MS F1 Cartwheel.​

*Kenshi: TF, SC, RK, TK Slash close, TK Slash mid, TK Slash far, :ex SC, F3 2 RK, F3 2 SC, F3 2 :ex SC; Kenshi still is the lesser of the 4, but those options practically build a wall infront of him.​

In sum, sick shit.​
114 whiffs though. You can poke out or armor out of it. B+21 is better cuz the second hit is mid i believe.


Goro Lives 
Yea you know what beats it? Blocking low. You know that only worked on Reo because he was tryign to Xray through it and not block it because he thought there was a frame hole inbetween it like f3 low hat?

I didn't even think to use that on anyone until that specific match.
Block low and poke out? Exactly how you deal with Sonya currently. Sonya requires a bit extra of execution because of MS. But 2, 4 xx Low Hat was so braindead and scrubby it caused outcry everywhere.

Having said that, don't take my comment as "LOL, PL braindead Lao". The tech/strat itself was brainded.


Goro Lives 
114 whiffs though. You can poke out or armor out of it. B+21 is better cuz the second hit is mid i believe.
To be honest I suck at making that whiff. Does it only whiff on neutral crouch? If that's the case, the danger of eating a combo forces you to block which only reinforces the pressure cycle.
Block low and poke out? Exactly how you deal with Sonya currently. Sonya requires a bit extra of execution because of MS. But 2, 4 xx Low Hat was so braindead and scrubby it caused outcry everywhere.

Having said that, don't take my comment as "LOL, PL braindead Lao". The tech/strat itself was brainded.
Wait hold up dawg......you're telling me to BLOCK a move that is +1 on block then poke out. Sure bert. Kung Lao's low hat was what -6 or -8 something like that but d4 ms f1 is +1 on block. Lets not forget this bitch has a launcher that is only -3 on block and builds here extra meter and she can do it again. Your only options are the try to counter poke out and get launched for hella damage and a reset or neutral jump and hope she does another one.


But you block kung lao and his pressure totally ends. You can hit him before he can even spin.
*Sonya: 114 MS dash, 114 MS dash grab, 114 MS dash 114, 114 MS grab, 114 MS sweep, 114 MS F1, 114 MS F1 Cartwheel, 114 Cartwheel, D4 Cartwheel, D4 MS dash, D4 MS dash F4, D4 MS F1, D4 MS F1 Cartwheel.
In order for all of these 114 MS options to work as pressure, you will need to land a jump in punch first.

Several of these 114 xx MS options can also be poked out of.

Her only viable 'string' without a jump in punch is honestly D4 xx MS F1 (xx Cartwheel if you want); Which also happens to be a great footsies tool.


Goro Lives 
Wait hold up dawg......you're telling me to BLOCK a move that is +1 on block then poke out. Sure bert. Kung Lao's low hat was what -6 or -8 something like that but d4 ms f1 is +1 on block. Lets not forget this bitch has a launcher that is only -3 on block and builds here extra meter and she can do it again. Your only options are the try to counter poke out and get launched for hella damage and a reset or neutral jump and hope she does another one.


But you block kung lao and his pressure totally ends. You can hit him before he can even spin.
We don't know for sure how bad/good Low Hat was. I'm merely talking on how the game performed back then. In that same vein, in the past Lao too had a 6 frame safe launcher until it was nerfed.

The post I quoted you mentioned Cartwheel, hence why I said a poke as a way out. I know MS F1 has advantage on block.
Wait hold up dawg......you're telling me to BLOCK a move that is +1 on block then poke out. Sure bert. Kung Lao's low hat was what -6 or -8 something like that but d4 ms f1 is +1 on block. Lets not forget this bitch has a launcher that is only -3 on block and builds here extra meter and she can do it again. Your only options are the try to counter poke out and get launched for hella damage and a reset or neutral jump and hope she does another one.


But you block kung lao and his pressure totally ends. You can hit him before he can even spin.
To be fair, I played vanilla MK last weekend with Detroit (didn't have a patched PS3) and Kung Lao was resoundingly silly (So was Kabal).

- 21212 xx low hat (10% chip damage)
- 24 xx low hat

Low hat walk all day.


Fear the Skulls
Wait hold up dawg......you're telling me to BLOCK a move that is +1 on block then poke out. Sure bert. Kung Lao's low hat was what -6 or -8 something like that but d4 ms f1 is +1 on block. Lets not forget this bitch has a launcher that is only -3 on block and builds here extra meter and she can do it again. Your only options are the try to counter poke out and get launched for hella damage and a reset or neutral jump and hope she does another one.


But you block kung lao and his pressure totally ends. You can hit him before he can even spin.
this man has a good point here. sonya up close is dangerous. Hey morty, why do yall never start anything with 31 string? Are the frames too slow on the 3 to come out?
To be fair, KL was very braindead. I mean nothing beats 2,4 xx Low Hat.
Thats where you are wrong, im not saying +20 on hit was justified, but people could just block low and he was at -7. for certain characters that was a full combo punish, for others it was a poke or pressure back with strings.

Also: Mk is NOT a game where execution level is an argument whether a character is scrubby or not.


Yeah all of sonya strings whiff and only jail on JIP. But keep in mind sonya does land a lot of JIP cuz ppl are scared to AA her cuz of the dive kick. But if sonya is just doing 114 the person can armor through it or poke out before MS even comes out.

@PL why are you blocking MS F+1. Take the 2nd hit and reset the position. Sonya gets like 4-5 options of a blocked MSF+1.
To be fair, I played vanilla MK last weekend with Detroit (didn't have a patched PS3) and Kung Lao was resoundingly silly (So was Kabal).

- 21212 xx low hat (10% chip damage)
- 24 xx low hat

Low hat walk all day.
21212 (right here)low hat could be crossed over for full combo punish. 24 low hat is block low and pressure back, if he tried the overhead it would be full combo punish.


Goro Lives 
In order for all of these 114 MS options to work as pressure, you will need to land a jump in punch first.

Several of these 114 xx MS options can also be poked out of.

Her only viable 'string' without a jump in punch is honestly D4 xx MS F1 (xx Cartwheel if you want); Which also happens to be a great footsies tool.
It's not so much what you can poke out of that matters, but having to make the read itself from a wide array of options. I mean, you can poke out of Cage's pressure at several points, the problem is figuring out when.

The thing with those characters is that in most cases if you guess wrong the put you back in the same guessing/reading scenario.