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Kombat Tomb Podcast - Ep. 30 with DarthArma

Btw, the Vader means father thing is false. Father in German is vater, and it's pronounced differently. But that's based off of the basic German I know. Also, George Lucas made that twist after the Vader name was chosen.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Interesting how everyone who knows KDZ describe him the way people who know me describe me


I guess we're not that different after all


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Fools, what other FPS game had a multi slot AI combat simulator, guns with function adjustments, hundreds of customizable character options, allowed you to divide teams between several colors, 8 different game modes, and provided computer opponents with specific special abilities IN THE YEAR 2000?

Perfect Dark was ahead of its time, the greatest FPS of its decade, and low gunshots did not need to be nerfed.


K7L33THA GGA 16 Bit GGA Slips im not sure if anyone posted a comment about this yet but for K7 watch these vids and this guy explains in detail who the prequels were terrible. I use to think they were good till someone put me on red letter media.

this is part 1 of 7 and this guy has reviews for Ep. 2 and 3.
i know it's long but its really worth it. get some 420 and it will really blow your mind.

the other thing i wanted to mention is about the old actors being in the new Star Wars movies and you all are hating hard. I'm a huge Star Wars and I know the story they are going to use for the next 3 movies and it revolves around Luke, Han & Leia (There are others but i dont want to give any spoilers). So if they weren't in the movies as old people then the movie would be bad.


Scary Bat
Damn, I need to hear them talk about what film/TV/general franchises need fighting games. Like Star Wars/MK10 is obvious but I'd be interested to hear about what other stuff.

Also no love for Taco Bell? Racist.