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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1


Too old for this Shit
I don't get it, are your feelings hurt when someone criticizes the xbox or what?
Nah.. Could care less about critiques.. I do care about people trolling with lore topics just "cause".. If I don't like Coke I don't buy it.. I don't go on blast claiming Pepsi is king to every consumer of Coke... Grow up


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Nah.. Could care less about critiques.. I do care about people trolling with lore topics just "cause".. If I don't like Coke I don't buy it.. I don't go on blast claiming Pepsi is king to every consumer of Coke... Grow up

Why do you feel the need to post this? If you don't like my comments... don't reply to them. Use your own logic.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I've said again again. The only "restriction" is having Internet or not...and I think everyone on this board has it.

And why does the user have to have Kinect? IDK. But what difference does it make? If you don't want to use it, let it collect dust, but the chances are that they included it because they are banking on the notion that users and publishers will most likely use it.
You are defending some very poor business decisions. You have every right to your opinions and perspective...but there is a reason the majority of people have rejected their proposals.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
You are defending some very poor business decisions. You have every right to your opinions and perspective...but there is a reason the majority of people have rejected their proposals.

You do not know if the majority of people have rejected their proposals or not. We know there is internet chatter, which also said that the Kinect would fail because nobody wanted that, either.

We will know how the public responds after we see some sales numbers 6-12 months after release.
After watching the whole E3 I have many conclusions and I see a lot of people who (in my honest opinion) are mistaken, and I think I can give another point of view while trying to be objective, I think this is the appropiate thread because the fanboy war hasn't started yet (thank god)

First, the whole idea of Xbox Done and that kind of jokes where also done when they announced the Live gold for 360, the people on the forums were saying "I'm moving to PS3" "in no way I'm gonna pay for online" and blablabla, and now there are tons of people who said that and are playing on Xbox, and even though I have a PS3 I know that online on Xbox is better, BUT if I had to chose again I would go to Ps3 again because it was free.

Now, lets take a look why the online connection is required and the advantages and disadvantages:
Required for:
1-Used games control
2-Easier to sell products, consoles are going to be services in this generation
3-People will feel more conditionated to play online
4-The whole console becomes a service

1-The topic of used games isn't as simple as you should be able to do with your game whatever you want, this is true, but to an extent, it should be this way if the people who buys it isn't screwed because of that; I (almost) always buy new games and pisses me of watching a month later the game that cost 60$ when I bought it, at 25$ used with the same features that the original game.
The question is, how this could be solved?
-Online pass
-Booking incentives
-Used game activation cost
The online pass is something that I don't like personally because it only make the game you bought used a bit more expensive.
The MS idea or charging users to use the game is horrible becuase that eliminates the whole propierty of your own game and that won't stop the used games never, it will only be even more expensive that in the online pass.
So, in my opinion what companies should do is to add a lot of incentives for purchasing the game new, like costumes, expansions, characters, free future DLCs (that way people would think twice about selling their games), there are tons of thing they could give to the new buyers to give the reasons to purchase the game,the idea of charging the people for used games wont change anthing, it would only put things more difficult.

Another thing to mention is that what consoles are going to be this next-gen, it's going to be all about services and I think that MS is a step ahead here because they idea is to create a media center, a simplier PC for the whole house, offering Music, Tv, sports, massive interaction between players and thus resulting in a "more" than a console, they want that all the people in the house has some kind of interest in the Xbox and be abe to sell them the services they want, but all this come at a price in my opinion because the whole idea of gamer is disappearing, the feeling of purchasing big demos which obviously feel kind of unfinished is going to be dominant in the nex gen, just like happens in Injustice, the game feels unfinished, because what do you think that they only need a week and a half to develop a character? No, the content was already made and the idea was to offer a "service" to the game for 5$ the charater, very very sad.
Just like Killer Instinct is going to do, play the game free and if you want you can buy it all but it's going to be more expensive that a game right now, because the digital content has less taxes, gives more money to the publisher and the developer and the downloaded content CAN'T be sold, the result for the next gen is games more expensive, unfinished at first, many will be free to play (that way they are attractive to all).
The whole idea of console for $ervice$ is awful for me, I want to purchase FULL games, if I enjoy the FULL experience I will kindly expend my money on bs downloadable content to support the company (like the voices I purchased from Blazblue, that I haven't even used), but the idea of not being able to play a game like Injustice beacause the game IS unfinished and I don't have all the characters to be able to select my main is digusting.

About people feeling conditionated to play online is a very smart idea, because you feel that you need to play online because you spent money on the service and the huge interaction between players is going to reach a point where the DLCs and the feeling of having the same experience that other players is going to be very important, again , this idea is pretty awful if used for $ purposses (as I think that M$ and $ony are thinking) because that is going to devaluate the single player experience, and the games are going to be less than in this generation becasue the support is going to be bigger.
Again the example of Injustice, in 1995 Netherealm after doing MK started to develop the next one and they had to offer the full experience if they wanted the people to bought their next game, but right now, they can affor doing a game and spend 7-8 months selling ALREADY made and new content to the game, this is going to be very, very important in the future, there are going to be WAY less games with WAY more content.
This can be good or bad depending the content and the interest in people, because that content won't be costumes, will be characters, moves, gems (ejem ejem Capcom) but there is no one to blame but ourselves as a players and costumers for only buying content that SHOULD be on the game and ignre content like voices or costumes that are on the store like "c'mon support us", if people during this genwouldn't have purchased a single time the DLC character from MK9 Injustice would have come full.

In the end, the best service goes to..............Steam
Regarding consoles $ony lokks like they are going to be more focusred on the traditional gamer not making the console a media center (thank god) and if I had to chose between this and M$ I would purchase the Ps4.
Also, all the people thinking in purchase the XBOX ONE think that the console you bought does NOT belong to you, because you can't do what you want with it, no internet no play, simply as that, going to the beach and wanna play, no way, lost you internet connection on saturday9 p.m becasue of ethernet broken, no play during sunday, have that in mind...
Even if I'm a xbox fanboy
I can't play xbox1 untill 2014 or 2015
Because they didn't support my country
Lmao thank god sony didn't do this

Sent from. SECRET using Tapatalk


My GT: UncappedWheel82
You are defending some very poor business decisions. You have every right to your opinions and perspective...but there is a reason the majority of people have rejected their proposals.
Poor business decisions for who? For me? You? Everyone else?

I think the only reason you think it is a poor business decision is because of the suposed "risks" involved, but that is where the track record of who you are following comes in, and the trends of the open market of that Industry. I've lived long enough to know that in order to make progress, some risks have to be taken, and I don't think entering into the X1's ecosystem is anymore risky than getting in bed with Sony, Apple, Google, Verizon, or any one of these big service oriented companies who have been around for a years.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
I don't want negative change. I like chages with cloud gaming and so on. Its change. Good change.
So you like the Cloud and the ability it gives you to take your library everywhere you go (phones, tablets, anyother connected X1 - which so far is an X1 exclusive thing mind you), but the "negative" change that you have to ping the Internet with the system, which you normally do everytime you game anyway, is putting you off. Again, gotcha.

Look man, if you don't want one, don't get one, but acting in poor taste and generally spreading hate about things you don't care for and/or don't fully understand is dumb. Especially when in the long run those "negative" changes you so guard yourself against, are creeping up on you anyway and in many ways you are open to.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Poor business decisions for who? For me? You? Everyone else?

I think the only reason you think it is a poor business decision is because of the suposed "risks" involved, but that is where the track record of who you are following comes in, and the trends of the open market of that Industry. I've lived long enough to know that in order to make progress, some risks have to be taken, and I don't think entering into the X1's ecosystem is anymore risky than getting in bed with Sony, Apple, Google, Verizon, or any one of these big service oriented companies who have been around for a years.

How do you benefit from having common features of consoles taken away from you?


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
So you like the Cloud and the ability it gives you to take your library everywhere you go (phones, tablets, anyother connected X1 - which so far is an X1 exclusive thing mind you), but the "negative" change that you have to ping the Internet with the system, which you normally do everytime you game anyway, is putting you off. Again, gotcha.

Look man, if you don't want one, don't get one, but acting in poor taste and generally spreading hate about things you don't care for and/or don't fully understand is dumb. Especially when in the long run those "negative" changes you so guard yourself against, are creeping up on you anyway and in many ways you are open to.

Using the cloud is optional. I like that I have access to it.

I don't like, that I'm being forced to use it. Sony will have a cloud, sony don't have always online. That tells you that microsoft don't need to force me to go online all the time.

You're being very silly, just because I use and benefit from online doesn't mean that I can say I will always be online forever.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
How do you benefit from having common features of consoles taken away from you?
Why be so specific to consoles?

I've had consoles AND hand-helds die on me plenty of times for reasons of normal wear and tear to seemed acts of God. I've lived in apartments where the pipes burst, flooding my VG collection which wiped out my OG Gamecube leaving me little to no recourse. I've had both Smart and dumb phones that just were jacked that I paid / was paying for and had to hash it out with the porviders. I've had net and cable connections go ham on me and I was completely not a fault. Do you think you won't have recourse if/when stuff fails? That you'd just be assed out? No company wants to loose money, which why their is risk on both sides...always.

The bottomline is stuff happens, and when it does, I keep it moving. Games are and have been a big part of my life for all of my life, yet they are not what I live for.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Why be so specific to consoles?

I've had consoles AND hand-helds die on me plenty of times for reasons of normal wear and tear to seemed acts of God. I've lived in apartments where the pipes burst, flooding my VG collection which wiped out my OG Gamecube leaving me little to no recourse. I've had both Smart and dumb phones that just were jacked that I paid / was paying for and had to hash it out with the porviders. I've had net and cable connections go ham on me and I was completely not a fault. Do you think you won't have recourse if/when stuff fails? That you'd just be assed out? No company wants to loose money, which why their is risk on both sides...always.

The bottomline is stuff happens, and when it does, I keep it moving. Games are and have been a big part of my life for all of my life, yet they are not what I live for.

I'm not seeing anything in that post that outlines how hamstrung lending and used games, along with always online DRM is a benefit to you.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Using the cloud is optional. I like that I have access to it.

I don't like, that I'm being forced to use it. Sony will have a cloud, sony don't have always online. That tells you that microsoft don't need to force me to go online all the time.

You're being very silly, just because I use and benefit from online doesn't mean that I can say I will always be online forever.
Optional for some games, not all.

For example, Destiny is an always online game, so you'll be forced to use it in some form in that game. Many more of the Next gen titles are going that route as well. I guess you just won't play those though...you know, principles and all.
GG Ps4 won the next gen battle even before release, thanks the M$ crappy politics, those moneygrubbers will lose BAD :D, they deserve to get pirated, maybe 4 or 5 months after release hackers make a crack for pirated copys and they will look dumb, same that happened to the 360, in Venezuela over 70% of the xboxes are chipped/cracked for pirated software


My GT: UncappedWheel82
I'm not seeing anything in that post that outlines how hamstrung lending and used games, along with always online DRM is a benefit to you.
Look man, I've got to run. I suggest you re-read the thread to find the answer you you question and it has been aswered a few times. If you don't like the reasons, or understand the benefits, that is all you, but they are there...and you don't even have to dig for them.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
You do not know if the majority of people have rejected their proposals or not. We know there is internet chatter, which also said that the Kinect would fail because nobody wanted that, either.

We will know how the public responds after we see some sales numbers 6-12 months after release.
Weren't polls conducted? lol