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Injustice 2 Patch Notes - December Update


  • Brainiac - Fixed a bug where Cybernetic Charge was always keeping opponents on the same side, which could prevent it from being able to be jumped over or slide under

Also, funny use of the words "slide under". What's the correct grammar here? Prevent it from being slide under? That doesn't sound right. Slid under? Slided? Slode?

The correct grammar is WHAT. Not "wut". You're welcome.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
The correct grammar is WHAT. Not "wut". You're welcome.
Actually that's a spelling error, not a grammatical one. Get wrecked kid :DOGE

And for the record I do think Brainiac got nerfed, I just over reacted at first and thought it was worse then it really was. He has less combo potential and a worse wakeup.