Resident Mileena Researcher
Don't sweat on it too much eh, if a character isn't working for you then that's all fine and dandy. I think people here are just responding to the "Mileena has no mix-up" argument since it doesn't really hold much water.No. I disregarded mixups because i was convinced that there arent any.
There are options i didnt even consider Though... i mean, its not like its written in stone that you have to do an entire string before you cancel it.. things like 2 ex roll or 21 roll are viable where you cant just block low then stand up.
Kinda invalidates my entire argument. Lol
I'll be going over this in depth in a future post but for now if I had to elaborate on what I PERSONALLY believe Mileena's core weakness is I would put it thus:
Mileena's biggest limiting factor during standard play is her reliance a single bar of meter. It not only gives her access to much of her mix-up game but because exRoll can be used to punish / armor through a lot of things that Mileena can't otherwise deal with it greatly improves her reactionary / punish game as well. At the core of this is the fact that Mileena is on the average to average-slow side for characters when it comes to standard strings so against faster opponents she must be played reactionary until you have access to meter - and even then you still have to cautious against real speed demons.