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Kumite Injustice Top 8 Set for 6 PM CST Sunday on PandaXGaming


Meow Hoes
For the matches leading up to deg vs ducky. I thought this top 8 sucked and king was gonna win with aquaman. But watching ducky vs deg ,ducky vs cowboy ,ducky vs honey bee , and ducky vs king. The footsies from ducky was so good. Oh and that's how you beat zatanna you make her play footsies.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I think the most impressive part about this top 8 have been the crazy conversions from very awkward stray hits. Very impressive character knowledge from everybody, especially Honeybee and Jupiter.
Honeybee converts a fart from flash somehow into a 55% trait combo, one of his most impressive attributes as a player

Same goes for all in top 8 but honeybee and ducky especially

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
the pure aggression from jupiter was not only broken, but it was like watching van gogh paint right in front of you, beautiful man
Mannn I would have taken the $10 bet :( oh well

I'll paypal u soon, been throwing up all day sick :(

Also Jupiter is Dutch?


Original Liu Kang cop.
I don't think you can always necessarily make her play footsies, depending on the MU -- but Raven's ability to keep her from getting any shenanigans off from 75% screen in is huge.
It's not unlike the Aquaman-Zatanna mu; if the Raven knows what soul crush is and they can do combos, they'll probably win.


Come On Die Young
Why? I'm not close to him or anything, I'm just pointing out what I see on the stream. It's not like I'm insulting him or anything, just pointing out what I see on stream. You're trying to make it into a bigger deal than it is.

Here are my tweets in case anybody wants to see them:



Also about Ducky and Whiteboi, both of those guys insulted me before I insulted either of them. Hell I was friends with both until they insulted me.

Ducky and I were friends until he failed to top 8 at SCR then came home and said I was bad.

Whiteboi and I were cool until he saw me talk about how dumb it was watching someone do 70% interactable damage in a round, took it personally (even though I would never blame a player for using everything in the game to their advantage), then said I was going to suck at MKX.

And do you realize how hypocritical you're being? I mean you go into threads and personally insult people, then try to make me out as the bad guy for noticing Snake Eyez lost through defense? I mean you and I were cool until you randomly went into that tournament result thread to call SonicBoomBrad an idiot and say that he has low self esteem issues, then when I defended him you told me that my Top 8 didn't count. But yeah, keep trying to make me out as the bad guy.
remember when we were friends.