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Kabal Help


Hey all, I’m relatively new to the TYM community so be gentle with me.

I’m really digging Kabal as of current and was just wondering if any Kabal mains out there could share with me some bnbs, set ups, tips for pressuring, what variations to use, tech etc.


Yarrrr Matey
I use his clean cut variation. Off a raw nomad dash I 23 db3 (the restand), or db4( the one that switches sides). If the nomad dash hits an airborne opponent I f22 into either previous ender.

If you get a B12d2 krushing blow or whatever it’s called, or a D2, I do s23xx nomad dash, f22xx ender. Usually when I’m in close I do f224 or f22xx low grab, mixing it up every now and again with b12 and b1xx low grab. I also like to do db3 on block because it has ridiculous pushback despite being pretty negative, you can usually jump back and get an air glaive check against most characters. After knockdowns I do f3 a lot because it’s +6, lets you get a d4 or f2. If they delay wake up, I start doing meaty J3s as well.


I use his clean cut variation. Off a raw nomad dash I 23 db3 (the restand), or db4( the one that switches sides). If the nomad dash hits an airborne opponent I f22 into either previous ender.

If you get a B12d2 krushing blow or whatever it’s called, or a D2, I do s23xx nomad dash, f22xx ender. Usually when I’m in close I do f224 or f22xx low grab, mixing it up every now and again with b12 and b1xx low grab. I also like to do db3 on block because it has ridiculous pushback despite being pretty negative, you can usually jump back and get an air glaive check against most characters. After knockdowns I do f3 a lot because it’s +6, lets you get a d4 or f2. If they delay wake up, I start doing meaty J3s as well.
This is all very useful! Thank you.

Question, you don’t run the NDC? I’ve been tossing up as to whether I can justify the slot. Seen some gameplay and people seem to get a bit of mileage out of it. Just seems like an overrated conditioning tool imo.


Yarrrr Matey
I tried the dash cancels but couldn’t really find a use for it, I was reading on here that there aren’t any strings into it that are + so your best hope is just to catch someone off guard with it, doesn’t seem worth the slot. I think that the diagonal air glaive is a lot more useful than the straight air glaive too, due to the difficulty/inconsistencies that come with trying to instant air the straight one.


Salty Mashers Krew
I tried the dash cancels but couldn’t really find a use for it, I was reading on here that there aren’t any strings into it that are + so your best hope is just to catch someone off guard with it, doesn’t seem worth the slot. I think that the diagonal air glaive is a lot more useful than the straight air glaive too, due to the difficulty/inconsistencies that come with trying to instant air the straight one.
4NDC is +3 and f3NDC is +8. four or five other NDC strings are +1. I think it still remains to be seen how viable these strings will actually turn out to be.

I originally felt the same way about straight air saw vs. diagonal air saw, but the straight one at least travels full screen. You can input just before landing a backwards jump, which can be effective.


I use his clean cut variation. Off a raw nomad dash I 23 db3 (the restand), or db4( the one that switches sides). If the nomad dash hits an airborne opponent I f22 into either previous ender.

If you get a B12d2 krushing blow or whatever it’s called, or a D2, I do s23xx nomad dash, f22xx ender. Usually when I’m in close I do f224 or f22xx low grab, mixing it up every now and again with b12 and b1xx low grab. I also like to do db3 on block because it has ridiculous pushback despite being pretty negative, you can usually jump back and get an air glaive check against most characters. After knockdowns I do f3 a lot because it’s +6, lets you get a d4 or f2. If they delay wake up, I start doing meaty J3s as well.
I use too but realized that his low/oh 50/50 is pretty fuzzyable (7F difference) except after B1.
Not now when nobody prepared though lol. I rather use him as a footsies player so it does not really bothers me yet.


Salty Mashers Krew
Anyone notice how the inputs for amplified bf1 are very strict? Seems to be that way regardless of whether you have release check on or off. The only way I get it to work is to input b,f,1,r1 one after the other very fast


Anyone notice how the inputs for amplified bf1 are very strict? Seems to be that way regardless of whether you have release check on or off. The only way I get it to work is to input b,f,1,r1 one after the other very fast
Have noticed this as well. I’ve tried it with release check on and off. Still strict as hell.
Using s4 instead of f2,2 nets you a bit more dmg mid combo and as a combo starter. F3 does the most dmg but scales the most, so s4 is the best imo


You think you bad? You aint bad.
I’m having s problem. I watched a combo video and one guy was using Hook Grab out the air, yet i don’t have that aerial hook grab.
(Where he grabs em out the air and slams em for a combo)


I’m having s problem. I watched a combo video and one guy was using Hook Grab out the air, yet i don’t have that aerial hook grab.
(Where he grabs em out the air and slams em for a combo)
Using that hook grab isn’t 100% necessary. You can net a lot of damage relying on Kabal’s footsies and stagger pressure alone.

Try b12 while they’re blocking and walking back slightly and following up with another b12. Generally the walking back will tempt the opponent to break their block and you’ll catch them with the follow up b12.

Mixing this up with pokes, f22 and b2 makes for some good pressure. Throw a few low hook grabs in the mix to push them back to set up some zoning. Or even fully commit to his overhead string for a mixup every now and then once you’ve conditioned them to block your low hook grabs.

I feel as of current Kabal is more about conditioning opponents rather than crazy combo potential.