I really hope its not a reset to MK1 or even before MK1. Its probably the most disappointing and bad thing they can do.
And if so then i hope its a timeline where a lot of the events we have already seen have already happened before the original MK1 tournament ...
Meaning things like Jonny and Sonya are already a thing and Cassie is already there, Sub and Scorp plot is already resolved, characters like Ermac, Mileena, Noob, Reptilr have already developed, Quan/Shang/Goro/Shinnok storylines have already happened in some form or another etcetc
I am just not interested in "the past" being playable. King Jerod, old Edenia, Great Kung Lao etc are just nice backstory to me. I dont need to play those characters or those times.
I'd rather they keep developing the characters and the story instead of reseting it nonstop and retelling the same plots over and over. If they really reset we will see the same types of stories and arcs we have already had multiple times already... just with another new spin/twist...
What i would love to see is Liu reshaping the timeline from MK9 to MK10, canceling all deaths and changing the events so no one dies but the good guys still win. Erase MK11 plot completly. Start MK12 with Kotal as Emporer of united Outworld, Earthrealm and Outworld are allies and then tell a story from there that involves other realms. The game Intro starts with Liu Kang being called into an inbetween world by the Great Kung Lao who urges Liu to do what i wrote above in order to truely preseve the universe. (Can even be a bad guy disguised as the GKL)
Oh... and as a bonus gives several specific characters more character development and makes them less one dimensional. And as a special bonus, makes Outworld the main good guys... lil tired of earthrealm being the only/main good guys for no reason