This is all lie. Kabal and KL have been dominant from the beginning to the end, patch or not, new stuff or not, I'm saying it once again and THIS IS A FACT. He didn't take 3 months for michaelangelo to win everything with Kabal. And I won't talk about kunglao.spit on who's work? LMAO, the game has only been out for 2 MONTHS!!!!, does that ring a bell? I hope so. Narrow minded ppl are the ones who don't become as good as they can at a fighting game bcuz they limit themselves and only accept the minimum. First off, and I have evidence so I can make my argument sound way more legit, ppl thought they knew all about kabal. Then doctrinedark found out about things like the flash parry, and bang that was just one more thing to make him even more deadly. And in the case of a character ppl thought wouldn't be that good, when lao got the 2 4 low hat nerf, a lot of ppl thought that was it for him. Sure enough ppl found out his standing 2 1 was a very good string that had great reach and speed, they learned about the ex tele grab whiff to keep armor going for him, and they learned other ways to go about utilizing 2 4 when playing ppl. .
He didn't take a year to figure out Stryker was shitty because he has only high moves.
2 months is a lot for the nerdz we are. IGAU isn't our first fighting game experience so the kommunauty is growing very quickly.I'm agree with you at a certain point, the tier list won't change that much because someone find a crazy tech (quanchi rune traps didn't make quanchi top 5), however it changes because of patches.
dont bother, hes too emo about a character who has a combo that gets you 70% of the whole map.
How old are you ? I'm not trying to say I play a bottom or whatever dude I'm just saying that we know more about underused char than some people think.
And yes, Flash does 50% with 20sec trait + 1 meter, he does 22% meterless. what about BA ? Same shit, but his trait is shorter and have more uses, his meterless BnB does +30% and can do + 10% used with his short timing trait. WW does 40% meterless. What the fuck is your point ? If you just taking one peace from an entire metagame to clash someone, this is stupid, and I know you intelligent enough to know it. Thx for the troll.
Flash is midtier and we know why, some other just saying "oh well, in 5 years when we will figure out what he is up to he will be top 8 legit..." c'mon...
It didn't take ages to know how to win with aquaman, blackadam, green lantern, DS, batgirl (which is younger than Flash and lobo btw), superman. However, it takes longer to know how to win with Lobo, Flash, Harley, Bane. Guess why ?

Anyway MIT, Reo made several threads about lobo, he is explaining his point de vue aswell as the other, just have a look.