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Is it really worth competing...

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I've been having trouble motivating myself to get better at SCV. I went through severe bouts of frustration with the random tebagging fuckstains learning MK online (I'm unemployed and I need to get back into school) so when I continually make mistakes I become extremely critical with myself due to having no current outside fulfillment. Luckily for me, the same teabagging fuckstains play SCV too, and now I get to suck at that game as well and get to watch it EVERY ROUND. Yippie. Is it worth it? Well, that's dependent on you, do you have fulfillment outside of a largely pointless video game (unless you're the 1% like VSM who can make some money playing this)?

If not, then no, I would say that it is not worth the emotional investment dealing with lag tactics, shit talking online warriors and small dicked assbags. Unless you're extremely patient with yourself, in which case, I envy you. Offline is much more enjoyable, but that's also dependent on if you've got the finances and have the freedom to travel.

tl;dr Only if you enjoy it and/or can make money out of it.


Purple balls covering the screen
Actually, what time were you guys thinking of getting together Sunday? I work Sunday, but I get out around 7-8ish.
I'm not sure, we would have to work it out. I'm going to streetsweeps tonite, I'll find out what's up and let ya know (just realized this sunday is Easter wouldn't be coming till next sunday lol) but I'm almost positive he would be willing to grab ya up whenever, and rich volunteered too, so we got ya thtb.


Come On Die Young
Whackojack , i am usually in NY (i go to school here) but my home is in pittsburgh. feel free to hit me up this summer. i'm north of pittsburgh, wexford/gibsonia/cranberry if you know those areas.


Purple Belt in BJJ, White Belt in MK
Honestly, its worth it just because of how unbelieveable top level players are and how much amazing stuff you'll learn by watching them. I suppose you can always watch a stream, but its not the same if you're not around with people that understand the game that can give you tips on why certain characters do certain things, as well as give you tips on what you're doing wrong that you'll never figure out if it wasn't for someone telling you.


Noob Saibot is BACK!
Bad news, apparently my girlfriend decided without my knowledge that the day she's moving in is the 15th so I'll have to pass also :\