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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
But those are added elements to what is already known, thereby increasing the probability of it happening. You should probably work on your probability and statistics.

Regardless, this is still a problem, and it is an added problem, and many people can speak from expirence with shitty ISP expirence, including myself. Hell, when PSN was down for three fucking weeks I could still play my games. If anything like that happens during the Xbox One era, you best believe there is going to be a firestorm.

Plus, look at simcity.

Simcity is a game that had no need to be online... yet... it was. Just like xbox one.

Tell me, how did simcity do? I think that tells you why xbox 1 online bullshit does not work.

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
Plus, look at simcity.

Simcity is a game that had no need to be online... yet... it was. Just like xbox one.

Tell me, how did simcity do? I think that tells you why xbox 1 online bullshit does not work.
This is the best and most recent example to date that personifies the problem, yet people are just tossing this shit by the wayside if it is no big deal.


Obvious it didn't affect your purchasing choice but saying what they're doing doesn't effect you is simply untrue. Whether you choose to see that or not is clearly your prerogative. However, correct me if I am wrong we are not solely talking about you. We're talking about the spectrum of consumer response.

Thus far its been pretty damn bad. So implying this isn't a big deal is a giant misnomer.

I don't know their agenda? it's pretty damn obvious. They're trying for a bigger grab by controlling what I will and won't purchase and further more control what I actually do with it when I have it. I don't need omnipresent understanding in marketing to "get it". I got it nice and clear and will not touch their product with a barge pole.

Firstly, let me offer an apology if you think I am being overly terse. I am not, what you do as a consumer doesn't effect me. Nor am I "mad" at you for having a different opinion or anything as such.

That said, I have not put any words into your mouth. I have addressed everything I said piece by piece.

Grundyfox, MS next gen policies do not effect me. They just don't.

Gaming will become a service, it's not going to be like owning a soccer ball where you can just take it and go play wherever you want. It's going to become a home-based (or mobile) -but always connected subscription model where you will pay to gain access to the media provided by said platform.

For comparison, go look at your DVD collection (if you have one) then go to Netflix.com.

I believe it is you who does not see this, not I.


Pricewise wouldn't be a big deal if they weren't forcing the Kinect2 down people's throats. But that's not really the issue here.

People were saying that during the Xbox One reveal the constant commands through the TV was interacting with their current Kinects.

Trolls would have a field day with this online.

"XBOX OFF" *everyone in game disconnects*

hahahahaah so bad


So it has no advantages, and instead you're downplaying the disadvantages...

If you want an advantage, X1 has TWITCH. I love watching Twitch FGC and SC2 tournaments and would watch it all day on my days off it I didn't have to sit slouched at my PC.


This is the best and most recent example to date that personifies the problem, yet people are just tossing this shit by the wayside if it is no big deal.

and on the flip side we have games like World of Tanks, World of Warcraft, LoL, StarCraft 2 and COD all of which have ridiculous user bases and are require a constant internet connection as well.

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
and on the flip side we have games like World of Tanks, World of Warcraft, LoL, StarCraft 2 and COD all of which have ridiculous user bases and are require a constant internet connection as well.
WoT, WoW, LoL are purely multiplayer based, and when those servers go down, there is a shitstorm. Fuck, just look at EU West servers for LoL, they are CONSTANTLY bitching because they don't have service to their game. SC2 and CoD still have campaign single player.


The point is this.

Product A needs me to be always online.
Product B doesn't.

Product B is cheaper and has better hardware.

Why do I buy product A?
For the ultimate TV entertainment experience, which you have access to, even if you internet goes down.
Unless you're from Europe, then you never have the access to the extras Micro$oft will be offering you, even though you as a core gamer could care less about sports. And on the top of that, you as a European have to pay MUCH ... and I mean MUCH more money than the customers from America.
Oh hey, that actually seems to be a good question.
Why do you buy product A? For Killer Instinct? Hell no, not even for that game.

X-Box Don't Buy One = some crack whore who costs around 100$ and you'll end up with aids afterwards.
Playstation 4 = hottest girl on the planet and she wants you



Ayy Lmao
Indeed it is, and I question streaming for BOTH systems as I'm curious how much they will interfere with playing online multiplayer. I.e. how much lag will it cause if I'm streaming while playing.
Yea that's one of the negatives I see for both consoles. Some people will stream just for the fuck of it just cause the feature is there, even though no one will be watching them play.


I didn't realize that it was mutually exclusive.

Yep, sucks balls.

You see, I'm in a different boat that nobody is addressing. I'm a PC guy who wants to gravitate from slouched-pc-desk Twitch TV to awesome-couch-comfy-lazy-mode Twitch TV.

Killer Instinct on the X1 is a bonus and enough to seal the deal and Titanfall/Dead Rising 3 is gravy on top.

The rest of my interested are multi platform and I am kind of interested in Mad Max/Destiny/Division on PS4 but they don't outweight Killer Instinct and Twitch for me.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Found another link. Edited OP.

I ain't letting you bastards go.


I will spit on your tomb!
Grundyfox, MS next gen policies do not effect me. They just don't.
Sorry, as aforementioned whether you want to accept it or not it does effect you. Now, whether you care or not is absolutely your prerogative through and through.

Gaming will become a service, it's not going to be like owning a soccer ball where you can just take it and go play wherever you want. It's going to become a home-based (or mobile) -but always connected subscription model where you will pay to gain access to the media provided by said platform.
Which is an absurd model of business. If I buy something, I want to actually own it and not let someone dictate to me what I can and can do with my purchase. If I want to lend you my game, here you go, on a whim. If I want to sell it to you thats my choice. If I want to buy it off you heres my money. How they have gone about it is ridiculous. If it was as benign as you are portraying they wouldn't be suffering to the extent they already are.

For comparison, go look at your DVD collection (if you have one) then go to Netflix.com
Not comparable and I have an extensive collection of bluray and DVDs.

I believe it is you who does not see this, not I.
I see it perfectly clear. thats why I refuse to be bamboozled.


Sorry, as aforementioned whether you want to accept it or not it does effect you. Now, whether you care or not is absolutely your prerogative through and through.

Which is an absurd model of business. If I buy something, I want to actually own it and not let someone dictate to me what I can and can do with my purchase. If I want to lend you my game, here you go, on a whim. If I want to sell it to you thats my choice. If I want to buy it off you heres my money. How they have gone about it is ridiculous. If it was as benign as you are portraying they wouldn't be suffering to the extent they already are.

Not comparable and I have an extensive collection of bluray and DVDs.

I see it perfectly clear. thats why I refuse to be bamboozled.
From what I know; I do not buy used games nor do I trade games. Next gen will come with a 5$ online subscription fee, I'm fine with it. Finally, I've been perma-connected to the net for over a decade so the online check-in does not affect me. Is there any other policy I may be unaware of?

You detailed precisely what I thought you were overlooking. Did you find the arcade days too taxing as well? You do know the model then was to make stupid-op bosses so the kids would keep coughing up quarters right? Anyway, you see the model as I once saw it but I see it changing. Look at Asia if you want to see what's coming and I'm giving you the heads up - it's ugly.

As time goes on, online movie and tv show content will inevitably dwarf the collection you possess, much like the music industry.