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Injustice - Boon tweets more "big" character reveals coming soon


Well-Known Gay Member
He's talking about Killzone who writes novels on here about how Comic book readers are vastly superior to non comic book readers and how their opinion should be the only one that means anything
I am talking about Teen Titans cartoon Starfire and Comic book character - in this case it's not elitism - it's because what i said earlier ^^ and i actually happen to like the new 52 Starfire :D
I am talking about Teen Titans cartoon Starfire and Comic book character - in this case it's not elitism - it's because what i said earlier ^^ and i actually happen to like the new 52 Starfire :D
I do not, and the comics that REDRUM posted are a perfect example why.


Well-Known Gay Member
ANYWAYS we should stop fighting about Starfire's spicey sex life and concentrate on who we think will be revealed NEXT :D


Sarif Industries: Private Security Officer
It's not elitism.

Let me ask you a question:
Do you think that knowing every single episode from the Teen Titans show and Raven being your favorite character from there justifies the fact that all of you run across these boards and bring Raven up in every single thread?

As I said it, this game is based on comic book characters. If WB / DC / NRS are smart, they're going to support the comic book characters and not animated shows.
Why? There is that funny webcomic somewhere above, where someone actually seems to believe that 2 million people watching the Teen Titans show is more worth than 100.000 people buying the comic book.

How much do these 2 million people pay for the entire show and how much do the 100.000 people pay for the comic books and all the other prior comic books and all the other comic books that will come afterwards? Huge difference in terms of money.
You can't justify that and you also shouldn't say that the 2 million people who watch the show still mean more money, because they're going to buy the game, because of Raven and Beast Boy who are "sooooooooooooooooooooo crash" in the show, since that would make you look stupid.
I'm curious but if the comic readers make them the most money and the non-comic readers (who only get their info from games/movies/cartoons) aren't as valuable, why do comic companies bother changing characters and mythos for the game/movie/cartoon versions of characters? Why not keep everything a 1:1 perfect representation of the comic version? Why the need to change things?

This always happens when some non-comic form of media comes out depicting comic characters. People complain about how certain aspects aren't true to the source material, or the choices don't reflect a certain characters' relevance (or lack of relevance) in the comics, but even so the comic companies keep making the changes anyway. So clearly there is some sort of significant gain it's bringing them if they are willing to disregard their oh-so-precious core comic fan's for the sake of appealing to new audiences with new forms of media.


Man of Tomorrow
I'm curious but if the comic readers make them the most money and the non-comic readers (who only get their info from games/movies/cartoons) aren't as valuable, why do comic companies bother changing characters and mythos for the game/movie/cartoon versions of characters? Why not keep everything a 1:1 perfect representation of the comic version? Why the need to change things?

To fit into whatever media it is: Comic Starfire does not work with the idea of the Teen Titans cartoon. Teen Titans cartoon Cyborg does not fit into Injustice. It goes on. It's about what they aim to do with that brand of media, however the animated movies (Justice League: Doom and the like) are geared towards both newcomers/casuals and comic readers so they take a ton from the comics for those.
I'm curious but if the comic readers make them the most money and the non-comic readers (who only get their info from games/movies/cartoons) aren't as valuable, why do comic companies bother changing characters and mythos for the game/movie/cartoon versions of characters? Why not keep everything a 1:1 perfect representation of the comic version? Why the need to change things?
They change things to mix it up.
Someone who already knows the comic will probably not invest money into the movie, if it's 1 to 1 (but there are some movies which are actually nearly 1 to 1 and mix it up just slightly like Under The Red Hood for example, or the Watchmen movie, but then again, the last one is Alan Moore stuff and one does not simply change Alan Moore stuff).

On the other hand it's even pretty damn hard to follow the regular comics as they are. Not even comics follow the regular comics as they are.
There are two canon universes in comic books (Marvel and DC obviously). In Marvel it's the universe 616, I think and for DC it's Earth ... something, I don't even know. The stuff that happens there is canon and changes the characters.
Stuff that happens somewhere else doesn't matter, so when people come up with different universes, where Raven for example is actually a pig with 19 tails - no one gives a fuck about it.

Same for animated shows. It's much easier to write stuff for characters who are vastly out of the continuinity, because then you don't have to take anything into consideration.
And as I already said it ... DC mostly concentrates on few particular characters. That has always been the case and it always will be the case. Having DC characters in animated shows just the way they're in the comics wouldn't be much fun for the viewers, because they're boring... Flash from JLU for example isn't really like that in the comics.

And the final point ... they always like to shift the animated shows more towards younglings to sell more toys and other merchadising goodies like that.
Having a rapist Deathstroke in an animated show wouldn't make that much sense, would it.


You. Are Not. Alone.
They change things to mix it up.
Someone who already knows the comic will probably not invest money into the movie, if it's 1 to 1 (but there are some movies which are actually nearly 1 to 1 and mix it up just slightly like Under The Red Hood for example, or the Watchmen movie, but then again, the last one is Alan Moore stuff and one does not simply change Alan Moore stuff).

On the other hand it's even pretty damn hard to follow the regular comics as they are. Not even comics follow the regular comics as they are.
There are two canon universes in comic books (Marvel and DC obviously). In Marvel it's the universe 616, I think and for DC it's Earth ... something, I don't even know. The stuff that happens there is canon and changes the characters.
Stuff that happens somewhere else doesn't matter, so when people come up with different universes, where Raven for example is actually a pig with 19 tails - no one gives a fuck about it.

Same for animated shows. It's much easier to write stuff for characters who are vastly out of the continuinity, because then you don't have to take anything into consideration.
And as I already said it ... DC mostly concentrates on few particular characters. That has always been the case and it always will be the case. Having DC characters in animated shows just the way they're in the comics wouldn't be much fun for the viewers, because they're boring... Flash from JLU for example isn't really like that in the comics.

And the final point ... they always like to shift the animated shows more towards younglings to sell more toys and other merchadising goodies like that.
Having a rapist Deathstroke in an animated show wouldn't make that much sense, would it.
Found a way to praise comics bash animated shows, hate on Raven, and bring up Red Hood, who else but Killzone
Congratulations, you can look at my userpage.

Also, evidence that you lust over Red Hood:
http://testyourmight.com/search/3932170/?q=Red Hood&o=date&c[user][0]=10995
If you want to respond to me, don't respond shit.


I'm here since September (even before, but this is my second account).
I posted 76 posts about Red Hood or something and you're here since the end of February and you've posted 20 posts about Raven.

Do the math.
And then take the "quality" of the posts into consideration.


Sarif Industries: Private Security Officer
To fit into whatever media it is: Comic Starfire does not work with the idea of the Teen Titans cartoon. Teen Titans cartoon Cyborg does not fit into Injustice. It goes on. It's about what they aim to do with that brand of media, however the animated movies (Justice League: Doom and the like) are geared towards both newcomers/casuals and comic readers so they take a ton from the comics for those.
Exactly. That is my point.

If Comic Starfire does not work with the idea of the Teen Titans cartoon, why not change the Teen Titan cartoon so it matches the comic characters it's supposed to be based on? Because core comic fans are not the end-all, be-all and appealing to new fans/audiences through new forms of media is a perfectly valid and understandable choice for companies to make.
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Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Somehow, all of these Injustice articles/topics always end up with you guys arguing about some random ass shit. It definitely keeps the thread alive, but damn, you guys sure like to have pointless arguments.


I am Michael J. Caboose and I HATE BABIES!
If you want to respond to me, don't respond shit.


I'm here since September (even before, but this is my second account).
I posted 76 posts about Red Hood or something and you're here since the end of February and you've posted 20 posts about Raven.

Do the math.
And then take the "quality" of the posts into consideration.
Consider that 7, technically 8, of my posts about Raven were only because Raven was in the quote. Plus, the quality of the posts is subjective. You can't argue that because this is not an argument based on opinion.