Yes i can try some Cyborg skincan you do cyborg pls! like have his armor metallic black with powder blue acents like a bike from tron
Yes i can try some Cyborg skinWhat you mean by powder or which skin you wanted based on.
Default skin its primary skin, so it will have some bugs (skin select under different character, AI bug..), so i think reskin for Regime or Teen Titans could be better and without any bugs etc..his default skin, its my favorite. like his armor should be a black sleek texture like robo cop lol and thouch him off with a lil bit of powder blue
like this type of blue lol on certain parts but not as much as the black make it look kwel! !! booyah!
damDefault skin its primary skin, so it will have some bugs (skin select under different character, AI bug..), so i think reskin for Regime or Teen Titans could be better and without any bugs etc..
man i wish that it would workDefault skin its primary skin, so it will have some bugs (skin select under different character, AI bug..), so i think reskin for Regime or Teen Titans could be better and without any bugs etc..
dam poor cyborgJust2Swift: Man your request must wait little bit. I did not found any Regime model for XNALARA. Without XNALARA i must check every little texture change in game and it takes so much time specially on DMG textureI have contact on some model converter, so maybe he will help to make it faster. For now im workin' on NightLantern (Hal Grayson from alternative reality)
Its still beta so some details like logo and etc. will be changed.
You can change eyes color only with Color Picker utility. 2P color for costumes can be changed throught Color Picker too.So, I've been googling like crazy and scouring mksecrets for the answer to this, but to no avail.
How do I edit eye color? Specifically, CW's arkham city skin. I can't seem to find an eye in any of her .dds files.
Also, how would one edit the 2p color for the costumes, or would it just be easier to add a recolor as DLC?