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Lord Raiden General Discussion Thread


Remove armor on fatal blows now
If you’re so good then why are you complaining so much? It’s a divekick where the first part is overhead and unsafe and the second part is a low and semi safe. You learn the MU and counter both options accordingly. Either you stay in the range where she can’t do the dive kick without worrying about being punished hard, or you enforce your offense after you block the low and she’s -7.

You’re right though. You being such a good player means you obviously knew how to do these obvious things that every character can do. Yet you choose to complain with that guy instead of giving constructive advice and how they can potentially counter a move they thought was OP.
It is OP. Bye.


I'm not sure why we need to take a "if you're not with us you're against us" tone all of a sudden. It's not about choosing sides, it's about having a reasonable discussion about the character.

He needs buffs. But in the meantime I don't see the downside in trying to make the best things and to try and use the tools he does have.


Man of Science Who Wields the Living Lightning
I'm not sure why we need to take a "if you're not with us you're against us" tone all of a sudden. It's not about choosing sides, it's about having a reasonable discussion about the character.

He needs buffs. But in the meantime I don't see the downside in trying to make the best things and to try and use the tools he does have.
People act like the character is unplayable and has no options when that is clearly not the case. They refuse to play or learn the match up and instead come on TYM to cry and whine, they suggest outlandish buffs that don't solve his problems whatsoever, then lynch anyone that doesn't agree with them. It's sad considering I want nothing but Raiden and the community to be better, just not in a braindead or stupid way.


Most underrated game from them. My favorite by far.
The thing that makes me sad about that game is how quickly people seemed to give up on it. Feels like it had a lot of characters with untapped potential, but people spent so much time worrying about teirs and buffs/nerfs and zoning that a lot of that potential went unfulfilled.

That's why as much as I want to see Raiden get some much needed buffs, I think it's still important to try and look into and maximize the tools he does have, and take the time to figure out matchups and counter play options.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
For the dude who said it posts back. Match ups are practically irrelevant at this point since mostly everyone agrees that raidens lowtier... meaning he matches up not so well vs majority of the roster as to why he needs buffs. Thinks of that sign any of raiden saying "I want you to fight for earthrealm" change it to "I want you to buff me" lok
So I've been talking with this user on the MK Discord named RezenL who has found some nice stuff with Truth & Light.

Raiden can setup a double b2 in the corner as a combo.

Dalphanate also found the same setup (0:22)

Lightning Rod doing cool stuff doesn't surprise me, but my main issue is with Jo Push. I still don't think it belongs in this variation. I also still believe Lightning Rod should have a longer or even infinite duration (but the amped orb not, obviously) just to make using lightning projectiles on it at range reliable.
That said I haven't watched RezenL's matches, but he's got almost 2 hours of him grinding with this variation.

This is how you support Raiden.


Man of Science Who Wields the Living Lightning
So I've been talking with this user on the MK Discord named RezenL who has found some nice stuff with Truth & Light.

Raiden can setup a double b2 in the corner as a combo.

Dalphanate also found the same setup (0:22)

Lightning Rod doing cool stuff doesn't surprise me, but my main issue is with Jo Push. I still don't think it belongs in this variation. I also still believe Lightning Rod should have a longer or even infinite duration (but the amped orb not, obviously) just to make using lightning projectiles on it at range reliable.
That said I haven't watched RezenL's matches, but he's got almost 2 hours of him grinding with this variation.

This is how you support Raiden.
Great work. Grinding it out with characters when many are too busy complaining. They have my respect.

Darth Mao

Your Tech is Mine! #buffRaiden
It's also better to keep labing than complain about people complaining.


I had found some of these setups a few days ago, but I didn't find it valid for a few reasons. The "problem" with these setups is that they need the corner and if there's something lacking to T&L it's corner carry lol. In addition, many (if not all) of these setups are avoided with wakeup u2 and u3 and foward roll 'cause he lacks a option to be positive enough to put the Rod into action before the opponent wake up. Not to mention the fact that for some of these setups to work, you have to put the rod in a millimeter correct position, or the bolt will shoot out of time and ruin the setup.

The grind goes on we're close to breaking Paulo's Code lol
[sorry for my bad english, not my primary language]


Man of Science Who Wields the Living Lightning
It's also better to keep labing than complain about people complaining.


I had found some of these setups a few days ago, but I didn't find it valid for a few reasons. The "problem" with these setups is that they need the corner and if there's something lacking to T&L it's corner carry lol. In addition, many (if not all) of these setups are avoided with wakeup u2 and u3 and foward roll 'cause he lacks a option to be positive enough to put the Rod into action before the opponent wake up. Not to mention the fact that for some of these setups to work, you have to put the rod in a millimeter correct position, or the bolt will shoot out of time and ruin the setup.

The grind goes on we're close to breaking Paulo's Code lol
[sorry for my bad english, not my primary language]
I thought you just back dash after knock down and then place down rod. iirc it’s around 36f including recovery and ending combos in summon lighting leaves you at +50. As for getting them to the corner it’ll be hard work. However, Truth and light does have the most zoning tools in all 3 variations of Raiden so ending with DB2 midscreen will throw opponents back at full screen for zoning and rod setups. From what I’ve seen it seems that this variation is to be played either at very far or very close (in the corner).

Darth Mao

Your Tech is Mine! #buffRaiden
I thought you just back dash after knock down and then place down rod. iirc it’s around 36f including recovery and ending combos in summon lighting leaves you at +50. As for getting them to the corner it’ll be hard work. However, Truth and light does have the most zoning tools in all 3 variations of Raiden so ending with DB2 midscreen will throw opponents back at full screen for zoning and rod setups. From what I’ve seen it seems that this variation is to be played either at very far or very close (in the corner).
Even if you backdash, any u2/u3 with a little more range already prevents setup [D'Vorah, Kabal, Kollector, Kotal, Kung, Shao, Skarlet i.e.]. This variation also seems to me much more zoning than setups.


Man of Science Who Wields the Living Lightning
Even if you backdash, any u2/u3 with a little more range already prevents setup [D'Vorah, Kabal, Kollector, Kotal, Kung, Shao, Skarlet i.e.]. This variation also seems to me much more zoning than setups.
Does it hit you out of recovery for the bubble or just stop you from doing the mixup? You can also put the bubble behind them (I think?) you can probably alter the distance according to if you read that they will wake up or not. Regardless it’s good stuff to be able to do this in the corner. Not to mention Raiden in base is already a corner monster


Does the orb's projectile give any advantage on block? It's been a week since I tried the variation and instadropped...so I feel like I need to give it a chance.

Could I in theory have the orb out, somehow get in, and get the timing right for b12/b14 before the bolt comes out to gain more advantage? Or is that something that could be flawless blocked?

Will have to test later!


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
That's great and all that someone is grinding Raiden's least viable variation but he still needs buffs and only NRS can supply that. I have been using his DB2 Storm Cell lately for punishing people in the air which I've found to be quite useful in TW. Depending on the character, he can react since the jumping is floaty in this game.


That's great and all that someone is grinding Raiden's least viable variation but he still needs buffs and only NRS can supply that. I have been using his DB2 Storm Cell lately for punishing people in the air which I've found to be quite useful in TW. Depending on the character, he can react since the jumping is floaty in this game.

Grinding and searching for tech doesn't need to be mutually exclusive of asking for buffs.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Grinding and searching for tech doesn't need to be mutually exclusive of asking for buffs.
I know, never said it did but unless it's a game breaking tech it doesn't mean NRS shouldn't buff him either.

BTW speaking of grinding, for those who care they finally released the Mythology Raiden skin and second glowing hat in the krypt in front of Goro's statue in Goro's lair.

Darth Mao

Your Tech is Mine! #buffRaiden
Does it hit you out of recovery for the bubble or just stop you from doing the mixup? You can also put the bubble behind them (I think?) you can probably alter the distance according to if you read that they will wake up or not. Regardless it’s good stuff to be able to do this in the corner. Not to mention Raiden in base is already a corner monster
There are actually two problems. I tested again with the following setup against D'Vorah: 3,2~bf3 MB; 2,1; 2,4,3~db2 backdash db4~b MB. It was enough to give me time to set up the Rod, but the little pushback of her u3 was enough to push me out of my b2's range (problem 1), and causing the bolt to fire and I lose the double b2 setup (2). So I tested the same combo with the Rod behind her and it's like there is nothing, no additional effect as she's outside of the Rod's threat area. We need to find a way to put the stick at the exact distance before we get to the wall, so it will activate at the right time.

Does the orb's projectile give any advantage on block? It's been a week since I tried the variation and instadropped...so I feel like I need to give it a chance.

Could I in theory have the orb out, somehow get in, and get the timing right for b12/b14 before the bolt comes out to gain more advantage? Or is that something that could be flawless blocked?

Will have to test later!
+8 on block. Additionally it covers some gaps and leaves some strings safe, like news Kotal's bf3 MB. I.e. you can do b1,2~db4 MB and, if the opponent tries to reversal punish you (tested against Jacqui's 8f Grease Kick), the bolt fires and leave you at +13 (db4 MB) or +24 (db4~b MB). At +13 you can mix with b2/throw/b3... :rolleyes:

That's great and all that someone is grinding Raiden's least viable variation but he still needs buffs and only NRS can supply that. I have been using his DB2 Storm Cell lately for punishing people in the air which I've found to be quite useful in TW. Depending on the character, he can react since the jumping is floaty in this game.
It is only possible to know what needs to be improved if we don't stop grinding with the variation.
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