Awesome! Let me know what you find man
Here’s some notable info+theory I just wanna get down here:
I had some guy on twitter saying that you can just delay tech against this and I just tested both timings and it leaves enough time that on hit you still get explosion (and on long delay they have no choice but to block) and at worst they just ate chip after foregoing their wake up options after an unbreakable combo lol
If they don’t delay and move forward the b1 combos into fireball and on block this leaves you at about -2 to -3. If they don’t delay and just walk back you can set up a puddle or throw a fireball. It’s easy to eyeball what they’re doing and proceed accordingly. Just putting this out there for everyone because I think it’s good to know this option and the spacing necessary for it. Plus I wanna see what kind of stuff everyone can come up with!