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Injustice Pals Random Discussion Thread V2


One of many Bat-Breakers.
Genetic disorders.
Oh god, now if it were something you could prevent that's one thing but... Anyways, my condolences.
And I realize that's not worth much, coming from a random person on the interwebs, on a side note, TYM seems to be derping again.


One of many Bat-Breakers.
Holy shit, it's finally happened, finally got all the unlocks form one of the ASB campaigns! WOOOO! Now time to work on the other one!


One of many Bat-Breakers.
Great, a few posts got merged/ removed again, time for my OCD to kick in and try to remember which. Yay!


Death's Trusty Side-Kick!
OK here goes... I'm not completely happy with the new Ares patch notes, but at least he has some of his weird combo wiffs fixed. As far as DLC goes I still want Swamp Thing and Static Shock!


Fabulous Goofball
This is a case of "MY PROBLEM'S WORSE THEN YOURS". Guess I should go bitch to everyone over how much my life sucks because one of my closest friends is terminally ill. :rolleyes:
I have an upset stomach, my problem is worse. :rolleyes:

But seriously, sorry to hear about your friend, I can only imagine how you're feeling. :(
I present to you guys, The Evil Within by Shinji Mikami.

Holy shit, playing GTAV and
Johnny Klebitz from GTAIV Lost and Damned makes an appearance and gets killed like nothing. :eek:


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
Mulder and anybody else who wants can chime in if they wanna. Here goes:

I have a real problem talking to people I don't know. This wasn't something I noticed until I started going to my local community college (not because I'm dumb, but because I'm poor as hell, just for the record) because my high school had all of 100 people in it. Now I've realized that I can't hardly talk to anybody who doesn't talk to me first, which is really sad for me because I'd like to make new friends and meet a girl or two but I just can't get over this kindof anxiety where I just feel like nobody likes me or cares what I'd have to say if I were to say anything. I get that it sounds cliche and whiny, but this is something I've been struggling with for a little while now so I thought I'd ask the nice people of the Random Discussion thread about it, and here I am. What do you guys think?
Just gonna give my personal two cents here.

You need to go out of your comfort zone. I know it's hard to do, but honestly it's what you need to do. The more you do it the more natural and easier it becomes. I never would have gotten the group of friends right now if I hadn't made the initiative to talk to them (I knew some of them from sharing classes together, learned they were gamers and started hanging out with them at lunch), and I am very thankful that I did so. A lot of people feel the same as you, remember, so there's plenty of people that feel the same anxiety about talking to you.

Another thing that helped me was working in retail. I was forced to talk to people everyday, in person and on the phone. It became easier over time, before I would respond to small talk with simple one-word answers but now I can carry conversations pretty well. I still avoid starting conversations with people I don't know most of the time, but that's more that I prefer keeping to myself and feel comfortable with my social skills now. If I need or want to talk to someone it's much easier for me than before, when I had the problem of even responding to someone that started talking to me.

You'll get there!
Bohemian Rhapsody is the fucking best. Today has been the first day in a long time that I've gotten good rest. I am alive.

i look forward to eating fried kool-aid today.