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Match-up Discussion Lex Luthor Matchup Discussion

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LizardLard (AGE)NycFab
i don't see how green lantern or raven is even/advantage at all. i feel like it's easy if they're playing unsafe but if they're really playing the matchup it feels pretty bad.

Raven dominates Lex fullscreen, and with no easy way in she can activate demon stance as often as possible, which he can also do nothing about. Up close, it feels somewhat even, but she also has quick multi-hitting strings that make armor difficult. Unless they're playing like online mk9 ermacs I don't see what Lex has here.

Green Lantern doesn't feel as bad but there's a lot of the same issues. The gattling gun is an obvious problem. Meter burn dart blows up armor too. B1 is better than like anything Lex has up close.
I always said that raven had an advantage over Lex. It is so hard to approach her if she is patient and manages her trait well. Green lanturn is hard for me to decide. Ive played good gls so many times and i know the matchup so well that it always feels pretty even to me, but i guess that they dont know the lex mu as well and on paper gl definitely wins.


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
I played about 2 hours worth of this MU against NY_Jailhouse
Basically, you have to bait her into mistakes and make smart use of your armor. You can completely avoid the teleport if you're playing it properly. Only jump on reaction to a projectile. Make your way in, play footsies and threaten with CC which allows you to set your armor up in open space or off a CC knockdown (or otherwise). If you mistakenly jump and suspect a teleport, air CC will generally nullify that and make it whiff. Otherwise, armor at every opportunity possible, which allows you to pressure or set up traps without fear of a teleport. Baits are EXCELLENT for this. If you figure out how to bait her into teleporting you get a full combo, and any combo or knockdown on this will make Batgirl really cautious with armor, mine pushblock setups, probe, etc.
Seems super gimmicky, but this might be a case where lance cancel might come in handy. Given how eager Batgirl is to stuff any projectile attempt you might be able to whip out the lance and backdash out of it while she teleports. Haven't tried it, probably way better ways to bait her into stuff, but it might be a nice use for a generally forgotten ability.

LizardLard (AGE)NycFab
i don't see how green lantern or raven is even/advantage at all. i feel like it's easy if they're playing unsafe but if they're really playing the matchup it feels pretty bad.

Raven dominates Lex fullscreen, and with no easy way in she can activate demon stance as often as possible, which he can also do nothing about. Up close, it feels somewhat even, but she also has quick multi-hitting strings that make armor difficult. Unless they're playing like online mk9 ermacs I don't see what Lex has here.
I agree completely. Raven is one of my most troublesome matches. Once she gets full screen it's almost impossible to get back in. Her fireball combined with singularity just shuts down almost anything Lex does and can lead to 20% at full screen and 40% mid. It's a brutal match. Any advice would be welcome.


My Lex Takes You to Paradise
Seems super gimmicky, but this might be a case where lance cancel might come in handy. Given how eager Batgirl is to stuff any projectile attempt you might be able to whip out the lance and backdash out of it while she teleports. Haven't tried it, probably way better ways to bait her into stuff, but it might be a nice use for a generally forgotten ability.

I actually really like this idea. Will have to play around with this to see how practical this is in a real match because she might be able to get you with the tele before you can dash cancel or during your dash cancel.


Come On Die Young
After playing it a little tonight, Batman feels surprisingly even. So yeah I can agree with LizardLard on a 5-5.

I'm even more confident that Batgirl is a 5-5 and not in her favor now. Once she really has pressure going she can be great but until then Lex can do a lot. It feels like it comes down to whoever gets the momentum first.

Black Adam feels pretty bad (maybe not 3-7 bad) but for some reason Classy Sasquatch thinks Lex might win.... idk.
Scorps is still being a bit of a pain for me at the moment, Lex's stuff is all just a bit too slow to really do anything at range and MB tele can be a bit annoying. The fact I can't buffer corp charge against him for on reaction cause tele moves behind you bugs me a bit. Lex has to stay close to the ground a lot and try to just poke scorps with his light and heavy attacks. If you can get a poke you can set something up or get a full combo off of a light...if you lay low a lot and scorps is forced to start jumping Corp Charge can finally be used to stuff air approaches. Trying to anti air scorps is weird tho and his air heavy kinda stuffs lots of my medium anti air moves...anyone else got any scorpion ideas?


Come On Die Young
I actually think scorpion is fine. I changed my mind about that. With trait up you have the advantage of punishing mb tele.


Come On Die Young
Aquaman - 3-7
Ares - 5-5 4-6 (still a little unsure)
Bane - 6-4
Batgirl - 5-5
Batman - 5-5
Black Adam - 4-6
Catwoman - 6-4
Cyborg - 4-6/3-7
Deathstroke - 4-6
Doomsday - ?
Flash - 5-5
Green Arrow- ?
Green Lantern - 4-6
Harley Quinn - ?
Hawkgirl - 5-5
Joker - 6-4
Killer Frost - 3-7 4-6
Lobo - ?
Nightwing - 4-6/5-5
Raven - 4-6/3-7 4-6
Scorpion - 5-5
Shazam - ?
Sinestro - 4-6/3-7
Solomon Grundy - 6-4 7-3
Superman - 4-6/3-7 3-7
Wonder Woman -?
Updating (in bold)

Also, we mentioned this in the convo a little but would anyone be interested in developing a sort of strategy guide to matchups? Guamo structured the OP for this reason. I talk to him pretty regularly so if we can fill it in he could probably put it in for us. Maybe get people who play certain matchups regularly and are comfortable writing about the strategies to use. I feel really comfortable talking about Batgirl, Raven, and Grundy.


This is some anti-Scorpion tech that I have found. Nothing ground breaking, but I would say that it is worth taking a look at:

This gives you an idea of the kind of damage that this sort of setup can potentially yield:

It's right around 70%

a mine behind you, really great idea, i wonder if it can help other match ups too, maybe ares or raven with their teles? dunno.


Come On Die Young
I've also found that a normal combo into u3~close mine and then jumping will stuff wakeup teleport. If they see that and wakeup spear you can air CC, and do something like f2~CC into it.
touching on the batgirl match up I think its 5-5 as well or maybe 6-4 lex, batman i agree is pretty even. Rico also thinks that lex beats black adam I think its about even or 6-4 adam any thoughts?
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