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If you could remove 1 THING out of MK9, What would it be?

cyrax and smoke resets/ inputbug/player 1 advantage/block stun, cage should not be able to do some things he does now and some things go unpunished because of blockstun), also low hitboxes are fine except for mileena and sektor's hitboxes those are too small, they can't be smaller than jax/kitana/johnny cage/lao type of hitbox, thats just too inconsistent. meter drain is stupid as well. pokes should not work the way they work now, d1's go unpunished while they should and people dont get blown up if they do not respect your poke on hit, the poke system doesnt work properly for some reason. for example if a poke is -15 and low hat is -12 how come smoke can ''machine gun'' you with d1's on block while you can't machine gun d1 after low hat on block which is just -12.
Konqrr - And the other 9/10 times its happening to me.

For all players - You can get around the input bug by holding the change stance button. For example:

-When sheeva does a telestomp, 10/10 times i get the input bug when trying to d2.
-If i hold the change stance button, 10/10 times i will get the uppercut to come out.

I've already shown Tony T this in person.

Hope this helps some of you with reaction times like mine, who are held back because the game doesn't allow us to play to our speed, or our ability to punish (cough blockstun).

Surprised no one said Kabal yet...:confused:
kabal would be fine after some small nerfs and even now some characters handle kabal just fine.

imo nerfs should be:

- standing 2 dash cancel on high hitbox characters.
- saw blade doesnt trade and overhead hook swords needs to be more disadvantage not enough to be punished though, people should at least get a blockstring on a blocked saw or hook sword.
- nerf meter building slightly on dash cancel, like 20% less
- you need to get hit by two airborne gas blasts for kabal to be able to connect the nomad dash, this means the kabal player needs to be on point with his execution.

with this kabal would still be nr1 and he would not wreck the whole cast like he does now. a lot of 7-3's would be 6-4's and some characters might go even with him now.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Konqrr - And the other 9/10 times its happening to me.

For all players - You can get around the input bug by holding the change stance button. For example:

-When sheeva does a telestomp, 10/10 times i get the input bug when trying to d2.
-If i hold the change stance button, 10/10 times i will get the uppercut to come out.

I've already shown Tony T this in person.

Hope this helps some of you with reaction times like mine, who are held back because the game doesn't allow us to play to our speed, or our ability to punish (cough blockstun).

wouldn't removing blockstun in effect... remove input bug? Aren't they probably tied together?


The Bat in the Hat
Input bug. Really there are a lot of things that should be removed; safe/ plus on block armor, 6 frame projectiles that lead to combos and have no recovery, guaranteed resets, etc. But I think we can all agree the input bug is the most annoying thing about this entire game.