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Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Backtracking to the Sub talk, if I remember from testing it, Sub can't punish TKS with any sort of distance applied. Just responding to the one post saying Sub punishes all of Balanced specials.

Quick question regarding Balanced...isn't push with any range supposed to be less negative? That's weird that it would still be -15 even at max range. Unless specifically designed, most moves in the game with extensive active frames shouldn't do this.


Stay focused or get Caged
Does anyone know about/do they use being able to combo off a meaty ji4 in the corner?
Yeah, and also it's nice you can do it midscreen like this: if your ji4 hits the opponent while Kenshi is above the oppponent, but still has not changed the direction he faces, you will be able to connect a d1 into combo. I don't use it a lot though. You can also do this kind of ji4 into throw.

A video is better than a thousand words:

It's easier if you get to switch sides. But a d1 can also connect without changing positions.
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Dojo Trainee
Quick question regarding Balanced...isn't push with any range supposed to be less negative? That's weird that it would still be -15 even at max range. Unless specifically designed, most moves in the game with extensive active frames shouldn't do this.
Yes push is less negative from max range


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Yes push is less negative from max range
Okay, cool. Yeah, that should make max range push at -6. From half max range, it should be about -10. I swore I saw someone saying it's still punishable max range and found that weird.

Jack Burton

Yeah, and also it's nice you can do it midscreen like this: if your ji4 hits the opponent while Kenshi is above the oppponent, but still has not changed the direction he faces, you will be able to connect a d1 into combo. I don't use it a lot though. You can also do this kind of ji4 into throw.

A video is better than a thousand words:

It's easier if you get to switch sides. But a d1 can also connect without changing positions.
What makes this move really cool is if you think, while jumping, that you'll miss your jump in and land over the opponent and be trip punished you can do jump 4 and hit the opponent trying to attack since it hits behind Kenshi and he can punish just like in Ismael's vid. I've caught many opponents just like this.


Stay focused or get Caged
How much would it help Kenshi if F3 was 10f or 11f? He'd have an advancing mid as fast as Johnny's that also launches.
At this point everything can help. Kenshi's f3 has not a comparable range to Cage one, though.

What Reo suggested about F3 for Balanced is making it an overhead block. Although I personally would prefer his specials improved (which is more coherent with the spirit of the character), no doubt this change will make him a 50/50 beast up close.


kick kick
It's not a change that makes any sense, F32 is a safe hit confirmable string, if they give him that then Kenjutsu will automatically become obsolete and arguably his worst variation.
I think giving F3 the Jason B3 treatment would be the right thing to do, imagine if it had a longer hitbox and was made 10f, he'd be a force to be reckoned with in the neutral in all variations.


Stay focused or get Caged
It's not a change that makes any sense, F32 is a safe hit confirmable string, if they give him that then Kenjutsu will automatically become obsolete and arguably his worst variation.
I think giving F3 the Jason B3 treatment would be the right thing to do, imagine if it had a longer hitbox and was made 10f, he'd be a force to be reckoned with in the neutral in all variations.
Agree, I don't like either that much the f3 overhead idea. Kenjutsu is already the 50/50 variation, wouldn't be nice if it was invalidated by Balanced or Possessed as a variation.

Imo Kenjutsu has still some things to fix, has exdf1 not recapturing airbone opponents, or regular db4 being too unsafe.
About Possessed, f4 could be special cancelable, or at least safer.
And about Balanced, his multiple problems have been debated enough xD

Let's see what happens in the next (if it finally arrives) patch, but I doubt anything changes, the game is what it is. They will probably tone down a bit Mileena and Alien, and that's it.
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Stay focused or get Caged
Save Balanced Kenshi thread went to netherrealm. Let's hope the character has a better destiny than the thread if KP3 happens.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Pretty sure that's just a forum friendly of saying H E double hockey sticks (LL). Not sure how the mods take to that sort of thing.
No, you should know The Netherrealm is an MK reference :p It's the place where closed threads and bad threads go to dieeee


Bullet with your name on it
Stopped watching after 10 - 20 seconds in, like after 2nd blocked TF and b1 into RK. Like yeah... no.
I did the B1 into RK because i thought it will hit him due to my constint running grabs, so i thought that he will release his block and try to tech my third attempt for a grab.

He was Blocking TF because he was fearing the DB4 to hit him

TF is a good move if you mix it with DB4 .. DB4 only purpose is to force the opponent to stand block. hence enable to set the pace for TF

in the first match i was looking for my opponent weaknesses .. and his weakness is that he didn't fully understands the Balanced Kenshi match-up. Second, he can't react to my running grabs (( Even from Full-Screens )), The Tree Log in Dead Woods put him in a confused state and didn't know how adapt until it was to late.

in the set i wasn't playing seriously. and everyone in tournaments do less than their actual performance do to the high intensity of tournaments nerves.


Blind justice....
I did the B1 into RK because i thought it will hit him due to my constint running grabs, so i thought that he will release his block and try to tech my third attempt for a grab.

He was Blocking TF because he was fearing the DB4 to hit him

TF is a good move if you mix it with DB4 .. DB4 only purpose is to force the opponent to stand block. hence enable to set the pace for TF

in the first match i was looking for my opponent weaknesses .. and his weakness is that he didn't fully understands the Balanced Kenshi match-up. Second, he can't react to my running grabs (( Even from Full-Screens )), The Tree Log in Dead Woods put him in a confused state and didn't know how adapt until it was to late.

in the set i wasn't playing seriously. and everyone in tournaments do less than their actual performance do to the high intensity of tournaments nerves.
That's precisely why i stopped watching.

He didnt have a clue about Kenshi MU. Also there is no TF / OH Slice mix up. You just duck and then stand block or if your reactions are on point - its duck, run up on whiffed TF or just run up under OH slice coz its reactable and you wont be able to do TF after whiffed OH Slice before he gets on you.

There is no reason whatsoever to do b1 into RK, obviously risk/reward isn't in your favor in such a scenario. And playing Kenshi in an unsafe / risky mode imo is the easiest way to lose (obviously vs opponents who know Kenshi MU).

Anyway, i have nothing against you, just that set wasn't particularly good imo.