Meta saltmine
From my experience, PC players vary from those fighting with uppercuts (may be active during weekend days) to those half-knowing what to do to occasional folks well known on TYM bunching up in rooms at evening, but mostly casual players who you can see saying stuff like "I hope it will run smoothly at 30 FPS" and the like. Many won't show up online at all. Many leave after figuring that aforementioned fighting with uppercuts only get you so far.On a more positive note, The steam MKX forums have been blowing up for days. The amount of PC players is far greater than most people initially thought. Are these people posting on the steam forums any good? There are a lot of "this is my first fighting game" and other questions/statements that seem like there will be plenty of noobs to stomp. I just hope that there are some good players as well as these noobs who will be on PC.
Fingers crossed for that midnight release..
Long story short: you are looking at platform that never had dedicated FG culture and the game that is gateway to FGs for many. Set your expectations accordingly.
...and being a filthy casual, I'm fine with that situation