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Message to online players without Asus experience


usually takes me about an hour to fully warm up, then maybe a few games per character

i used Jax in tournament today without absolutely no warm-up with him and it showed, i literally couldn't do a damn thing right and would just pause in the middle of pressure. i looked retarded

as long as you get at least an hour/hour n a half in on the setups that the tourny is running you should be golden
Thanks, much appreciated:).

I'm going to have to leave at like 6 A.M. to get there to have enough time for casuals.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Also it NEEDS to be said:


I have been to hundreds of tournaments for many games in my life, and I can guarantee you that NOTHING is as important as being well rested.

If I could choose between an hour of practice or an hour of sleep, I would choose sleep every time.

Another highly underrated one is to stay hydrated, which is waaaaaay more important than you would think.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
as long as you get at least an hour/hour n a half in on the setups that the tourny is running you should be golden
usually takes me about an hour to fully warm up, then maybe a few games per character

i used Jax in tournament today without absolutely no warm-up with him and it showed, i literally couldn't do a damn thing right and would just pause in the middle of pressure. i looked retarded
Yea, I don't know if it was against you, but I dropped two njp combos on stream, and looked like a total doofus. Timing was off by a mile. I started feeling really good maybe 1hr in to casuals with Gnarly. Half of it was due to better timing, half was due to being eliminated and having no pressure to perform. I think I've finally come to the conclusion that I need to start hitting up EGP Wednesdays at Frank and Sons, missing out on a lot of mu exp. Nice Shang, help me with that mu bro!


i dont even know how the hell to check to see if my tv is lagging at all. it all plays the same to me. any way to test to see if i am?

G4S MinotaurLord

Wielder of Toxins
I play on a VISIO 26' HD. I haven't noticed tons of lag with it...is it because I'm just used to it? How good/bad are these models?
Do you guys think that playing on an SD TV is good warm up before going on an Asus?

I remember the first time i went to EGP, i faced krazyie in casuals and I started doing f2+1 from like a mile away, i couldn't even jip krayzies cyrax, everything was off.

But from then on I stopped using the plasma tv and went back to my old sd tv.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
i dont even know how the hell to check to see if my tv is lagging at all. it all plays the same to me. any way to test to see if i am?
Seriously, I'd like to know this too... I don't notice any lag on my LCD tv. But I'm not really sure what it would look like. haha

But there's no way I'm switching to a SD TV ... that shit looks horrible.
Seriously, I'd like to know this too... I don't notice any lag on my LCD tv. But I'm not really sure what it would look like. haha

But there's no way I'm switching to a SD TV ... that shit looks horrible.
I don't see how it looks horrible really......it looks the same.

It's probably because I'm used to it by now.


Put down the controller and run!
MLG does not have Asus monitors, they are Ben-Q's. Asus is a FGC thing. At the start of the tourney some, especially on the one end, lagged considerably. I believe Arturo ran around and switched the settings to remedy the problem. Still, laggy TV's + laggy online will definitely hurt your game when you show to a tourney. Get a good night of casuals on a good monitor before you start.
Which brand or kind of TV would you reccomend to play MK on? And why? Thanks in advance.


Get staffed bro
I play on an Evo monitor and can't notice any difference between it and my 8ms LCD TV tbh.

If you're coming from online to play in an offline tournament I'd be far more concerned with getting used to playing offline in general than the minute differences of monitor lag.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Why is everyone who is in this site play with laggy TVs? How can you play on those? My TV has 0 lag and when I go to my friend's his lags too unless he uses an HDMI cable.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I play on an Evo monitor and can't notice any difference between it and my 8ms LCD tbh.

If you're coming from online to play in an offline tournament I'd be far more concerned with getting used to playing offline in general than the minute differences of monitor lag.
Online to offline is the same as playing a match online and then going to training mode is it not? Seeing as how you aren't on the internet once you're in single player modes, I would think so. I barely notice any difference there. I'm more concerned about this whole tv thing. lol

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I think Almost everyone is missing the point

The only thing that matters is asus because those are what u play on at every tourney

And ben-q for MLG

Nothing else matters - practice how u plan to play


"Thanks" button abuser.
MLG does not have Asus monitors, they are Ben-Q's. Asus is a FGC thing. At the start of the tourney some, especially on the one end, lagged considerably. I believe Arturo ran around and switched the settings to remedy the problem. Still, laggy TV's + laggy online will definitely hurt your game when you show to a tourney. Get a good night of casuals on a good monitor before you start.
Aren't those Ben-Qs with little input lag? (like 14ms)
Also, I would've sworn MLG used the VH236H last year. I can recall Rambino talking about it on an interview on last year's pro circuit (for blops)

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Online to offline is the same as playing a match online and then going to training mode is it not?
It is in the sense that you can adjust your timing to coincide with lag to pull off combos. It differs in that online gives you a sort of safety blanket to get away with a lot of crap that would be punished offline, ie jump ins. Offline you have to be calculated on when you jump in and cross over, where as online you can play like a bunny hopping counter strike player. Moves with small punish windows go untouched a good amount of the time in lag. Nothing pisses me off more than Lao getting away with free spins on block. Guh

Nothing else matters - practice how u plan to play
Right on bro, I've pretty much decided as of yesterday that I'm dropping this game on 360/CRT, over PS3/ASUS. I need to get serious about leveling up, too many damn beasts in this jungle, one must prepare for their fury!


kung lao swag walker
i agree with everyone i remember going to first tourney and not being able to do some my combos well. I thought it was me, but i went home and practiced it and i was doing all of them. I think the best thing to do is know that the difference is going to be there if you can't afford it and adjust, or find someone who maybe available and play on theirs. Its definitely something you will get used to though once you start. I nevr have the chance to play on an asus, but since going to tournament as of last may i have learned how to adjust accordingly


Who hired this guy, WTF?
I'm lucky enough to have the ability to practice on a variety of monitors. Including the ASUS Monitor (which I fucking LOVE).


My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
If you're an online player looking to debut at a tournament but have no experience on an asus monitor, get some before you go if you want to do well! Or at least get there early for casuals. There is a huge difference between a regular tv, and an asus monitor. I just recently experienced an asus monitor, and was struggling to even cancel strings in to military stance, which is a fairly easy thing to do. So just a heads up to anyone whos never played on an asus; get experience. Its definitely NOT something you can get used to in five minutes.
As a Sonya player who just attended his first tourney, I endorse this message 100%


Crazy 88
Aren't those Ben-Qs with little input lag? (like 14ms)
Also, I would've sworn MLG used the VH236H last year. I can recall Rambino talking about it on an interview on last year's pro circuit (for blops)
Its probably an endorsement thing but it was definitely all Ben-Q at MLG Columbus. They do indeed have Asus monitors as I have seen them in photos so it may have been a recent change.