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Lord Raiden General Discussion Thread


Thanks for the feedback fellahs. Yes, I've heard from other Jades that they hate the Raiden MU but some of these posts from Raiden mains make me not want to put in the effort, lol. Johnny does well and I think it's a 5-5 MU I just hate fighting her and was looking for an easy way out. Everything about her play style disgusts me enough so that I had to change my avatar just recently.

Jump back Razor Rang, Edenian Spark, Nitro Kick wash rinse repeat. Throw in a shit ton of D4's, D2's and don't forget the most execution heavy BNB in NRS History F21~D2.

I hate this character



Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
I don't know the Raiden/Jade MU but scrubby Jades can always be outpatienced. Just crouch and block/jump the low projectile, try to catch them reusing glow and make your reads count. If you are really feeling it, D2 KB their D2 on read and do a fatality


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Thunder God's, I come to you for guidance. I've had it up to my tits with online Emerald Defenders and word on the street is Raiden counter picks her hard. Is this true? If I'm looking to strictly counter pick Jade which variation would you gentlemen recommend? I'd love to see why and how he counters her so any input would be appreciated. FYI...Johnny main here so please don't throw rocks at me....
Yep indeed true, a little patience and timing teleporting will destroy jade but if not destroy her fluster them so much they won't know what to do. I condition jades all the time with lightning tosses, strikes then once they so the flash instant superman. I'd you can save your KB full screen read its guaranteed. Then they'll start to think twice about doing it, when they do this I like to move in play footsies a little, try to bait the kick and suck and punish.

I have a set facing an annoying jade. I'll post soon on how I deal with them, I would say 9/10 times I have success with raiden in tw vs any jade variation especially ED. Plus, I use EM they're literally my two mains lol so I know what's coming.

Also if you can read it, time it when they try to IA zone you with air gloves, teleport and d2 her or combo her or mk into superman. He has a few options depending where you want her. Imo hes one of the best jade killers besides scorpion.


Do you guys get b2 instead of b12 mid combos often? My anti-air bnb is s1, b12 into superman or 1+3, but more often than not I get b2 instead of b12 that takes a full second to come out and recover.

Really want it to become b22 instead, so nothing comes out on b2 but full overhead comes on b22, kinda like Jacqui's f22.


Man of Science Who Wields the Living Lightning
Do you guys get b2 instead of b12 mid combos often? My anti-air bnb is s1, b12 into superman or 1+3, but more often than not I get b2 instead of b12 that takes a full second to come out and recover.

Really want it to become b22 instead, so nothing comes out on b2 but full overhead comes on b22, kinda like Jacqui's f22.
Input error. You pressed B12 too early and only got B2. Happens to the best of us. Need to drill down those timings unfortunately


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Do you guys get b2 instead of b12 mid combos often? My anti-air bnb is s1, b12 into superman or 1+3, but more often than not I get b2 instead of b12 that takes a full second to come out and recover.

Really want it to become b22 instead, so nothing comes out on b2 but full overhead comes on b22, kinda like Jacqui's f22.
The game has glitchy input issues and this has happened to me a few times under laggy or subpar online conditions, it's quite annoying.


All your mains belong to me!
It's not glitchy, it's due to input buffer/leniency. Like in this game you have to input a string or a cancel, similar to a "dial in".

An example of this is how attacks after a jump in work - you have to hit the button after you hit your j2/4, while visually, your character is still in the air, in order to combo. Meanwhile, in games like SFV, you can hit your button after you visually hit your jumping attack, meaning you have more time to press the button.

It works the same way you press buttons to get a combo, for example take Raijin in the corner, launch your opponent with DB4(AMP) 1 B12 DB2. If you press to early, only the 2 will come out, so you have to time it, you can't mash it.

In reality it's math.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Faulty, busted, glitchy whatever though lol, I mean no other MK game has the input issues that this game has. Glitchy, flawed, either way semantics aside it doesn't work properly and that's a problem. When it first started happening to me I thought it was my controller but apparently not. The only issue that's been consistent(but can be shut off) since MK 9 is negative edge, but this issue has screwed me over in some matches not going to lie.

I hear what you're saying But yeah either way it's something that should be fixed, one of the many issues this game has that NRS will most likely ignore. Input lag happens but that can happen in any game online, this is obviously a different issue.
You're straight up just miss timing your inputs, I wouldn't call that a game flaw. Happens to all of us here and there. That shit has definitely existed in previous NRS games; it's simply the player buffering too early.


All your mains belong to me!
This is the only MK game I have played after UMK3 many years ago and since I'm used to anime games, like GG with short input leniency, I'm used to this.

It cannot be great, I won't put my hands on fire for this, however, don't forget this is what enables stuff like J4 into a special, for example. It can work against you, but also in your favor.

I don't mind it, but can see the issues it can cause to others.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I'm not missing my inputs, been playing MK since MK 1 this has never happened to me until MK 11...it's a flaw or simply a mechanic not programmed properly(semantics whichever it is they should fix it). Yeah but I'm not talking about sometimes missing a combo or whiffing, which yes we all do from time to time that but I'm talking flat out hitting my inputs and the strings not coming out literally. There's also a few specific strings in this game that happens with. It never existed in the past 2 MK games, negative edge was the big issue with MK 9 but inputs not working? Never had an issue in that game.

This is the only MK game I have played after UMK3 many years ago and since I'm used to anime games, like GG with short input leniency, I'm used to this.

It cannot be great, I won't put my hands on fire for this, however, don't forget this is what enables stuff like J4 into a special, for example. It can work against you, but also in your favor.

I don't mind it, but can see the issues it can cause to others.
Haven't played an anime game in a while, but that's one reason why I'm personally not a fan. Aside from getting a migraine with their supers lol.

I mean it's not the worst issue in the game, I just think it sucks when you hit the button and the input doesn't register. Know what I mean? But didn't know all anime games have that input issue.
I'm not missing my inputs, been playing MK since MK 1 this has never happened to me until MK 11...it's a flaw or simply a mechanic not programmed properly(semantics whichever it is they should fix it). Yeah but I'm not talking about sometimes missing a combo or whiffing, which yes we all do from time to time that but I'm talking flat out hitting my inputs and the strings not coming out literally. There's also a few specific strings in this game that happens with. It never existed in the past 2 MK games, negative edge was the big issue with MK 9 but inputs not working? Never had an issue in that game.
A great many of us have also been playing since MK1; you really don't have to bring that up all the time since it's pretty largely irrelevant to how this game works. I know we're not talking about whiffs, we're talking about a string being offset because the first inputs were made too early, thus the next parts of the string get read as the initial input of the new string which is why people can get things like b2 when they wanted b12. It's an input error 100%.

Personally I would like there to be more delay on strings similar to something like DOA, but that's actually kind of unrelated and it is what it is.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
A great many of us have also been playing since MK1; you really don't have to bring that up all the time since it's pretty largely irrelevant to how this game works. I know we're not talking about whiffs, we're talking about a string being offset because the first inputs were made too early, thus the next parts of the string get read as the initial input of the new string which is why people can get things like b2 when they wanted b12. It's an input error 100%.

Personally I would like there to be more delay on strings similar to something like DOA, but that's actually kind of unrelated and it is what it is.

My point is alot of people on here haven't played the other Mks some have...I'm sure some of us older peeps have besides myself but point is no other mk has had this bad input issues at least none that's gave me an issue here and there till this game. Just saying.

I know but that's what I'm saying besides whiffs that shouldn't be an issue why is there even input delay or issues unless it's online with bad LK af which will cause lag input delay depending on the connection but at least their rollback system helps the general gameplay though bad wifi people still make the game not that fun but that's another story.


It's not glitchy, it's due to input buffer/leniency. Like in this game you have to input a string or a cancel, similar to a "dial in".
that's true, but from all the chars I played and main/mained (Johnny, Kabal, Nightwolf), Raiden's midscreen(db4 amp f2 12 bf3) and corner(db4 amp 3 d1 243 db2) combos are the most unnecessarily difficult


Man of Science Who Wields the Living Lightning
that's true, but from all the chars I played and main/mained (Johnny, Kabal, Nightwolf), Raiden's midscreen(db4 amp f2 12 bf3) and corner(db4 amp 3 d1 243 db2) combos are the most unnecessarily difficult
Omitting the D1 for the corner combo makes it easier, but the timings for the optimal are definitely finicky. There are lower damaging alternatives that are much more forgiving in timing if you're very concerned with the execution.


All your mains belong to me!
that's true, but from all the chars I played and main/mained (Johnny, Kabal, Nightwolf), Raiden's midscreen(db4 amp f2 12 bf3) and corner(db4 amp 3 d1 243 db2) combos are the most unnecessarily difficult
Yeah no doubt! It's probably due to "gravity", or hitstun decay, working there. That's why I stick to DB4(AMP) 1 234 in the corner and midscreen I'll do F4 BF3 if I don't feel F2 will come out right away, sometimes it doesn't even come out lol
b3 also works, it's just the small launch off b31 that makes it whiff in the corner. It's annoying but just it's a simple adjustment. I don't think it hurts Raijin all that much, imo.


b3 also works, it's just the small launch off b31 that makes it whiff in the corner. It's annoying but just it's a simple adjustment. I don't think it hurts Raijin all that much, imo.
you gotta commit from b3 into EC though, which is unsafe. from b31 you can hitconfirm. his mixup game is not as powerful as thunder waves' in the corner.
In that case you can try just using the b3 as a jail attempt. It's -9 but people will be expecting either a special cancel or b31 most of the time. Obviously it can still be punished, but I think it's a worthy risk for the reward of being +12 in the corner.