And yet that's still when said match occurred. Big woosh, my friend.Impossible game wasn't out -90 an alternate universe dude. Doesn't matter though who uses him or doesn't at this point. I'm looking forward to the Wind God, let's just hope NRS doesn't butcher him too.And yet that's still when said match occurred. Big woosh, my friend. an alternate universe dude. Doesn't matter though who uses him or doesn't at this point. I'm looking forward to the Wind God, let's just hope NRS doesn't butcher him too.
Too bad youtube doesn't remind us that's a prototype version of the game... which is moot to I don't know today's version of the game hell even release? Lol
Video uploaded: January 18, 2019
Game release April 23, 2019
Damn YouTube is such a nice way to access alternate universes
Too bad youtube doesn't remind us that's a prototype version of the game... which is moot to I don't know today's version of the game hell even release? Lol
I'm talking about now, pretty sure the game went thru lots of changes since then. Lol. But maybe I am in an alternate universe if we're still talking about prototype/pretty release mk 11 build.
Ok then.
PRE-RELEASE BUILD. Learn to readoutrage from Youtube comments saying that Rewind was spamming too much in the pre-release build in his exhibition against SF.
Clearly it’s my problem. Since everyone was talking about how lightning strike was changed from pre-release to the current state. Not to worry though. I’m just here to point out your mistakes.I can READ, thank you very much. LEARN TO COMPREHEND WHAT THE REST OF US ARE TALKING ABOUT AND USE CURRENT BUILD, NOBODY CARES ABOUT A FRACKING YEAR AGO PRE RELEASE KID.
You're right, I made the mistake of taking you seriously. Lol ok there mr. Know it all...seriously get over yourself you dont know as much as you think and I made no mistake here, I'm merely pointing out the fact that nobody cares about a pre release nerf. I'd challenge you to show me how much you really know even via video or playing me directly but we both know neither will happen.Clearly it’s my problem. Since everyone was talking about how lightning strike was changed from pre-release to the current state. Not to worry though. I’m just here to point out your mistakes.
And playing you proves what exactly?You're right, I made the mistake of taking you seriously. Lol ok there mr. Know it all...seriously get over yourself you dont know as much as you think and I made no mistake here, I'm merely pointing out the fact that nobody cares about a pre release nerf. I'd challenge you to show me how much you really know even via video or playing me directly but we both know neither will happen.
One other person mentioned it, your alter ego or bff, it doesn't matter nobody else really cares about a tourney player playing the game early over a year ago. They were still making changes to the game re-release....every fg goes thru this and nrs has been doing this since mk 9.
Most of us are talking about buffing him or ways to make him better not a nerd everyone's known since last april.
I dont care so much about winning or losing, but more so just how much you really know which I can easily determine from your gameplay. Dude most mk games I'm on top 100 leaderboard, I've played mk my entire life it's not me running my mouth about raiden if anything it's you especially when you're not for common sense buffs and want to clearly keep him shit tier and so long as you dont demand such buffs that's where he will remain. But dont give me this be about "he can beat Jacqui, geras" no he can't just cause one tourney player who plays mk 11 247 does it dont mean majority can or want to stress that much over a match up that's clearly uphill from the start.And playing you proves what exactly?
I’m down to play. Do you like playing in 200+ ping? If you think that you can run your mouth and mislead other people about this character and expect no one to step in and correct you then you are deluded. I don’t have to be good at this game to know that people wanting a 14f launcher that jails from pokes to be able to be made safe in any way shape or form are stupid.
I'm on PS4, wired. Do you like playing in over 200 ping?I dont care so much about winning or losing, but more so just how much you really know which I can easily determine from your gameplay. Dude most mk games I'm on top 100 leaderboard, I've played mk my entire life it's not me running my mouth about raiden if anything it's you especially when you're not for common sense buffs and want to clearly keep him shit tier and so long as you dont demand such buffs that's where he will remain. But dont give me this be about "he can beat Jacqui, geras" no he can't just cause one tourney player who plays mk 11 247 does it dont mean majority can or want to stress that much over a match up that's clearly uphill from the start.
Except you're not correcting me you're just arrogant like when you say "oh your idea would make him s tier broke" without any evidence yeah that's not correcting me or me misleading people, that's you being an arrogant ass and if you think I have a fear or problem not calling you out on that then you dont know much about me obviously. Maybe others let you walk over them but not me sir lol. Not happening. You think this game is good? Lol you dont know a good mk game.
Notice every other raiden player here wants buffs and not trivial ones ones that matter. Have you seen the bs that Jacqui? Spawn? Gears? Kabal?Scorp? Etc list goes have? So many characters have strong or busted tools in this game yet you try to defend with raiden limited tools yet you think one or two buffs for raiden would make him broke? Lol please...that's why no tourney players use him if they do it's rare or they get punked like dxyo did vs dragon, and I dont blame Dx I blame nrs for making raiden shit which he is. Deny it all you want ,I dont really care at this point it's a damn fact by most of the raiden community, period. I see it on here, I see it on reddit, I see it on Twitter.
Yeah well those who dont want him better are just as if not more stupid so....yeah. to each his own. I've made a few suggestions how they can make him better that various members here have also agreed with. I but but speed fios internet, so if you're trying to make pre game excuses as to you potentially losing, save it. The game is playable enough in most cases with wired connections.and even sometimes on wifi.
But yeah if you actually did destroy me with me with raiden, I'd be very surprised I mean you're also literally the only person in here not to post one video at some point yet you lecture me about running my mouth? What can I say I can sense an "talk the talk but not walk the walk" mentality a mile away.
I have xbox and switch, wifi for switch and wire for xbox. Anytime you're down by all means feel free to show me how much you really know.
I have high speed fios internet the fastest possible in my area. Spectrum is the other popular provider here but they're slower.I'm on PS4, wired. Do you like playing in over 200 ping?
Do you like playing in over 200 ping?I have high speed fios internet the fastest possible in my area. Spectrum is the other popular provider here but they're slower.
I like playing a stable connection, we all know how this game in general plays. I have wired for xbox, wifi for switch. If you get either and want matches let me know. Where are you playing from since you sound so concerned? Japan or something?Do you like playing in over 200 ping?
I’m from Hong Kong. I only have PS4. If you don’t like playing in bad connections then tough luck.I like playing a stable connection, we all know how this game in general plays. I have wired for xbox, wifi for switch. If you get either and want matches let me know. Where are you playing from since you sound so concerned? Japan or something?
Baits and safety. Teleport cancels are only safe if you spend bar to do the far version. AMP can get punished if the opponent is late on your regular teleport punish.Just got into raiden and honestly, he’s got some promising buttons. I really like his f3 and back 1 ofc even tho it can sometimes be punished, but I’m trying to figure out if tele cancels are worth it like they were in mkx? I.e strings into ex teleport etc, or is it better to just do staggers and throw baits and generally play it safe with his long reaching normals w a lot of push back? Just lookin for some general gameplan tips here? Coming from a Cassie main.![]()
Ok, I gotcha. I’m not too much of a fan of spending the defensive bar to get half screen away unless I’m in the corner because I feel like that range is raidens ‘dead zone’ if that makes sense. Obviously it depends on who ur fighting character wise, but ok. Good to know. Thanks.Baits and safety. Teleport cancels are only safe if you spend bar to do the far version. AMP can get punished if the opponent is late on your regular teleport punish.
Around half screen is where Raiden shines. His F4 reaches around that far and you can really bully characters with that move with good neutral and footsies. Jumps will get trip-guarded. Attempts to move forwards will get whiff punished. If you want to be super safe just play Raijin. TW is very defensive bar hungry so it struggles when you get opened up or knocked down.Ok, I gotcha. I’m not too much of a fan of spending the defensive bar to get half screen away unless I’m in the corner because I feel like that range is raidens ‘dead zone’ if that makes sense. Obviously it depends on who ur fighting character wise, but ok. Good to know. Thanks.
Yeah I know, I just can’t stand the play style of raijin. Definitely prefer TW, but I gotchaAround half screen is where Raiden shines. His F4 reaches around that far and you can really bully characters with that move with good neutral and footsies. Jumps will get trip-guarded. Attempts to move forwards will get whiff punished. If you want to be super safe just play Raijin. TW is very defensive bar hungry so it struggles when you get opened up or knocked down.
You can do to cancels more If you have the lead but they can be punished easily, even his regular one isn't safe and can be punished if read but his far ones are safe but will cost your meter. If you find yourself getting corner they're great at escaping being locked down corner trapped.Ok, I gotcha. I’m not too much of a fan of spending the defensive bar to get half screen away unless I’m in the corner because I feel like that range is raidens ‘dead zone’ if that makes sense. Obviously it depends on who ur fighting character wise, but ok. Good to know. Thanks.