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Injustice - New Character Reveal to Drop on Monday


Scary Bat
Just look at characters like Nightwing and Spider-man. They do poses that are almost the exact same as some of these sexist female ones if not more sexual and no one bats an eyelash. Hell, Nightwing was raped by a woman and no one gave a shit.
I still think it's a bit different, although I've never heard about Nightwing being raped so I guess you learn something new everyday. I mean while Spider-man does do crazy poses and he is in a tight spandex suit it's usually as part of his fighting/swining/climbing on buildings, although I admit there are some that are there as eye-candy.

Also nearly every female super-hero is portrayed like this, whereas there are far fewer males it happens to. Although I will admit that Nightwing is basically drawn the same way as female superheroes, especially when he gets knocked out, he's always sprawled across the ground in the most ridiculous ways.

Btw that Avengers image is basically all the male Superheroes posed the way that Black Widow is posed in the original.


Burn in my Light
Someone should bring up how Wolverine went from badass barely 5ft hairy Canadian to Hugh Jackman, because I was never ok with that
Even the god damn Batman got raped, but when it comes to rape in comics it's always a cheap way to shock the readers anyway, without showing respect for the characters at all.

Except that there's a pretty big difference, see the whole 'super-guys are well muscled in spandex too' argument falls flat because the way male characters are portrayed in comics is more male fantasy than female fantasy. It's more how males wish they were than for women to drool over.

It's not like the male characters are drawn with fairer features in nothing but a banana hammock with a clear bulge.
Your picture is irrelevant and so are your comments.
Most of the comic book readers are men. If we're cliche right now, you could say that they're nerdy man, who are into superheroines and have some kind of fantasies.
Females who go out and buy comics are probably even more rare than fighting game players who will buy Injustice - if we compare it to the guys who buy comics with the casuals and comic book fans who will buy Injustice.

So obviously you want to do things to please the others.
And to the banana hammock ... man, even from a woman I wouldn't expect her to totally watch for that. Comics are not there to show you boobs, but to inspire your fantasy. And having Sentry (*love*) standing there with his PERFECT physique and his handsome face and overshadowing everyone else - that's probably more than enough for a person to think: "Wow".
And the same applies for female superheroines.


Neutral Skipper
...And I just found out that Ant-Man had sex with his dead friend's girlfriend on that dead friend's grave. ROFL. I actually have no words.
Nightwing got raped? Dafuq...?
Nightwing is actually a pretty dark character, if you think about it. The main reason why he is my number 2 favorite character after Red Hood, who is even darker, and being overall my number three after Sentry taking spot 1 and Red Hood spot 2.

In his old comics pre 52 Nightwing for example KILLED the Joker by beating him to death. Batman then brought the Joker back to life, saying that he wouldn't allow Nightwing to be on their level, which is very stupid and explains my hate for Batman, Joker and the overall Batman universe, with Red Hood and Nightwing being the only things coming from that crappy world.

However, Nightwing also turned away when a female vigilante killed Blockbuster, somewhat a mafia boss in Blüdhaven.
He was badly hurt and afterwards she took advantage of him and raped him, while he was helpless. She was kinda into him, so yeah.
Afterwards he spent some time with her, which was weird, but whatever.

And as already mentioned before, even Batman got raped, but it was a retcon.
At the beginning he freely had sex with Talia (for Damian) and later on it was retconned, when Bruce had a girlfriend or something, so they made it look like Talia drugged him and took advantage of him.


He got poisoned and was going into shock after accidentally killing a crimelord and an authors self insert decided to take some liberties on him while he was passing out.
You sure about that one? I thought that Tarantula actually killed Blockbuster, while Nightwing didn't intervene.
That's how I have it in mind.


...And I just found out that Ant-Man had sex with his dead friend's girlfriend on that dead friend's grave. ROFL. I actually have no words.
Do you mean Green Lantern or did I miss out on something with Hank Pym? Cause I do not remember him doing anything like that.

You sure about that one? I thought that Tarantula actually killed Blockbuster, while Nightwing didn't intervene.
That's how I have it in mind.
Dual effort. They both went in to stop him and he sorta let her kill him by not intervening. Then he goes into shock because he just realized he killed a man.


Scary Bat
Even the god damn Batman got raped, but when it comes to rape in comics it's always a cheap way to shock the readers anyway, without showing respect for the characters at all.

Your picture is irrelevant and so are your comments.
Most of the comic book readers are men. If we're cliche right now, you could say that they're nerdy man, who are into superheroines and have some kind of fantasies.
Females who go out and buy comics are probably even more rare than fighting game players who will buy Injustice - if we compare it to the guys who buy comics with the casuals and comic book fans who will buy Injustice.

So obviously you want to do things to please the others.
And to the banana hammock ... man, even from a woman I wouldn't expect her to totally watch for that. Comics are not there to show you boobs, but to inspire your fantasy. And having Sentry (*love*) standing there with his PERFECT physique and his handsome face and overshadowing everyone else - that's probably more than enough for a person to think: "Wow".
And the same applies for female superheroines.
Yeah I guess I see where you're coming from, the image was more just for fun. I wouldn't say my comments are irrelevant though, I mean that's a tad aggressive isn't it? I agree that comics are drawn with primarily a male audience in mind, and of course most of the male characters are drawn in an attractive manner. Also certainly not every woman woman is looking for the banana hammock type deal. There was a really good article/image I wanted to post about female artists drawing Batman the way they would want him portrayed and it would have better explained what I meant by it being more male fantasy than female fantasy.

Alas I cannot find the image. But yeah like I said of all male heroes Nightwing is drawn/written in the most ridiculous ways sometimes.



Oh OK, it says "almost". I just read that and posted it immediately because I was so surprised lmao.
Cracked isn't the best place for comic related stuff since they fudge the truth a bit but that bit with Ant-Man was on the money. That guy is Eric O'Grady who is pretty much douchebag supreme but I still love him.

Green Lantern got raped too?! Damn I gotta start reading comics more often
No but he did pretty much have sex with Guy Gardner's girlfriend after Guy was knocked into a coma and had his spirit sent to the phantom zone to be tortured. He could see it all too while he was in there. Then he got brain damage.


Scary Bat
Also slightly more on topic, despite the likelihood that it's Doomsday being announced I'm going to make the tiny suggestion that it might be Robin/Damian Wayne as he will be on the cover of an upcoming issue of the tie-in comic alongside a bunch of other playable characters.


Burn in my Light
Cracked isn't the best place for comic related stuff since they fudge the truth a bit but that bit with Ant-Man was on the money. That guy is Eric O'Grady who is pretty much douchebag supreme but I still love him.

No but he did pretty much have sex with Guy Gardner's girlfriend after Guy was knocked into a coma and had his spirit sent to the phantom zone to be tortured. He could see it all too while he was in there. Then he got brain damage.
Ha! Thats why Guy gets for being a dick


Ha! Thats why Guy gets for being a dick
Sad thing was that he was a special ed teacher and generally a cool guy before all this happened. Getting trapped in the phantom zone along with seeing all that shit gave him brain damage and that caused him to become dick supreme.


Scary Bat
Yo don't even joke like that
Heh, i'm not sure if I want it, I'm just saying:
  • He's on the cover with other characters.
  • They had the Robin logo on that cover from the collector's edition.
  • Oh god... what if they do Nightwing vs. Robin for Batlle Arena... *coughs blood*