Cosmic Forge
Practice mode noob
Wow yeah, his channel is deleted. I wonder if he was streaming before the embargo was lifted. Damn. Does he have a YT? If he pops back up i'll drop his link here.
Wow yeah, his channel is deleted. I wonder if he was streaming before the embargo was lifted. Damn. Does he have a YT?
Although his Twitch seems to be down, he does have a YT channel. Here is 3 plus hours of his MK11 Raiden:Same here,pretty unfortunate,probably a twitch problem.
Hello good people,I really enjoy playing Raiden and I am new to fighting games and would like to learn,can you recommend me someone who plays Raiden well if there are people who actually do since its 4 days into official release of the game.
TrueTalent is so good with Raiden,now I am even more motivated to get good at him.and
Are both streaming Raiden vs gameplay at the moment, for what it's worth.
I disagree with a lot of this.Hi Guys.
I spent some time in the lab and I was happy at first because I thought Raiden was viable and had good options at far and mid range. But after discovering some detail about his db2 on block ( which clould make him viable) and fighting against some jaqui / jax / sub zero players, I have to assume that he is not viable, unfortunately.
His recovery from the zoning in far range is sooo slow, and even chars that have better ofensive options overcome Raiden ( like sub zero for ex).
Look at jaqui for ex: I land df2 at far range and ahe blocks. All she needs is just to press a button to give me a punch in the face with crushing blow. And now...she is near me....and dood....almost all of his buttons are high and do not have good frames, so...we assume that he has to be far away...but he can't do it effectively right now.
His db2 on block could save him since is -3 on block and has a pushback, but the last hit is a HIGH.'re fucked if you want to use him right now.
He is soo cool in this unfortunate that is. I'll stay with sub zero.
Hell no, truetalent aint't good at all. He was an average player in MKX and that's It. He's a good entertainer and content creator, when he focused to improve he fought hand to hand against high level players.TrueTalent is so good with Raiden,now I am even more motivated to get good at him.
I can’t seem to counter poke after people do d1 on block though, I’m pretty sure I should be able to beat them, I can’t even do f3 after d3I disagree with a lot of this.
First, after week 1 you probably won't be able to get away with Storm Cell (db2) on block because people will figure out how to punish it consistently. It's something you should be hit-confirming generally. It might catch people trying to counterpoke but it is definitely not a safe or reliable thing to do on block if your opponent knows what's up.
Second, his pokes are definitely workable. His d1, d2, d3, and d4 are all decent buttons. On hit you can enforce your frames with his godlike F3 (super fast mid that's decent for checking counterpokes, staggering into throw, and neutral in general) or choose to walk back and whiff punish a counterpoke. It bears mentioning that his B1 is good, staggerable mid as well.
His buttons for whiff punishing are quite good tool, and in this game that matters a ton. F4 is a safe, far-reaching mid that can be hit-confirmed into db2 for good damage, or even cancelled into teleport on block (though I haven't tested exactly how safe this is) if you wanna be a little tricksy. F1,1 checks movement quite decently too.
You have to think of his zoning moves as a part of his total neutral kit. Combined with the threat of a teleport and the great range of some his normals ( F4, F2, F1) I think his zoning is worth respecting. DF2 trades okay too.
That's what I'm talking about. Since he is shit in close range....what is the utility for the f3, f4....only wiff punish I think.Hahaha, guys – the jig is up:
Learn to hit-confirm it or face the consequences, folks. Let's move beyond week 1 tactics. It might catch some counterpokes now and then but it's definitely not worth the hard commit.
With the exception of like, Jacqui, every <10f move is a high or a poke. That said to raiden has one of the better mids in the game in back 12 as its 11f start and its a strong whiff punish button.Every single button is a high in close range and not fast enough.
agree on everything, just 2 mistakes: there is no f22 string and f4 is-5. if you mean f11, thats also -5If people are spamming d+1, all you have to do is block one then hold back for a split second. The natural walkback speed puts you out of range of their next d+1 and you have time to press 1,2 (while still holding back to get b+1,2) to whiff punish.
Raiden's b+3,1 string is -6 and safe with lots of pushback. Not bad for a hitconfirmable low launcher.
They do need to fix something about b+3,1 though. If only the 1 hits, the 2+4 low spark ender flies under them.
Raiden's f+2,2 is a good high poke string with range, -6 but leaves you close. If they're prone to poking after blocking, this is perfect bait for Flawless Block.
3,2 is -3, which is more Flawless block bait if they like to press buttons. There's the 1 finisher, but there's a gap in the string. You can bait them with 3,2,b,f+3(hold) and block confirm to see if they're trying to interrupt the last hit, and release the 3 for a whiff punisher or press d,d to cancel into safety.
F2 and F4 are both -3, yet more Flawless block bait.
Stormcell just isn't something you have to dial-a-combo with. You have more than enough time to hit confirm if you need to do d,b+2 after most 2 hit strings.
TL;DR Raiden is a punish based character, with tools to draw the opponent out of their turtle shell with feints, cancels, teleports. And of course, block and whiff punishment has to be on point to maximize on baiting. That's his style. Similar to Yoshimitsu in Tekken really. Not meant to mixup or do 50/50s so much as frustrate the opponent into mistakes and punishing.
But yeah I still definitely agree that block confirming into teleport is a pain in the ass. Hell, even earlier when I was practicing block into short hop, I would block a move in crouch then release block and hold up and Raiden would teleport. Like... wut? Needs work.
f3 is really good. if you mix up f32, f3 throw and f3-f3 they can only guess.That's what I'm talking about. Since he is shit in close range....what is the utility for the f3, f4....only wiff punish I think.
If you do f3 or f4 on block without any cancel, you're fucked. Every single button is a high in close range and not fast enough.
This cancel with electric fly doesn't aeem viable too.....
The worst part is that he seems to be projeced to run away all the time....but he is not dhalsim and he is not in street fighter.
Well you'd think wrong, its 11f.b1 is not 11f but 14 (or more?) i think
youre right, i think i mistook it for b3 which is 16Well you'd think wrong, its 11f.
f4 is -3, b4 is -5agree on everything, just 2 mistakes: there is no f22 string and f4 is-5. if you mean f11, thats also -5
How does f2 jail into b31? Isn't f2 minus? I thought the only normal that was plus on block was s3 at +3, and 321 at +1?f2 which has incredible range jails into b31 as well which means they have to respect it, which opens up throws/b2 gimmicks as well
pretty sure he means on hit. F2 is +18 on hit. B3 is 16i. So you'd whiff punish/catch walk back with F2 now you get B3. Do that until they respect a low is coming now you do other stuff.How does f2 jail into b31? Isn't f2 minus? I thought the only normal that was plus on block was s3 at +3, and 321 at +1?
Wouldn't f4 be better in every way for whiff-punishing? It's faster at 19f and a mid, with the same range. Even in combos f2 and f4 do the same damage with the difference being f2 has a better upward collision so sometimes you can link f2 easier than f4. I don't remember the hit advantage of f4 off the top of my head though so maybe that +18 is all you need for justify f2 :/pretty sure he means on hit. F2 is +18 on hit. B3 is 16i. So you'd whiff punish/catch walk back with F2 now you get B3. Do that until they respect a low is coming now you do other stuff.
F4 is +5. So there ya go. You want mega hit stun go with F2Wouldn't f4 be better in every way for whiff-punishing? It's faster at 19f and a mid, with the same range. Even in combos f2 and f4 do the same damage with the difference being f2 has a better upward collision so sometimes you can link f2 easier than f4. I don't remember the hit advantage of f4 off the top of my head though so maybe that +18 is all you need for justify f2 :/