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Injustice - All characters will have unique lines of dialogue when entering "Clash"


Man of Tomorrow
If it's going to be a breaker, make it so the person who breaks already spends meter to initiate, the opponent can spend a bar to counter and they each take turns until someone doesn't want to spend anymore meter or they can't spend anymore meter.

This leaves them at a disadvantage from the very beginning.


Well there's damage only if the attacker still spends more meter than the defender, the neutral Clash is exactly how you described it and the the defender winning gives back health.

But I'd prefer your version still

And you already have to spend meter to initiate Clash


Play Monster Hunter!
Well there's damage only if the attacker still spends more meter than the defender, the neutral Clash is exactly how you described it and the the defender winning gives back health.

But I'd prefer your version still

And you already have to spend meter to initiate Clash
No in the new version it doesn't cost meter to initiate a clash anymore.

Kitana Prime

Top-tier at everything but the characters I choose
Not trying to be that guy....
But hasn't this been known since the game's announcement or close to it?

Anyway, if peeps have forgotten or didn't know....it's still cool.
We do need one character who's just gonna troll everybody in his/her clash lines
I think that each character has 1 or 2 in normal modes (Arcade, Multiplayer, 1 v 1, etc.) and multiple depending on the character in the story. From what ive gathered, these are the ones ive heard so far:

Harley Quinn: Trying to make me laugh? (Has said it to Flash and Superman)
The Flash: You won't know what hit you! (Said to Harley)
Nightwing: You are SO gonna regret this! (Said to Superman)
Catwoman: And the claws are out! (Said to unknown)
Solomon Grundy: Can't stop grundy! (Said to unknown)
Wonder Woman: For Themyscira! (Said to Batman)
Green Arrow: You're about to become a pin cushion! (To unknown)

What i think are story mode ones:

Deathstroke: Still wanna be a hero?
Solomon Grundy: Puny Arrows no hurt! (To Arrow)
Green Arrow: So i'll use the non puny ones.... (To Grundy)
Wonder Woman: Poseidon abandoned you! (To Aquaman)
Aquaman: Won't need his help here! (To Wonder Woman)
Superman: You lose Arthur! (To Aquaman)
Aquaman: Never to you Clark! (To Superman)

I bet im totally wrong on this but oh well


What a day. What a lovely day.
I still don't understand the clash system. What if the person you're clashing against doesn't have any meter, or not even close to the amount as your opponent? Would they just automatically lose and take the damage? :confused:


Well-Known Member
We are somewhat biased because we have as many breakers as our bars can build, but the flow of injustice could be different. Especially since almost every character has some mobility trait now. We don't know how common it will be to get a big, non-scaled combo.

What is unreasonable in MK9 might work in the flow of IGAU.

Phase 3

Feels Good Man
I think the information about the wager system in this thread is pretty outdated. I'll try to clarify.

After losing a round (ie, your first healthbar) you gain a wager, so you can only ever get one per match. This wager can be used to break a combo and the person breaking the combo may sacrifice their meter for health whereas the person getting their combo broken can sacrifice their meter for damage.

There are still plenty of things I'm fairly certain we do not know, like whether "meter : health gained" and "meter : damage" are the same proportions. Perhaps you heal more per meter spent than you can damage? We're also not sure if wagers can actually kill the opponent or if you can heal damage past your last health bar (as in healing back to your first bar).

Either way, because it's such a rare and powerful resource, this adds a lot of strategy to your decision making process in relation to using the wager. As it stands it seems like a pretty cool system, we just need to learn a couple more things about it.


This leaves them at a disadvantage from the very beginning.
How is that not fair though, you are breaking someone's combo to stop damage. Everything after that is nonsense. If you want to iterate on it, the elements that are part of that system should be fair, not a guessing game.


Man of Tomorrow
How is that not fair though, you are breaking someone's combo to stop damage. Everything after that is nonsense. If you want to iterate on it, the elements that are part of that system should be fair, not a guessing game.

It we're still wagering meter then the initiator will lose more often then not. Also, with the position resetting does the damage reset as well when the combo continues or do they stack the damage?


If I were to balance it personally, I would say the combo continues so the scaling would continue where it was, however the combo might not work due to just the position as the situation doesn't reset back to before the clash starts.

Example: You are in the middle of an air juggle when the Clash occurs, well if you win the trade, you would resume with the last attack you used however the opponent would be on the ground. Depending on the move, the combo might still end there since juggle properties on moves are different in a lot of fighting games when an opponent is hit in the air as opposed to when they are hit on the ground.

This opens up strategic thinking such as if you know the combo your opponent is going to do, this will allow you to end a combo no matter what by simply spending 1 meter. If the opponent doesn't know the weaknesses of their own combos, they might waste a meter to continue the combo and only get that 1 hit follow-up.

Personally I don't see why anybody would be for the current Clash as we know of it. It ends a combo for no meter cost, however if the person being broken wins they get a fixed amount of extra damage. If the person who starts the Clash wins, they heal a fixed amount. If they wager the same amount of meter they are both at a neutral position... I don't get how this is superior when it comes down to strategy? All it looks like to me is meter management luck.

If you think of the ramifications of this, simply look at how MK9 evolved. Nobody uses X-Rays in MK9 unless it's to kill basically. If you use X-Rays in any other situation, you're probably risking a lot and it's more times than not a mistake/bad play. You simply save up meter to be able to break and extra meter is there to burn on dealing damage or zone. You don't burn meter every opportunity you get.

With a system like Clash in IGAU, it punishes you further for spending meter to deal damage because if you spend meter and have less than the opponent, they can just Clash and heal themselves. Tell me why this is a good system.


bye felicia
With a system like Clash in IGAU, it punishes you further for spending meter to deal damage because if you spend meter and have less than the opponent, they can just Clash and heal themselves. Tell me why this is a good system.
So don't spend any meter. You don't have to bet.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Clash will be fine ;).
To be fair, you have the rosiest tinted glasses for this game here. In depth reviews of the clash system will likely make or break my decision to buy this game. And I'm not sorry at all - it sounds like an overly complicated for no reason idea and I think it will only interrupt the flow of the match, just like stage transitions.

Hopefully I'm wrong, because I'd like to rock the house with Nightwing. Prove me wrong, Injustice.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


bye felicia
it sounds like an overly complicated for no reason idea and I think it will only interrupt the flow of the match, just like stage transitions.
The reason is to put something in the game that has never been seen or done before. Just like stage interactions and every other innovation to fighting games since Karate Champ. Innovation is a necessity in game development now because boring games die and people lose their jobs.

As far as anyone can tell, the potentially broken elements of clash have been removed. Its basically a single use combo breaker with the potential for some health regain if and only if you somehow have more meter than the aggressor. This is far less effective as a comeback mechanic than Marvels XFC, Tekken's Rage, and SF4s ultras, all of which have no downside and get exponentially better the worse you are getting beat.

In its current definition, the only true downside of Clash is the time wasted watching it, which IMO is a bitter pill the dinosaurs just need to swallow. Its a hollow complaint used when no others are present, and despite being leveled at every fighter released in the past 5 years or so, no major or local the world over has ever had to book their venue out an extra day because we were too busy watching Ryu's O Face or Doom's Blender.


bye felicia
Was this latest clash system not in the latest demo builds showcased at various gaming events?
Hasn't been a new public build since Catwoman and GA. The publications got to see a semi updated one a month or so ago, but all they commented on was Story Mode.

Paulo told us about the updates to Clash during SCR or Apex stream I believe.
To be fair, you have the rosiest tinted glasses for this game here. In depth reviews of the clash system will likely make or break my decision to buy this game. And I'm not sorry at all - it sounds like an overly complicated for no reason idea and I think it will only interrupt the flow of the match, just like stage transitions.

Hopefully I'm wrong, because I'd like to rock the house with Nightwing. Prove me wrong, Injustice.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Or you could just, you know, NOT INITIATE CLASH. Not that hard bud. Same with the stage transitions.
To be fair, you have the rosiest tinted glasses for this game here. In depth reviews of the clash system will likely make or break my decision to buy this game. And I'm not sorry at all - it sounds like an overly complicated for no reason idea and I think it will only interrupt the flow of the match, just like stage transitions.

Hopefully I'm wrong, because I'd like to rock the house with Nightwing. Prove me wrong, Injustice.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Just wait until it releases, you'll be surprised.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
trufenix Shadowknight1 Sorry to hit a nerve - I'm not saying the game is shit, relax. All I'm saying is the stage transitions and Clash system interrupt the flow of the game because they last a long time...or at the very least, they appear to last a long time. The Breaker in MK9 works very well, quirks and all, because it's simple, static (not variable like the Clash in terms of how much meter is spent) and quick.

Or you could just, you know, NOT INITIATE CLASH. Not that hard bud. Same with the stage transitions.
So you can stop the opponent from initiating Clash and stage transitions as well? You kind of missed the point here..."bud" ;) :p

Karried I hope so :)