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Kryptonite Council Podcast Episode 12: Smarrgasm's List and The Rise of Catwoman

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
If Pig did make that comment, he can speak for himself and elaborate. However, I am sure that by Kabal he meant that Martian Manhunter may not have any bad match ups. You take certain comments too literally, including mine when I stated that Deathstroke is Kano 2.0.

Deathstroke is not a zoning character. He has better offense than Cyborg, Raven, Sinestro, and Zod.
MMH is not on catwoman level


Come On Die Young

In MK...You BLEW ME UP for my 1 hour Kenshi losing to you in hotel casuals in MK9, only to have my kenshi get a bit better and upset a major Kitana player later in a future tourney.

You sir bashed me to no end on streams after IGAU EVO...

Next tourney we went to.. you failed to place top 8 where as I was in winner side of grand finals. I reminded you of your karma after bashing the shit out of me on several streams, so i gave you a good ribbing for some payback. You went with the usual.."ohh. i wasnt serious" which was a complete lie that you used only because you didnt do well. Should you have out placed me or beat me at that event, the trash talk would have been even worse.

At Robs, you got games off me.. but i was up on games sir so there was no "beating me at Robs". We had some good games and good sets. we were doing first to 2 sets with REO and as I recall you lost the first 4 sets by a score of 2-0, 2-0, 2-0, 2-0 as I kept asking REO if he wants back in the rotation after each set. after that we began to alternate sets with REO, with you and I both winning vs each other. I think you are a good player, what I told Fab is that he was harder to fight because while you know more, his defense was better. You know more and have more exp, so you are obviously THE Lex Luthor player right now, but Fab's ability to defend is hard to deal with. Fact is.. Fab has more exp in knowing how to win and it shows. This is not an insult on you, it a complement to Fab.

Revolver... you are a dick.. you act like a big asshole to ppl on EVERY stream, only to play the role of the victim when it comes back to you.

You went on for hours on me after EVO, when I had never done anything to you besides mention how you had "charlie brown" syndrome in tourneys. When you finally broke through.. I was on your side and totally backed you. After you had your bashing party on me, I went to that tourney to beat you/out place you and let you know about it. To remind you on how this person that you went in on for 2 hours on stream was in the grand finals while you were just a spectator. You cant be a dick and then play the victim later. You always claim to be joking, but fact is.. you're a bully who talks shit when they THINK they are in a position to back it up. Then, when it comes back to get you.. "Nah man.. I was joking".

Maybe you are joking.. maybe you joking comes off like an asshole.. but it rubbed me the wrong way, so I returned the favor. Now.. I haven't said a word about anyone or anything in months.. we can either drop this drama and move forward, or hold it for life.
Da fuck are you talking about? I used to talk some shit but like 95% of the time I'm joking with people and they're aware of it. I'm never out to actually hurt anyone. If I say something bad about you it's based on something you actually said like claiming you'll get top 3 at TFC for sure, which many people were as well. If I ever "bash" you more than in a joking way it's because you do things like throw my friend's controller against the wall. This is why I don't want to get into this shit but I'm getting annoyed...

I never blew you up for playing your kenshi. The entire set I was sitting there quietly while you were talking about how bad of a player I am, then later after convincing me to play your sub zero after i was half asleep and wanted to go home you went around the next day bragging about beating me with sub.

Are you talking about the Yestercades tourney? I went there and before I even played I was telling you how out of it I was feeling and was probably going to get blown up. If I beat you in a tourney I don't think I'd really do anything. I've never popped off on anyone after beating them. If anything I talk about how I'm a fraud if I beat someone good lol. The only thing I said about evo is how I thought it was funny how you were talking about me playing such a shit char like Lex and I ended up outplacing you, even though idk if I deserved to.

When I play people in casuals I really don't care who beats who because it's for MU experience, it only bothers me when people go around talking about it afterwards. You beat me like the first 6 games or so, then after talking all this shit to me and calling me a casual not worth playing or whatever you said, I spent like the next hour winning ft2's to the point where I was getting bored and wanted to take a break. From what I heard from fab and reo it wasn't you saying "yo fab, you have better defense than revolver because of your tekken fundamentals, but both of you are respected as players by me".

I don't want to get involved in whatever drama this is. When I'm talking to you most of the time I'm just playing around and not that serious, but it really bothers me when someone would go behind my back and lie about a set like that to someone I kind of respect after acting all humble. I've had people tell me to blow stuff up for a while and I don't want to, but I wanted to say something here. If you want to drop whatever that's fine and idc, it just gets on my nerves.

btw i wasn't a spectator in that grand finals i was at a diner getting milkshakes with soup
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This mean you don't like me?
The amount of drama that has, will, and would have inevitably unfolded anyway has me at the edge of my seat. Any minute now I'm expecting a different scene to post a counter podcast with major plot twists, revelations and intrigue! Not all of which may even be relevant to NEC



Filthy Casual
Man I really don't know,if Konqrr could helps us out again that's rock other wise I'll have one around maybeeeeee 9pm or late tomorrow
No worries man. Maybe confer with K7L33THA or Konqrr or anyone that knows how to convert it? I'm guessing that most people like me listen to podcasts as MP3's in the car or commuting or whatever.

Not sure if this is applicable but here's a "how to" link.
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Why does Tom Brady use MortySeinfeld as an example someone who tried picking up Aquaman and couldn't succeed? Morty dicked around with Aquaman a little bit when the game first came out and he didn't have a main yet before settling on Nightwing and Batman. Morty was never an Aquaman main(or tried to be) and if he was it was so early in the games life and so many patches ago that it's meaningless. Morty's never even used Aquaman in a tournament.
He certainly doesn't fit the image Tom is trying to create of all these high level players trying to pick up Aquaman and prove he's broken and then being unable to show results

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Also this Aquaman talk is dumb and totally invalid. Aquaman MURDERS 90% of the cast so having 3 tough MUs does not make him balanced. If I cared at all about this character, I would play him through those MUs as well.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Also this Aquaman talk is dumb and totally invalid. Aquaman MURDERS 90% of the cast so having 3 tough MUs does not make him balanced. If I cared at all about this character, I would play him through those MUs as well.
I'm not sure anyone caught it but my level of sarcasm was thru the roof on this topic

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Why does Tom Brady use MortySeinfeld as an example someone who tried picking up Aquaman and couldn't succeed? Morty dicked around with Aquaman a little bit when the game first came out and he didn't have a main yet before settling on Nightwing and Batman. Morty was never an Aquaman main(or tried to be) and if he was it was so early in the games life and so many patches ago that it's meaningless. Morty's never even used Aquaman in a tournament.
He certainly doesn't fit the image Tom is trying to create of all these high level players trying to pick up Aquaman and prove he's broken and then being unable to show results

So true

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
No worries man. Maybe confer with K7L33THA or Konqrr or anyone that knows how to convert it? I'm guessing that most people like me listen to podcasts as MP3's in the car or commuting or whatever.

Not sure if this is applicable but here's a "how to" link.
I guess my thing is I just record one take, do zero edits, upload immediately

I always upload 5mins after we are done so I'm done w it.

But regardless I'll try to get it converted

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Just throwing this out there, I'm always down to play on XBL and I'm tired of sitting in the menu's. Just send me a message, even if I'm not playing injustice I will respond and join if I can. As long as the connection is playable I'll stick around but I prefer playing others in the north east. We all know how fun it is to not be able to advance forward and block projectiles on reaction lol.


Filthy Casual
I guess my thing is I just record one take, do zero edits, upload immediately

I always upload 5mins after we are done so I'm done w it.

But regardless I'll try to get it converted
I hear you. I don't use Skype enough to know but that article I linked made it sound like there's free Skype plug-ins that will convert it right after the conversation. Then it's just a matter of uploading it somewhere along with the video.

Anyhow...I went ahead and converted the youtube file to MP3 from this site (so I have my own copy) but I can't find a free service that will let me upload the MP3 for others to download. I checked out kiwi6 (what the KTP uses) and it caps at 100mb free. Anyhow, I've got it converted just need a free site to upload it to.
"I don't understand why Aquaman has these Kabal numbers if everyone drops him. He's not a god, he's beatable."

"but tom, you were in the pm that sonicboombrad made and never gave your numbers. Why is that?"

"....... as I was saying, Aquaman is not Kabal."


I'll be back 3ing
'omg the risk reward factor of MMH etc..' like we haven't all already heard this about Killer Frost and how wrong was all of that.
No one spends their life playing injustice so why P2w feels the need to constantly reiterate it being a hobby is just annoying and the fact that he backed out of the money match trying to use his job as an alibi when really, his wife wasn't in agreeance with the idea of him handing over money to Rico for free

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
The amount of drama that has, will, and would have inevitably unfolded anyway has me at the edge of my seat. Any minute now I'm expecting a different scene to post a counter podcast with major plot twists, revelations and intrigue! Not all of which may even be relevant to NEC